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The establishment of the Morot Lincoln-Tel Aharon neighborhood in Haifa: a meeting of residents and professionals - preparing for the struggle ► Watch

(haipo) - Estate residents and environmental activists gathered yesterday (Sunday 25/8/24) to hear about the new plan to establish the Morot Lincoln-Tel Aharon neighborhood and to decide on their action steps. The meeting revealed the challenges and difficulties presented by the opponents of the plan, including damage to the environment and wadis, cutting down trees, drainage and flooding problems, as well as the frustration of dealing with the authorities regarding the promotion of the plan.

As a reminder, in 2013 a plan was submitted for the construction of the neighborhood, which included over 3,000 units. A number of significant deficiencies were discovered in the plan, so the district committee rejected it. In 2015, the committee approved part of the plan, the part of the Freud slopes, and the other two parts of the plan were not approved. The municipality Tried to re-plan the two parts of the neighborhood that were not approved.

4 years later, some of the private landowners filed a petition against the municipality, demanding that the plan be promoted. According to the municipality, fewer units are included in the plan compared to the original plan, and therefore it is not economic (that is, nuclear). The local committee accepted the comments and decided not to promote the plan. At the same time, the court hearing the petition decided that the municipality is obligated to set a schedule for handling the plan.

**A complex history of the Lincoln Hills-Tel Aharon plan

Although the municipality continued to promote the plan, in 2023 the private landowners filed another petition against the municipality. The petition was rejected, but the court ruled that the municipality must submit the plan by April 2024. The municipality met the demand and submitted a plan to build approximately 2,800 units to the district committee. At the beginning of August, the plan was presented to the local planning and construction committee, but no vote was held on it. In order to allow the participants to learn its details before making the decision, on 5/9/24 the municipality decided to hold a meeting regarding the plan, led by the deputy mayor and chairman of the sub-committee for planning and construction, Sharit Golan Steinberg, in preparation for the discussion in the district committee.

"Freud (Weinchel) road will be built on both sides"

The environmental activist Benny Eitan presented the plan to those present at the conference, although most of them knew the plan ahead of time, they were surprised when they saw before their eyes how much of the mountain area would become the new neighborhood.

Eitan explained that not all of the area will be built, but that part of it will remain green. The plan also includes several new roads, which should serve the residents of the neighborhood and the residents of the estate.

In the end, Eitan said, Freud Road (whose lower part is called and winch and not Freud) will be built on both sides, on one side the Neot Peres B neighborhood and on the other side the Lincoln-Tel Aharon hills. He further stated that in order to build the neighborhood, it will be necessary to carve up the mountain, where at the deepest point the quarrying will reach 20 m, and it is expected that it will be difficult to get all the trucks out of the neighborhood. In addition, he noted that according to the plan, about 3,300 trees will be cut down.

The Lincoln Tel Aharon plan is presented to the residents (Photo: Michal Grover

The question arose regarding the number of housing units in relation to the general area of ​​the neighborhood, in light of the claim that there is no proportion between the number of units and the area of ​​the neighborhood, which would result in extensive destruction of the mountain for a medium amount of units. One of the participants claimed that surely in the future they will build more units since there will be space left to allow this.

Eitan also added that the deputy mayor, Sharit Golan Steinberg, is working to open the current planning to residents' comments in order to allow them to point out failures and make comments. Regarding the plan, this is alongside the fact that the district committee has professionals who can make changes on their own accord.

"The argument that the municipality is obligated to promote the program is not true"

Afterwards, Attorney Assaf Ben Levy from the Society for the Protection of Nature spoke and argued that although the municipality's claim is that it is working to promote the establishment of the neighborhood, this is in accordance with its legal obligation, the truth is that this is not the case. "Two petitions were submitted by the landowners against the municipality. Right now the municipality is behind schedule when the explanation it provides for the delay is the war. According to Ben Levy, the thing that really scares the municipality is that failure to meet the deadlines could expose it to private lawsuits by the landowners. According to the municipality, this is a total claim amount of NIS 300 million."

"We need as many people as possible for the struggle" - Ben Levy at the conference • Watch

(Photo: Michal Grover - Hai Pa-TV)

Ben Levy explained that if the municipality claimed that it was a good plan, that is one thing. According to him, he accompanies neighborhoods from Majdal Shams to Eilat as part of his activity in the nature protection company and there has never been a situation where the court forced a city to build a neighborhood it was not interested in. Ben Levy added and talked about possible lawsuits: "You can't take a threat of 300 million and build a neighborhood and shave the mountain for it. Claims can be managed. The municipality can make a decision not to continue promoting the neighborhood, because after all the neighborhood is an initiative of the municipality."

Adv. Assaf Ben Levy (Photo: Michal Grover)
Adv. Assaf Ben Levy (Photo: Michal Grover)

Ben Levy continued: "The municipality does not deny the traffic problems and the damage to the landscape that will be caused to the residents of an estate. Examples of such struggles exist, such as what happened with the Carmel Beach towers. Out of 6 towers, two towers were built and the municipality stood on its hind legs in its opposition to building the towers, even after it lost In the end, the municipality tried to negotiate with the owner of the land, in order not to establish a plan, the municipality buys the land from the private owners (for example, Givat Irosim in Rishon Lezion).

Ben Levy said that for the purpose of the struggle, as many professionals as possible are needed to write opinions. "We need as many people as possible for the struggle, everyone can help, according to their will and ability to invest, this is in addition to the fact that collecting funds should be considered."

"The program is problematic and does not provide answers to critical issues"

The landscape architect and former forest planner at KKL-Junk, Hana Yuffa, warns of serious problems in the new plan, which in her opinion requires a more in-depth examination before its implementation. Yuffa, who was involved in a previous plan in 2011, mentioned that at that time two major issues were raised in the environmental impact review: Amount The massive quarrying in the mountain, which turns the whole area into a quarry, and the issue of drainage, which could cause serious flooding downhill. are repeated in the current program.

Edr. Hanof Hana Yofa: "Many difficult aspects in the program" • Watch

(Photo: Michal Grover - Hai Pa-TV)

Heavy concern about the impact of construction on the drainage system

One of the main concerns raised by Yufa is regarding the scope of the expected earthworks, which, according to her, she did not receive a clear answer from the city engineer, Ariel Wetterman, regarding the scope. "If we're talking about a volume of 200,000 cubic meters, you can understand how many vehicles it takes to take the dirt," she explained, adding: "The impact of construction on the drainage system is a serious concern.

Yufa further warned that due to the sealing of the ground, flooding may occur on the slopes of the mountain, when the water tries to penetrate the open areas. Yaffe pointed out in my ears that the construction of dams in the wadis to dampen the flow of water, as proposed in the plan, is particularly problematic: "It is not optimally planned. The wadis are a central part of the city. There is a lack of understanding of the meaning of this."

In addition, she addressed another critical issue that worries the residents of Harofeh Street: the planned road from the youth hostel through Harofeh Street to Smolenskin Street. Yufa pointed out that the road in the plan looks huge, but without clear dimensions, which raises many questions about its purpose and purpose. If the road is intended to be an exit to a closed neighborhood, she said, it should not be two-way. "There will be a big fight for this," she warned. The plan to build an escalator in Tel Aharon, on which an entire neighborhood is planned, raises questions, according to her. "The program is immature and has things that have not been tested."

"This will be the end of the wadis"

"This is a big issue that the decision about which will affect all the other plans in the city" said Yufa, "it is a significant and heavy public issue", she said and emphasized that when a new neighborhood is built, the existing neighborhood will not receive renewal and restoration. "Are we missing white elephants in Haifa?" question. "Now we need to think about diverting manpower to the rehabilitation of the north and not about promoting this neighborhood. Development costs will not fall on the people but on the municipality."

About the drainage plan, Yufa said that it would greatly harm Nahal Azov. "There is no reference to what will happen if the water overflows. There is nothing natural about the drainage plan. There is a picture that shows what will be in the wadis. I can't trust it, it will be the end of the wadis. I asked to meet with the planners, but it didn't happen. The drainage planners work separately from the architects. In the program there is a picture of elderly people on bicycles, but where are they riding? In the whole neighborhood there is one flat road.'

The damage to the wadis and the public struggle

One of the prominent topics discussed at the meeting was the topic about which Dibra spoke eloquently and concerns many residents of Haifa - the expected damage to the wadis. The plan, which is against the municipal policy to strengthen the wadis as an urban green skeleton, causes concern among the participants. The possibility of damage to Nahal Azov and the contradiction between this plan and the master plan for the wadi in Haifa are issues that require broad public attention.

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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15 תגובות

  1. They underestimate the inhabitants, they underestimate nature.
    Come and bring a plan for the evacuation of a large building in the Hadar HaCarmel neighborhood, Neve Paz, Shprincek and more.
    As a child, I lived on Shafaram Street, in a four-story building without an elevator, without an elevator, without parking, without a warehouse. It is possible and necessary to promote a plan for immediate building evacuation.
    Look at what is happening in the Kiryat Yuval neighborhood in Jerusalem. Sixty-year-old houses are being cleared and rebuilt.
    It is true that not everything is gold, but there is nothing to be done, we have to move towards the future.
    Good news for everyone

  2. This is one of the worst jokes of the failed urban planning institution. An engineer who specialized in trains was added to the professional team of the project instead of a high level building engineer.
    Over the years, the municipality has demonstrated an abysmal disregard for the engineering field, all urban construction is managed by lawyers who lack education and minimal understanding in the field of construction - the TMA 38 method applied in the city is a classic example of violations of the law that are committed under the guidance of municipal lawyers who are supposed to maintain the purity of morals.
    This whole project is not applicable, neither planning nor performance!! An engineering pitfall that will cost the residents dearly and cause irreparable destruction.
    This project has one issue - donkey burial.

  3. What nonsense.. they are building in Tel Aviv and Toronto and Dubai.. cities are developing.. only in Haifa do they care about the valleys.. who needs the valleys and a million trees? People don't live on the trees..we need roads and houses.

  4. It is impossible for them to hide the view from the residents of Harofeh Street who invested a lot of money on the house just because of the view

    • you are wrong No construction is planned along the entire length of Harofeh Street, but only in the sections that were defined from the beginning as green areas where construction is prohibited. The neighbors who live across the street have had enough years of watching the open landscape and it's time to stop it.

  5. The correct construction is according to the route of the mountain and with more low buildings. They won't build a terrace because it's expensive and the contractors don't want to lose 200000 cubic meters of quarry material for free. Haifa is finished, in another 10 years Wadi Lotem and Shih will also start to be destroyed by construction, and within a generation this city will be lost forever. Formless, Mount Carmel will be destroyed for good, there is no nature, no wadis, only huge steps of concrete, a tremendous load of souls per square meter, neighborhoods 15 minutes away and crowded people and boxes that never left the house anymore. My heart is torn. How much evil there is in man.

    • Low and small buildings will require more roads and hence the cost of the development works that the municipality has to finance. Since the bankrupt wants to spend as little as possible there is no programming for your offer.

  6. Build and build, if we are objects of life, Haifa must be built, and all those who put sticks in the wheels of the city's promotion, as you know, are harming the city and its residents.

  7. We should understand what is planned - huge quarries. The Morod Verdia quarry that destroyed Nahal Even will be dwarfed. 4 times quarrying. Retaining walls of 30, 40 meters. This plan is a reflection of the destruction of eastern slopes by dense and massive construction and the importation of this ugliness to the valleys that are Haifa's property. Wadi Azov will be totally destroyed.
    3000 units is 6,000 additional vehicles down Freud, which is already loaded with huge traffic jams in the mornings and evenings. And requires the construction of a terrible interchange in Freud at a cost of a quarter of a billion shekels - from your property tax.
    Harofeh road after Tama38 is barely passable today. Crowded and narrow, and hundreds more apartments continue to be built in Tama38, meaning thousands more vehicles. This neighborhood will try to go to the Horev intersection with thousands of other vehicle leaves per day.
    This neighborhood is a gloomy gray in the eyes.

  8. If there is damage to the wadis, then where is the response of the deputy mayor on salary for wadi matters Avihu Han?

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