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Unusual natural phenomena in the sea of ​​Haifa

(haipo) - In the modern era, unusual natural phenomena have become a main topic of conversation, with the heavy heat of summer, the intense floods, and the behavior of the sea being only part of the wider picture of global environmental changes. Gloomy forecasts point to a future that does not leave us indifferent, and these changes are already being felt on the ground.

Akla volcano - Iceland (photo: Moti Mendelsohn)
Akla Volcano - Iceland (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

The severe heat wave and its effect on the environment

The heat this summer is breaking records, and its effects are evident in every area - from the beaches to the reservoirs. The intense heat causes the expansion of the material and the collapse of roads, a phenomenon that results from the expansion of the material under heat stress. In addition, the effects of severe heat are also evident in the sea, where the water temperature is particularly high, which leads to the killing of fish, bringing them to the surface of the water to breathe, and the well-known phenomenon of "mouths above the water".

Fish die from the heat of the water (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Fish die from the heat of the water (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

Outbreak of floods and damage to buildings

Intense floods from which different regions around the world suffer, are becoming a more common phenomenon. Also, urban sinkholes, which are caused by the collapse of infrastructure due to heat and floods, undermine the stability of roads and buildings. These effects reflect the coping of urban systems with the new challenges posed by nature.

Unusual floods (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Unusual floods (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Nahal Khimar flood (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Nahal Khimar flood (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
Unusual flood Khorsh Yoni - Nahal Hattzon (Photo: Motti Mendelson)
Unusual flood Khorsh Yoni - Nahal Hattzon (photo: Motti Mendelson)

Sea warming and its consequences

One of the biggest challenges is the warming of the sea. The continuous melting of the glaciers causes the sea level to rise, a phenomenon that does not always receive the attention it deserves in the media. The sea, which covers about 72% of the earth's surface, is experiencing clear changes, and in particular the Mediterranean beaches in Israel, such as the Horse Beach in Acre and Dado Beach, are experiencing a different behavior than in the past, with an increase in the water level.

The lines of the drop in the Dead Sea level (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
A terrace that was discovered as a result of the drop in the water level, with signs of summer and winter stratification on it (Photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

The effect of high temperatures on marine life

The high heat also damages marine organisms. Fish and corals, which are faced with high water temperatures, show clear signs of stress such as the "bleaching" phenomenon - the whitening of the corals and their death. The water temperatures in the breeding ponds also rise, which leads to a decrease in oxygen and the death of fish.

Measuring temperatures near the casino where there was cold fish mortality (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Measuring temperatures near the casino where there was cold fish mortality (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

The influence of weather conditions on the distribution of invasive species

Changes in temperatures and weather also affect the distribution of invasive species. Fish, plants and other marine animals migrate to new sources that they find more suitable. This spread affects the local ecosystem and the diversity of species.

A glacier in the process of melting - Iceland (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)
A glacier in the process of melting - Iceland (photo: Motti Mendelsohn)

Future predictions and changing reality

Forecasts for the future speak of prolonged heat waves, intense floods, and extremely cold or warm winters. But although these predictions sound disturbing, it must be remembered that nature is not an exact science. As happened in the past with predictions about the drying up of the Dead Sea or the outbreak of jellyfish in the summer, predictions do not always come true as we see.

Dead Sea Deep Sinkhole (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Dead Sea Deep Sinkhole (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

hopes for the future

One of the encouraging aspects is an improvement on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the condition of the Sea of ​​Galilee, which seems to be filling up again. A chance to open dams in the spring if there are rainy winters brings hope for an improvement in the reservoirs and the ability to deal with the unusual phenomena.

Algae bloom - underwater photography (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
Algae bloom - underwater photography (photo: Motty Mendelsohn)


While the unusual natural phenomena pose a great challenge to the human race, they also offer an opportunity to understand the dynamics of the environment and develop innovative solutions. Adapting to the new situation, checking the forecasts, and taking the right action can help deal with the changes and minimize their negative impact on the environment and society.

A huge crashing wave (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)
A huge crashing wave (Photo: Motty Mendelsohn)

contact: At watsapBy email

Motty Mendelssohn
Motty Mendelssohn
Marine researcher (diving, underwater photography) and marine and environmental ecology for 35 years. Lecturer in the field for about 20 years. You can order a lecture, or a series of lectures accompanied by unique and spectacular photos, taken during many years of research, in Israel and abroad, ecological tours within Israel and tours of the Dead Sea sinkholes • 050-7271157 • [email protected]

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90 תגובות

  1. Thanks Moti for sharing the magic.
    Crazy photos, I feel there.
    Humanity is good at destroying and not at fixing.
    The marine creatures are so dangerous, man has hurt and will always hurt.
    Our loss and it's good that you share before that too.

  2. Amazing article! I really wish there would be an adjustment to the new situation and the forecast so that we can minimize negative effects just like she wrote in the article! By the way, the picture of the fish is amazing! Hopefully the activity will improve soon and that this will prevent more fish from dying from the heat of the water

  3. Agree with the comments regarding the title.
    But there was no onslaught of ads until I got to the article itself
    And this is really an unusual natural phenomenon, especially today in the period of global warming of the advertisers and the advertisements that will burn together with the Gyphilta Fish.

  4. Very interesting article. But maybe the learned man will explain to me what the whole article has to do with the title of the article!! Haifa and the phenomena of the sea are not mentioned even in one word! So what is the essence of the title? Trigger to enter the article??

    • Hello Daniel
      The algae bloom, the dead fish, and the cold that kills the unwanted invaders in the casino in Bat Galim... see the photo of the measurement.
      Also the photos on the algae are all in Haifa.
      Thank you very much.
      Shabbat Shalom .

    • How right you are. They tweet about us or give a title without connection and without pictures, or there are plenty of pictures without saying where they are from

  5. Very interesting..quite scary because of a lot of question marks and exclamation marks....a question, what will the coming winter look like? Is it necessary to prepare for emergency situations in terms of floods, amount of precipitation and so on... and if there is an abnormal forecast for the winter temperature?

    • Hello Ron
      Unfortunately, even meteorologists find it difficult to predict what kind of winter we will have.
      It is true that the climate is changing, but it is global.
      And the situation here in Israel is excellent, I'm simply showing things that are less accessible to many citizens.
      There is nothing to fear and continue reading about nature.
      And as we know nature has been a little unpredictable in recent years... with nature you can live in peace.
      Shabbat Shalom and thank you very much.

  6. You still don't see God's hand in everything. Everything is still given a narrow "scientific" explanation that is temporary and absolute until the next "scientific" theory. The signs and clues are visible at every corner. wake up

    • Wake up, you probably didn't study core studies or you are taking strong substances. There is no such thing imaginary friend.

  7. Come on, seaweed is a food we would love to incorporate into the menu. Adaptation to exist is simply necessary.

    • Hi Oren.
      very true.
      I have been eating seaweed for a long time.
      At the end of the day, as they say...we will rely a lot on food from the sea...and we are already working on it today.
      Thank you very much and Shabbat Shalom.

    • Hello Ken.
      you are right
      I measure the temperature on many beaches and in almost all seasons, and this year is a little more unusual... and it's not fun to be at sea.
      Thank you and Shabbat Shalom.

  8. The world is bustling and noisy, there are places with deserts that would actually benefit from the abundant water, and yes, in low-lying areas the problems are devastating, I don't think there is anything to be done about it, these are natural phenomena that plague us frequently, so let's hope that everything will pass quietly, with fewer casualties.

    • Hello Shimon
      There is no such thing as nature, and in Israel they are blessed in the desert, in the snow, and in the Dead Sea, which is a unique phenomenon in the world, and there are also natural phenomena that are not under control.
      Compared to other places in the world we are in a good place.
      Shabbat Shalom

  9. One of the phenomena that is already happening is this. Slowing down the AMOC current. Its stopping means freezing from England north and temperatures above 50 degrees in the southern hemisphere

    • Hi Amnon
      There are lots of strange and fascinating things.

      Shabbat Shalom to you.

  10. Dear Moti,
    An article was recently published by futurists dealing with the issue of the gradual increase in the temperature in Israel. According to them, in about (40) years the heat level in Israel will not allow human life here. We retirees will no longer be here, but the situation of our children and/or grandchildren will be either very bleak or An unbearable and unsolvable rule.
    your opinion?

    • Hello dear Chinese.
      I'm not a meteorologist.
      But forecasts change, a small example...this is a statistic that is not always accurate, they say a rainy winter...and the winter was not rainy, they said that the summer will be full of jellyfish, I thought like many that no and luckily I was right.
      So I think the forecast is too gloomy.
      Shabbat Shalom my dear.

    • not only the great heat,
      Even the much higher humidity will make life very difficult, at the same time too dry,

      Israel is inside the wide red line on the face of the earth, where today's children will no longer be able to live, very soon.
      And instead of planting a lot of trees and greenery, expanding the green strip, to maintain a better climate, instead of planning cities and building innovative ones, supports summer cooling through construction and wise planting, as is already done in Europe, cooling cities on Teva Islands,
      They do exactly the opposite in Israel,
      more and more green areas are taken down,
      If you plant, then you plant for beauty, too expensive, at the expense of all nature, instead of local varieties that benefit all the essential insects, for example.
      No need to reinvent the wheel.
      can be studied around the world,
      How can you improve with relatively small efforts, a lot...

      We need to take care of the country's prosperity again, like 100 years ago,
      We have a lot of work to do.
      So that the places where we live will continue to be self-sufficient and equal to nature, so that it will be much more pleasant for all of us and in the future for our children.

      There is a lot to do, and thick trees also take decades to grow, instead entire plantations and nature are taken down, for concrete...
      Residential construction can also be planned much better in combination with nature.

      There is a need for a lot of urban and political investment in the right places, so that we can return to living in better climatic well-being, and with it will come all other areas of well-being, economic, and quality of life...

      Agriculture also needs to re-calculate routes like Perma Kaltzer, mixing many species together that thrive next to each other.

  11. It's interesting that the Sea of ​​Galilee protested and continues to fill up, while instead of lowering water rates, they actually increase and even more interesting that they let us drink desalinated sea water instead of opening the national carrier that carries water of the Sea of ​​Galilee... Malicious government whores for generations!

  12. I wonder why the writer does not bring up the subject of "El Nino" and the connection between it and the phenomena mentioned in the article...

    • Hello Chaim.
      I did not refer to El Niño because it has less to do with Israel.

    • Hello Ronit
      Theoretically you are right.
      But nature has a wonderful response mechanism.
      Who said there won't be long-term volcanic eruptions, and the temperature will drop, which will slow down the melting of the glaciers?
      So there are constant changes and predictions that are not always so accurate.

    • Peace is meant
      You are absolutely right.
      It's just what happens
      Shabbat Shalom

  13. The beach 🧿 There is no one who guards the sea for us. you know Those who love the sea, in Kiryat know that the beaches are destroyed and that the sea floods the coast. 🧿 In Kiryat Haim we retreated by at least 20 meters in the last two years, we built a new Sukkah Mitzil 5 meters behind the old Sukkah. which was all in the water, so whoever ignores gives his hand to the destruction of our beach and sea, and no one stood up. Let's not talk about the dirt that comes out of the sea every day. The sea spews out garbage of gifts and sticks and boxes that kill the sea animals.

    • Hello Susanna
      To cheer your spirit, the waters of the Kiryat are as clean as they haven't been in thirty years.
      And the nylons and garbage are something that can be overcome, the most important thing is the quality of the water.
      Shabbat Shalom.

    • It's more than 2 degrees and it increases year by year and it's all in the language of the results. As an older woman, I have been saying for years that "nature" has gone crazy.. For me, onions that bloom once a year bloom twice... for example

    • Asher two degrees will not kill fish in the open sea, but in waters with a shallow water column and in bays it will kill.
      The first to be harmed are the they are bad for the environment anyway.
      Shabbat Shalom

    • Hello Ricky
      The answer is yes.
      Humans are their own worst enemies.
      for example.
      Cutting down trees, drying up the sea, overpaving roads, building on mountain slopes.
      And there are examples that I will provide in the following articles in the series.
      Shabbat Shalom.

    • Hello dear Zaki.
      This is the reality and there is nothing to be afraid of.
      In Israel, at least in my field, we only have good things.
      Shabbat Shalom

  14. The Dead Sea, everything is money, I don't care what happens if the world is destroyed. Leftist people who don't care about the agenda.

    • Only fools bring in politics. What is left-handed?? God, blessed be He, examines the kidneys and the heart, and will save us from all the oppressors of Israel who rose up against us for our brides, and the word leftists in such an article shows your IQ

    • What's the deal with leftists?! The time has not yet come for you to stop sweeping accusations, that all the evil is the fault of the left. that

    • The right-wing has ruled here in Israel almost continuously since 1977. About 47 years.
      Bibi has been in Israeli politics for about 20 years
      It's time to stop sticking political views on the left.
      and look at what is happening in the country with open eyes. of a citizen Not right and left, but what is really happening in the country and how it is run.

  15. Fascinating article
    Impressive and interesting
    What amazing pictures!!!
    Thanks for the very informative sharing
    And there is much more to learn from you
    well done

    • Thank you very much Galit
      The main thing is that there should only be good in Israel.
      Shabbat Shalom Eve

  16. To Moti, thank you very much for the interesting article. Straight power. How lucky we are that you are from Haifa. 🇮🇱

  17. The air conditioners cool the person and warm the nature. The world has an hourglass and there is someone who adjusts the clock.

  18. Sinkholes in the cities are caused by blockages in the urban drainage or sewage system that are not sealed and with cracks and non-standard connections in the tunnels and in the drainage ditches and sewers.

    The Dead Sea swallows because of over-pumping of the Dead Sea, not because of heat at all.
    The summer temperature in the Temhav Valley reached 54 degrees Celsius.
    There were rains and floods all over the world, including in the Land of Israel.
    In recent years, the authorities ignored ancient streams and tributaries and built roads and dams on them without considering the natural drainage.
    Floods are also caused by man-made forest fires.

  19. The asphalt on the roads cracked and broke, preventing extreme cold from penetrating the cracks and separating layers. The asphalt wears out, hindering traffic load and overloaded trucks.
    The water of the Mediterranean always reached 28 degrees Celsius.
    Algae washed ashore in storms.
    This article is very inaccurate and without scientific measurements.
    Not serious at all.

  20. The high water temperature is no longer pleasant and refreshing. I was at the Pacific Coast today and I didn't enjoy it.

    • Hello Jacob
      It's true, it's really not pleasant to be in the sea. In three weeks, as always, the water temperature will drop.
      Shabbat Shalom

    • Hello Dr. Reality
      Check the scientific records in the last 150 years and see how much it has risen.
      And with today's technology it is easiest to measure sea level rise.

  21. As always an instructive and fascinating article. By the way, one of the reasons for the drop in the level of the Dead Sea is the multitude of factories that simply "kill" the Dead Sea and the criminal neglect of governments for generations

    • Hello Neely.
      There is already some kind of supervision over the factories
      But apart from that, a few rainy years with many floods will raise the level.
      We are not told anything...but there was a case where after many floods the level rose.
      Personally...I'm quite optimistic.
      Shabbat Shalom

  22. The lying in the Dead Sea does not belong
    To the drop of the level!
    The lamellas, the name of the thin layers, belong to the changing of the seasons. A bright lie-down to the setting summer dust. The dark layer belongs to river silt that has sunk

  23. Dear Moti. Thank you very much for a fascinating article with a lot of food for thought. It's lucky that you also highlighted in the article all the reasons for hope that there is Baz in the area despite the disturbing warming phenomenon and everything you described.
    Very interesting! Very lucky to have you. To have someone who can be trusted to update in real time and truthfully for better or for worse, but with great reliability and professionalism!!

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