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"The road will endanger lives, damage nature and burden the neighborhood" • Residents against the Haifa Municipality plan

(haipo) - In recent years, the municipality of Haifa has been promoting the construction of roads that will allow additional exits from the neighborhoods in prisons in the city (neighborhoods with only one exit). Among the roads to be paved, the municipality announced its intention to open to traffic a road from the Savioni Dania neighborhood (Orland Street) to the Ramat Alon neighborhood, which will be another exit from the Savioni Dania neighborhood, from which there is currently only one exit.

The planned route passes, most of it as a whole, in the Ramat Alon forest. Today the road is partly paved, while the other part has not yet been broken. The actual need for an additional exit road arose as part of the lessons learned from the fire that occurred in Haifa in November 2016, in which the need for a double exit for emergencies became clear, in which many residents would be required to evacuate as quickly as possible. In addition, the road should provide an answer to the daily traffic loads encountered by the residents of the neighborhood. In the last year there was an attempt to budget for the construction of the road and to finish its design, but in practice, things have not yet been carried out.

Neighborhood activist Tomer Shalan (photo: Lives here in the field)
Neighborhood activist Tomer Shalev (photo: Lives here in the field)

The damage to the urban nature found in Sabioni Dania must be reduced

The environmental and social activist, Tomer Shalu, believes that if it is decided to pave a western exit to the Savioni Dania neighborhood, the damage to the urban nature should be minimized as much as possible, and the road should be planned in order to provide a more correct and accurate response from a transportation point of view. After examining, according to him, the planned road and the alternatives that were examined by the director of engineering in the municipality and were rejected, he found an alternative route which, in his opinion, better serves the interests of the residents of the two neighborhoods, and also prevents serious damage to the forest.

"Savioni Dania is a 'balloon neighborhood,'" says Shalu, "it has one exit and one entrance. It is a large neighborhood with 1,200 units, and during rush hours traffic jams form there. The lessons learned from the fire in Carmel and the need for evacuation and the demand of the fire department and other security agencies to have a double exit to the neighborhood require the construction of a road from Sabioni Dania. In addition, the neighborhood has extensive construction plans that are expected to increase the neighborhood by 50%, that is, from 1,200 units to 1,800 units. There are areas in the neighborhood that are statutorily approved for construction, and hence there is a real need for another exit from the neighborhood.

The municipality must open another exit to the planned neighborhood, instead of creating a continuum with the Ramat Alon neighborhood. The existing and statutorily approved plan is for a winding and relatively long road between the two neighborhoods. The construction of the road in this area will be a violation of the urban nature, and a serious damage to the natural and special forest that exists there.

In recent years, we have developed hiking trails in the forest that are a source of recreation for many of the city's residents, such as the 'Magic Tree Trail', and it is a shame that these properties will be damaged by the construction. What's more, the proposed solution is bad from a transportation point of view, since the traffic from Sabioni Dania will reach the commercial center of the Ramat Alon neighborhood by a long and winding road, which may create traffic jams that will not benefit the residents of both neighborhoods.

I understand the urgent need of the Haifa municipality to find a balm for the residents, but suggest to stop and think, especially when there is a much better alternative on the table."

The planned path between the neighborhoods (credit: Haifa Municipality)
The planned path between the neighborhoods of Savioni Dania and Ramat Alon (credit: Haifa Municipality)

"There is a much better solution"

"When we arrived with the 'Carmel Public Forum' for a meeting with the municipality on the issue, they presented us with the alternatives we had examined, and claimed that the move from the Ramat Alon neighborhood was the best. Although I understood the municipality's rationale for the matter, I insisted that a better solution must be found, and after analyzing the area I found a solution which was hidden 'under the nose' and has not yet been tested by the engineering manager. To my surprise, this solution met the needs of all parties in an optimal way. I propose to connect Sabioni Dania via Orland Street directly to the marked intersection on Viareh Biram (the entrance to Agoz Street). This is a breakthrough about 100 m long at the edge of the forest.

This exit will allow the residents of Savoni Dania to leave the neighborhood directly to the main road, without getting into Ramat Alon's traffic jams. This solution benefits the residents of the two neighborhoods, Ramat Alon and Sabion Dania, and prevents serious damage to the forest. The road will be only about 100 meters long, compared to 400 meters in the original plan, which also includes significant quarrying in the mountain, along 300 meters, in order to compensate for the topography of a 45 percent slope on the descent from the mountain."

"I discussed the matter with the deputy mayor, Sharit Golan Steinberg, and even sent her a presentation and visualization of the plan. She promised that the proposal would be forwarded to the director of engineering for examination. The residents of Ramat Alon are unanimous in their opposition to the opening of an access road that passes through their neighborhood. The residents of Savoni Dania are divided due to different approaches to the issue Expanding the neighborhood and turning roads that are now dead ends into access and exit roads to the neighborhood.

I am on the board of the Carmel Public Forum, and the forum has adopted my proposal and is promoting it. I also receive support from 'Movement Israel'. We are asking the municipality to examine my proposal by professional parties and see if it is better than the existing plan."

"This road will endanger lives"

Shush Ringel, a resident of Ramat Alon and a social and environmental activist: "We did a tour of the area to show how much the mountain could be damaged if the road they are planning to build is paved - the road is supposed to start from Orland Street in Sabioni Dania and pass through the neighborhood from Yigal Alon Street. The road is supposed to enter the neighborhood exactly at the point where the kindergartens are located , near a high school and a middle school, and a Yavneh school."

"You also have to take into account," Ringel says, "that students come to high school and high school ("Alliance") mainly from outside the neighborhood, in private cars and public transportation. In addition, at the main entrance of the neighborhood is an Alon school, a shopping center, and two nursing homes. In the mornings and afternoons there is also a serious problem with getting in and out of the neighborhood, when parents bring and collect their children. There will be a danger to life here because of the road from Sabioni Dania. In addition, there will be a serious risk for the elderly who live in the old people's homes.

The Ramat Alon road is a narrow road that will become a freeway. The residents of the neighborhood strongly oppose this road. One must also take into account the planned new construction in Savoni Dania, which will also affect traffic in Ramat Alon. We cannot afford additional traffic within the neighborhood."

Limor Shush and Tomer on tour (photo: private album)
Limor, Shush and Tomer on tour (photo: private album)

Checking the possibility of promoting the alternative road route

The head of the Israel Movement headquarters in Haifa, Limor Oren, explains that the activity around the road is exactly the type of activity that the movement works to help promote: "I initiated a tour with Shush Ringel and Tomer. The topic interests us because these are residents who are working to promote something that is important to them. We plan to meet with them this week , in order to check the ways in which we can help".

contact: At watsapBy email

Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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30 תגובות

  1. The neighborhood did not have to be built at all. She destroyed a green space that should have remained that way. The continuation of the road will prove that the municipality has no sensitivity to nature. Only sensitivity to the property taxes that the residents of this neighborhood pay.

  2. We need to create a road for all A numbers on Einstein Street that have to go only up and connect it to a new road in Ramat Almogi which is adjacent to the street and is suitable for houses with the letter A added to their numbers.

  3. There is in Ramat Alon on the road in question near the Carrefour supermarket.. quite a narrow road.. a "Yavna" division and high school, an Alliance supermarket and a commercial warehouse.. children's backs.. an old people's home.. and also an Alon school below and two more compulsory kindergartens.. a few Is it possible to load on one narrow neighborhood road? And destroy a beautiful forest...? Tomer Shalov's solution..excellent..listen to Tomer instead of attacking......if they open a road they will destroy the Ramat Alon neighborhood forever..a cry for generations...irreversible...

  4. It is enough to destroy the face of the city with construction and paving.
    Tourists who came to us years ago, were as upset as I was by all the changes!!

  5. are you crazy Why not give solutions by tunnels? Why destroy so much forest? The proposed solution will destroy the entire mountain east of the Biram road!

  6. It is important to build housing for young couples in the hill near schools and kindergartens. Build 300-400 apartments there for rent for 20 years with an option for another 20 years. This will affect any aging animal.

  7. More roads are being developed in Haifa for the benefit of the residents!! Beautiful gardens!
    And with us in West Kiryat Haim, only dirt and filth and flies and waste!! Gardens and untrimmed trees

  8. There is no choice, we must open more ways to ease traffic congestion, this is an important need from a security point of view.

  9. All construction, paving, expansion harms nature. Humanity expands, nature shrinks. On Mars we will try to change the habit.

  10. That they quickly find another way to escape in times of danger is more important than all the egos and power games of the various parties. Let's get to work!

  11. The thought that such a road would pass there near the kindergarten complex and the already busy square this morning would be a real danger to the children and a very heavy load when leaving the neighborhood also near a high school.
    Tomer's plan is perfect because it goes directly to the main road in Yaram.

  12. His Tomer is right. In the 1746 plan, the road proposed to be paved by the municipality of Haifa was approved, intended to serve, among other things, a huge public site which will be located in the middle between the two neighborhoods. It is unthinkable to pave a road next to a public building site. The residents of Haifa must get used to walking only or bringing their children to school on mountain bikes. It is certainly possible to pave the short road that he offers, of course, in addition to the road that was originally approved.

  13. Precisely this "alternative route" will require the destruction of the forested hill around Orland Street and will damage the little green landscape that the towers have in front of Ramat Alon on the way to Yaram.

  14. Information containers are really interesting, all this is happening at our house and I am in the reserves and am not aware of all the amazing things you are doing

  15. Boris, regarding your response:
    "The alternative route that you see in the picture is not a road, it's a slide. It's hard for me to imagine how a car would drive on such a steep slope."

    You are simply wrong. Open a topographic map and check the height differences between the road in Sabioni Dania (Orland) and the Biram-Agoz intersection. Divide the distance by the height difference and you will get a perfectly reasonable slope of 9%. Take into account that between the two points there is currently a hill that must be lowered, or alternatively make a very short tunnel.
    Now compare the slope of the 9% in my proposal to the slope that exists in the area where the municipality plans to carry out. You will get an unusable slope of about 45%, unless they shave the mountain for 300 meters, which will create serious damage to the forest and the landscape, and will cost a lot of money.

  16. Excellent idea. Gives a life-saving solution. There is enough forest around. And a vestibule for animals can be dug under the road. Like Route 6

  17. No problem, all the neighborhoods that don't want connecting roads to their neighborhood will pay for the neighborhoods they pass through: Derech Hayam and Freud.

  18. Residents of the neighborhoods oppose any road that is necessary to make in order to avoid danger to life. There will always be excuses. There is no choice and we must do it. Already wasted, a lot of time in vain. What are you waiting for? For the next fire? For the next war?

  19. The alternative route you see in the picture is not a road, it's a slide. It's hard for me to imagine how a car would move on such a steep slope. Maybe a more winding road could be paved instead, but that would mean throwing more asphalt and destroying the greenery. There is actually an urban advantage to connecting the neighborhood with Ramot Alon, to pave next to the road at the proposal of the municipality a bicycle path and a safety sidewalk. The speed can be moderated by various methods including narrowing the width of the road.

  20. There will be another road, you won't be able to prevent it.
    You also knew that it exists and that the plans for the continuation of Ramat Alon Darom are approved and awaiting construction. All this was known to everyone who lived in Ramat Alon.
    The roads are no more or less dangerous than any other road between two small neighborhoods. Most residents of Ramat Dania will leave Oskar Schindler in the direction of Neskh, the university and the descent routes to the coastal road
    The claims in the article are unfounded.
    This is one of the few areas where it is essential to have an additional road and it will also serve as a building for hundreds of young families who want to enjoy the proximity to educational institutions in the aging Ramat Alon. Long-term rental projects for young families should be built on the hill.

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