(haipo) - The 11-year-old, who was seriously injured in the head, surprised everyone when she regained consciousness last night (Tuesday).
Maimonides delivered to Lai Pa:
The 11-year-old girl, who was the worst injured from the incident of the missile falling in Majdal Shams, with a very severe head injury, improved quickly which surprised even the doctors - she regained full consciousness yesterday (Tuesday 13/8/24) and is now classified as moderately injured.
Haipa Marai, the girl's mother, Kai Marai, said:
"It is still very difficult for me to relate to the terrible event. Besides the very serious injury of my daughter, Kai, I am also a teacher at the school in Majdal Shams, teaching in a class where many children were killed in the disaster and many more children were injured. I thank the medical team that saved my daughter's life, that she has a long recovery ahead of her, and thanks all the citizens of Israel who supported and helped and prayed for the children's recovery."
◄ The doctors treating the girl and the others hospitalized from the incident are updating • video
The girl, as mentioned, was hit by shrapnel in her head and was operated on the night of the hit by Prof. Muni Banifla, director of the pediatric neurosurgery unit, for many hours. She will remain hospitalized for several more days at Ruth Children's Hospital in Rambam.
A 12-year-old boy who was also injured in the incident is still hospitalized at "Ruth" Children's Hospital - his condition is minor and he is expected to be released home in the next few days.
What fun to read the news.
Speedy recovery to all the injured
at the event.
Wonderful and happy news. A speedy recovery and a full recovery for the girl, and kudos to the doctors.
Only good for everyone!