The salvation union said:
The medical teams of the Rescue Union provided first aid to a scooter rider (about 20 years old) who was moderately to seriously injured in an accident on Jerusalem Avenue in Kiryat Yam.
Meir Ilon, Shimon Ben David and Moshe Dov Cohen medics of the Rescue Union reported:
"After the initial aid we gave him at the scene, he was referred to the hospital for further treatment in moderate to serious condition. This is an accident involving a scooter and a private car. Two young women (in their 20s) were also treated at the scene in a minor condition."
MDA informed Lahi Pa:
At 20:21 p.m. a report was received at MDA's 101 hotline in the Carmel area about a motorcyclist who was hit by a vehicle on Jerusalem Avenue in Kiryat Yam. MDA medics and paramedics are providing medical treatment and referring a 25-year-old man in moderate condition to Rambam Hospital.

The scooter riders are seen on the streets crawling between the cars, committing extensive traffic violations, talking on cell phones and texting while riding with one hand and while winding down the road to get a few more seconds. No wonder they are hit like flies. Something is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark.
This is what happens when the messengers riot on the roads
The blame here lies with Volt Israel itself. She forces her messengers to behave like this. This company should be shut down immediately.
These Volt drivers drive like crazy on roads, sidewalks, crosswalks and public parks.
A scourge that I think must be addressed.