Second sighting of a seal in Haifa within a week!
Only four days after a seal was seen in the Bat Galim area of Haifa, this morning a kayaker spotted the head of a seal peeking out of the water for two seconds, about 30 meters from the Bat Galim beach. Dr. Mia Elser of Delphi, who leads the project to return the seals to Israel, spoke with him and verified the details.
In Delphis, the public is called to keep their eyes open, and is reminded of the instructions in the event of an encounter with a seal (or any other marine mammal):
- First of all keep your distance! This is a wild animal, and it should not be disturbed.
- Take pictures (from a distance and without using flash). It is advisable to shoot both in stills and in video.
- Report to Delphis at tel. 050-3225227 or on the website or to the Nature and Parks Authority at hotline *3639.
- If the seal is on the beach, keep curious people and dogs away from the place (tie them on a leash), keep quiet and do not point flashlights at the animal.
- Thank you for the opportunity to be part of a rare and exciting event.