(haipo) - Dr. Elin Spector, CEO of the "Nizan" Haifa association, the association that made a revolution in Israel, led and established the first housing of its kind in the country and whose main mission is to bring about a perceptual change in society towards people with disabilities and to integrate them into society and the community, in a special interview with Live Fa-TV, in which She tells about the activities of the association and its importance, and no less important, about her personal experience as a mother of a child with special needs.
"The importance of living together, side by side"
The Nitzan Haifa Association was established 40 years ago, as part of the national Nitzan Association. One of its goals is to lead a change in the social perception towards people with disabilities and integrate them into general society and the community. "In the association we believe in the importance of living together, side by side, and we work very hard to make that happen."
Dr. Spector says: "It is neither simple nor easy, but part of the goal is to create a society that sees the other. In the end, everything is based on familiarity, education, perception and the ability to break the barriers. Only in this way can we see that we are all equal human beings, with the right to live within our community."
What services does the association offer? How does it work? What is emphasized in it and what are its achievements?
Watch the full interview with Dr. Elin Spector, a social psychologist who works a lot to promote education in the periphery and has served as the CEO of Nitzan Haifa for the past year and a half.
Special education and the multitude of non-profit organizations that have sprung up to take shares of the huge budgets - this is already an entire industry. And part of it already comes at the expense of nurturing and promoting "normal" children who are pushed aside because parents with special needs have association committees and a militant lobby.
This is how, for example, in many schools the children in regular education do not learn but do not harm the special education.
Sorry, normal kids are not equal? If you want to live together, you cannot demand unlimited budgets for special education at the expense of the rest of the population.
3 assistants in a class of 8 children - wonderful until you realize that this comes at the expense of a budget intended to reduce classes with 35-40 children in regular education. And that's really wrong.