(Hai Fe) - Carmel Castle announced that it will collect a fine of 730 from the residents who do not clean up their dog's excrement.
In recent weeks (July 2024), increased enforcement is being carried out against the phenomenon, which was defined by the municipality's management as an urban target. In this framework, the teams of the Inspection and Enforcement Division as well as the teams of the Public Safety Division carry out proactive actions and operations alongside the ongoing enforcement, during which they visit the public parks throughout the hours of the day and in accordance with resident inquiries received at the municipal center.
Along with the supervision and enforcement actions, the municipality launched a campaign against the phenomenon of not collecting dog excrement in the public space - an offense for which, according to the municipal bylaw, the fine is 730 NIS.
It should be noted that cable owners who do not collect their dog's excrement from the public space, are not only breaking the law but also creating an aesthetic and sanitary hazard, which emits a bad smell and endangers public health. Dog feces can cause slippage, as well as the reproduction of parasites, worms and dangerous bacteria, which can cause diseases in humans or animals.
As mentioned, dog owners are obliged to collect their dog's excrement and dispose of it in the garbage bin, when it is packed in a bag. To this end, the SFA Division will increase the number of positions where you can take bags for the collection of excrement free of charge, and in addition to this, SFA inspectors will distribute kits for the collection of excrement to the residents. It should also be emphasized that when walking with the dog, it is recommended to tie it on a leash, in order to prevent it from eating feces, grass, insects or anything else that could harm its health.
Mayor, Dodo Cohen:
The phenomenon of not collecting dog excrement is a sanitary hazard that harms the quality of life of all the city's residents. As part of increased information and enforcement, the inspectors work throughout the day as well as at unusual hours, in order to eradicate the phenomenon in the public space. The supervision will continue to respond at all times, with an emphasis on offenses of this type, but let us not forget - this is the personal responsibility of each and every resident of the city. Please, be sure to collect the dog's excrement, and avoid unnecessary refuse.