Number of drownings at Meridian Beach in the stormy sea - 16/7/24 - preliminary

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Number of drownings at Meridian Beach in the stormy sea - 16/7/24 - preliminary

(haipo) - At this time (16/7/24, 20:00) a number of drowning people are being rescued from the stormy sea at Meridian Beach in Haifa. The event is still in progress. MDA are in the area with increased forces. Police forces are working on the scene from the sea and the beach. Several rescuers are on the beach and on their way to the hospitals in the city.
Details later on.

Stormy Sea - 16/7/24 (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Several drowned at Meridian Beach in the stormy sea - 16.7.24 (Photo: Eli Pinto - Kora Hai Pa)
A number of drownings at Meridian Beach in the stormy sea - 16.7.24 (Photo: Eli Pinto - Reader Live Here)

Testimonies of people who were on the beach:

Lahi Fe learned from people who were on the beach that two children were swept to the depths by the sweeping current. A number of graduates who entered in an attempt to save them drowned from exhaustion.
Two surfers arrived with surfboards and were looking for the children. The Coast Guard also joined the searchers at sunset, but as of this time the children have not yet been located and searches are underway for them.
As mentioned, the information is preliminary and later we will provide more details.

At 20:55 a police helicopter arrived and joined the search:

A police helicopter scans the beach in search of drownings in Haifa - 16/7/24 (Photo: Yaron Karmi)

The police informed Lahi Pa - the news corporation:

Following inquiries from reporters, we will update that the police station received a message in the evening from a citizen that two children were seen entering the water at Meridian Beach in Haifa and did not come out and that he feared for their lives.

A police helicopter was launched into the air and began searches alongside the coastal marine police who joined the search with the police boats. In addition, Haifa police officers searched the beach along its length.

Up to this time (16/7/24, 22:45 p.m.) the police had not received a notification about missing children. The scans were stopped due to darkness at this point and will be resumed at first light.

Evacuation for the MDA ambulance - a number of drownings at Meridian beach in the stormy sea - 16.7.24 (photo: Eli Pinto - reader lives here)
Evacuation for the MDA ambulance - a number of drowning at Meridian beach in the stormy sea - 16.7.24 (photo: Eli Pinto - Kora Hai here)

MDA informed Lahi Pa:

Two victims were evacuated from Meridian Beach to Rambam Hospital in Haifa. Their condition is described as light.
(Editor's note: This is the evacuation of the people who jumped to save the children, drowned themselves and were the first to be rescued from the scene)

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052–2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

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6 תגובות

  1. Why take the risk and enter the water after the lifeguards leave????
    The beach looks safe to Mar because of a breakwater, but as soon as you get close to its end, it starts drifting into the sea.

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