Number of drownings at Meridian Beach in the stormy sea - 16/7/24 - preliminary

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"The situation cannot continue, the traffic jams here do not make sense" • The residents of the neighborhood in Haifa are desperate for a solution

(haipo) - Articles about the plight of the residents and drivers in the Ahuza neighborhood due to severe traffic congestion that repeats themselves in the area have been published in Hai Pa many times, with residents reporting that the situation has become so unbearable and the waiting times in traffic jams have reached new highs that cannot be tolerated anymore.

In the narrow and crowded streets in the neighborhood, especially those near Carmel Hospital - Lincoln, Harofeh, Ranak, Smolenskin, etc., drivers found themselves stuck in their cars for long hours, late for meetings, work, summer camps, or any other matter they had planned, and worse As a result - when they are locked in their place without any possibility of escape, something that, beyond being nerve-wracking, could easily become a real danger in the event of an emergency.

Traffic in the area is of course also affected by the congestion at the Horev intersection and Moriah intersection, which only worsens the situation, which is also intolerable.

There is nowhere to run

Also yesterday morning (Monday 15/7/24) it happened. Smolensk Street became one huge traffic jam. First of all, it is a very narrow and crowded street, so if it is congested, there is nowhere to escape.

One of the drivers who spent a long time in a traffic jam told in despair:
"The situation can't continue like this. We're late for work and the security situation doesn't help either. Just the thought that something will happen while we're stuck in a traffic jam like this, without any ability to escape, puts mental pressure on us and it's even more annoying. We have to find a solution and make order so that the traffic here flows."

In light of the recurrence of these cases, system haipo She turned to the Haifa municipality in order to check what are the causes of the heavy traffic jams, which take the residents out of their peace, and what can be done to improve the situation.

Haifa Municipality gave a response to Haifa:

"In the complex of streets in question, extensive infrastructure works are being carried out, which include, among other things, municipal works to improve the drainage system that have been completed and no longer constitute a disturbance, noisy pruning works which are carried out in accordance with police approvals during the hours when the disturbance to traffic and the residents of the area is as little as possible (between 08:30 in the morning and 15:00).
In addition, construction works are being carried out in this complex by a private entrepreneur that do not cause noise and therefore the works will be carried out from now on, at the request of the municipality, during the night hours.
In the meantime, the traffic in the area is managed through the urban traffic management center whose operators are aware of the issue and do as much as they can to regulate and ease traffic congestion within the limits of the existing transportation infrastructure in the area."

Contact Chai here: At watsapBy email

Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Samar Odeh - Carantinji
Journalist in the team of correspondents of the Chai Pe site • Municipal reporter, crimes, environment and health Contact Samar by email: [email protected]

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14 תגובות

  1. The Minister of the Interior demanded that the local committee deal with the difficult transportation problems in the document renewing and extending the local committee's certification as an 'independent committee' from July 30.7.2023, 15.7.2024 - "Strengthening the overall view on the issue of public transport and walkability instead of vehicle-oriented planning" - what is the local committee and the municipality of Haifa doing - Exactly the opposite - they approve projects with catastrophic and dangerous road gradients that produce severe damage to accessibility and dependence on private vehicles - for example, the discussion of July 334, 453 in which, according to the article in Calvo - they approved an application for a building permit for 'Ofer Towers' - 4.12.2023 units - while creating a catastrophic gradient on the road and creating difficult accessibility hazards and a dangerous road, for example, the decision to approve a building permit for the Parshkovsky company - 10732 units - in the complex next to the Ofer Towers (the local committee's decision of XNUMX and its subsequent approval by the appeals committee which is expected and seen as a 'rubber stamp' for the deeds of the local committee and the municipality of Haifa ) - in block XNUMX - east of XNUMXth HaSportaiim Street - east of the built-up Neat Peres neighborhood - illusory and unnecessary and unacceptable failures of arrival that are expected to severely damage the built-up Neat Peres neighborhood and the entire area - and the detail here is only on the tip of the fork.

  2. There are correct transportation solutions - walkability, excellent accessibility, connections of traffic axes from the Carmel ridge to the west and towards the southwest - bike deliveries at a moderate slope on the Carmel ridge - these things were proposed by me already in 2015 in a consolidated form after an opinion before that - the conditions have not yet matured for examining my proposals ( Despite the decision of the district committee from December 2017 - they are constantly dealing with scams related to those close to the plate - even when creating new inaccessible transportation hazards - the effect of which will cause a total blockade of the city - and what is described in the article will be interpreted as a transportation 'heaven' compared to what is going to happen here later.

  3. The idea behind the abandonment of transportation solutions is that the worse a creator is, the better it will be in the end (for those who trust the handling of the matter). It's simple, the worse it gets, the more billions of NIS they will be able to receive from the Ministry of Transportation (in the Gush Dan they say 150 billion NIS) in order to provide a solution - and a significant part of those billions will end up in the right pockets - and no less important - the billions that will be poured in will not provide the The right solution - the problem will basically remain - in order to further inflate the state's liabilities, mainly for the purpose of providing money to those who need it.

  4. The state of traffic congestion and traffic jams is excellent - compared to what is expected to happen in the coming years - the public will still miss today's traffic jams.

  5. We need to connect Harofeh Street to Derech Freud like they are now connecting Kabbir to the road to Neve David. Only Yahav is afraid because then they will demand to connect his neighborhood Dania to the Carmel Castle which is a small road of 300 meters

  6. Liel and Ruth reacting,
    The most unfortunate part of everything described in your responses lies in the backing and support of the legal counsel accompanying the local planning and construction committee for all building permits issued by the municipality contrary to TAMA Law 38, while approving false statements by the municipal engineer.

  7. We built more streets on the slopes of Harofeh St.
    Instead of additional construction, a wide access road will be added that will go down towards Freud.

    In general, in all the streets/neighborhoods of Western Carmel there is a problem of traffic jams, everything drains to Moria.
    In emergency situations there is nowhere to escape.

    A bypass road should be made to these neighborhoods that comes from the coastal road.

  8. The only culprit is city engineer Ariel Waterman.
    The engineering manager was warned in traffic survey reports that construction on Yosef Schechter and Doron Mayblom streets cannot be approved as long as there is no additional exit from the neighborhood towards Freud. They warned that the addition of about 1200 vehicles from the construction of the new neighborhood streets together with TMA 38 would create an unreasonable load on the road infrastructure in the neighborhood that also serves visitors to Carmel Hospital and there was a report that also recommended closing the neighborhood to the entry of vehicles other than residents and staff members only.
    Ignore the warnings and recommendations. And we are talking about the streets around a hospital that needs to provide fast service in emergencies and war. Really promiscuous.

    • There is no doubt that the wild and uncontrolled proliferation of buildings within TMA 38 in the area in question caused a population explosion and the collapse of the transportation routes in the Ahuza neighborhood in particular as well as in all the Carmel neighborhoods while creating a serious risk for the residents of the area.
      It is very unfortunate to discover that the main purpose for the proliferation of building permits under TAMA 38 is not the concern for strengthening buildings for resistance to earthquakes, but rather the concern for the depleted municipal coffers through the collection of construction fees. The issue was exposed in its full force in the recent discussions in the subcommittee of the local committee for planning and construction, as well as in the media The local one states that the chairman of the municipal finance committee expects from the chairman of the sub-committee for planning and construction a collection of 300 million shekels that will be collected as a result of multiple building permits, in part by force of TAMA 38 without considering whether the building needs strengthening or not.
      This is not why the Knesset approved the TMA 38 regulations - poor implementation of TMA 38!

  9. One of the reasons for the traffic jams is that anyone who wants to simply "parks" in one of the lanes and blocks all the traffic a kilometer back. Post office, cafe, pick up the child, or just because he feels like it. It's "only 5 minutes", of course. Because why would he look for parking like everyone else? He is a prince, the son of a king.

  10. The blocking of the closed streets mentioned in the article was caused by the flooding of the area with projects under TMA 38 that received building permits in complete violation of the law.
    All the certificates are based on lies of the local commission engineer.
    There is no connection between the TMA permits and the need to strengthen buildings for earthquake resistance.
    Everything was done to cover the salaries of the municipal employees.
    An institutional fraud industry that deserves all condemnation.

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