(Hai Fe) - Haifa residents heard tonight, 11/7/24, 22:50 p.m., heavy machine gun fire in front of Dado beach, about 5 kilometers from the beach. Tracer projectiles could be seen being fired from a vessel towards the west. Light bombs were also fired. Rumors of an encounter with terrorists began in the city and even rumors of an interception spread. Many turned in a panic to the live system here to find out the meaning of the matter.
A quick inquiry we made with the IDF spokesperson reveals that this is a routine training exercise by the IDF and there is no fear of a security incident. Good night, the system is alive here.
Heavy machine gun fire off the coast of Haifa

Here, even after it is clear that it is not from heavy snipers, the clickbait headline continues to get people to look at what kind of shooting was in front of the Haifa beaches. Just despicable irresponsibility in wartime clickbait intimidation on top of what's really going on. delusional
I was scared for a moment why like that? What is the purpose of the article? Everyone here is post-traumatic enough already with this insensitivity.
The question is whether it is correct to believe the spokesman of the army who proved that the truth is not always a candle at his feet
Maybe change the title? There are those who only read headlines and you lower the morale of the people
100% true they keep a misleading headline, targeted clickbait.
Horrible irresponsibility, a delusional act. And not for the first time.
Using intimidation and exaggeration to generate clicks…
It is so difficult to update the residents Wolla Haifa what is closed??
Mrs. Karmi, the reporter, do you really think this is the proper title in such a tense time when there are enough people to start calling the security forces? You should have thought not about how many people read what you wrote, but about the result, about the moral consideration of the readers. Terrible to me.
Two mysterious atomic bombs were seen moving in the air towards Gaza and Iran. From an investigation it turned out that only Amichai and Lieberman asked in a routine bomb drill.
Since Ofer from Geula Street left the city, the city is going crazy.
We have already reached the state of the hysterics who can't fart against the wind straight into the fenika
We laughed at your response hahaha
Let them learn in advance in our city that sends SMS messages
An army exercise will take place and as part of the exercise booms will be heard and there is no need to stress, it is just an exercise
And finally no. No booms were heard
That lie again
that they keep ammunition to a real state. And it is better that they make sure that there are full Iams.
And above all, that they learn to hurt. They only partially succeeded in hitting terrorist boats that came to Zikim from the sea and murdered Israelis.
Noga Karmi, my dear lady and all the writers, the title. Intended to scare, but it does not correspond to reality.
But it is clear what the intention of the author of the article is - to attract readers. You probably get paid according to the number of readers?????
You need a real title for the article, and not a scary title, you can later write hypotheses.
Ha ha ha ha routine training at 23:50 p.m. Wow crazy people...
This is about the training of our Nega forces. Thank you for the update on the Nega website and Shabbos Shalom to you and the readers of Hai Pa.
You should not expect anything from the defaulter and all yawning champions.
Their place in a commission of inquiry followed by indictments and prison.
Fuck that they are even running the campaign and failed in it too, but so what.
We thought it was a maritime Bedouin wedding.
Haifa, the city of the Phoenicians.
Unnecessary response, I'm sure that at every alarm you hide and hide
Why should the residents be informed of what may happen and be heard, even if they panic
That's why core studies are important
When the army is not trained and ready they complain, when they train they also complain.. What kind of panic can you go into when you hear noises?
That's exactly how my dog ran away from me on the Carmel beach after the navy trained not far from the beach and the explosions startled the dog who was only found the next day hiding among the bushes.
Rahoti Nistria is celebrating, this is what the country looks like, everyone is hysterical all the time and let it take over our lives
All in all, a logical and routine event that will not cause panic among the residents 🤦🏻
Does anyone still trust the failed hacker who made a fool of himself yesterday?
And does anyone trust the government of disgrace and destruction led by the purple corruptor?
And does anyone still trust the annihilation government led by the purple crook?
A one-time failure, but saved the whole country from a range like the Germans.
Please obey the instructions of the Home Front Command in the IDF. Shalom and blessings to you
Very important article Naga
Correct article, but the title of the article is incorrect and scary.
Of course with the desire of the writer, to have many readers.
Otherwise what is he writing for!?!?!?
This is true for all articles, a desire to find interest in the reader by scaring the reader, creating explosive interest, even if it is not real, to attract the reader.
Terrible article, Mr. Hasson, a senior journalist. It's not all the voices of the writers, sometimes you have to listen to the voices of reason and the readers
It's a shame they didn't let you know before
Why wasn't the intention of training announced in advance?
You see shots....you don't hear shooting....I personally was involved countless times in such exercises.
If I'm not mistaken, these are lighting bombs and not "heavy machine guns". Exercises accompanied by lighting bombs are routine both in times of peace and in times of war. By the way, is this the term "heavy machine gun"? How much heavier than a regular machine gun. If you've already written about a sensitive topic these days, it's better to be more precise.
Heavy machine guns should also be practiced.
In these times when the nerves are so loose, why wasn't this announced in advance, as they are announced about explosions that will be heard in Kiryat due to Rafael?