(haipo) - On the morning of Monday (8/7/2024) an exciting ceremony was held to remove the lot to commemorate Michal Brenner at the children's kindergarten in Haifa, which she founded. The modest and exciting ceremony was held with participation Yona Yahav - the mayor of Haifa, Ofri Brenner - Michal's granddaughter, Ilan Lewis - Chairman of the Kindergarten Association, Israel was overthrown - The director of the association, members of the kindergarten staff are close friends and cherish Michal's memory.
◄ The words of the mayor of Haifa, Yona Yahav, at the dedication ceremony of the commemorative plaque • Watch
A woman of many works who participated in the struggle for the establishment of the State of Israel
On July 30, 2023, Michal Brenner passed away at the age of 96. A special woman, the darling of the city of Haifa, who took an active part in the struggle for the establishment of the State of Israel. You are invited to read her fascinating story, a story of determination, of sacrifice, of giving, in the article I prepared on the day of her death, about a year ago (link to the article is attached).
Visionary woman
"Michel, the founder of the Haifa Children's Kindergarten, accompanied the work over the years and was involved in everything," he said Ilan Lewis, chairman of the Kindergarten Association.
Doing it symbolizes all the good that is in us as an Eretz Yisrael, Zionist society. A woman whose personal history went hand in hand with the foundations of the State of Israel and its rise. Michal was a person of vision who always believed in the ability to advance things and strive for quality, a woman whose small details and the difficulty in implementing them never deterred her or made her stop."
◄ The words of the Chairman of the Children's Kindergarten Association, Ilan Lewis • Watch
Harnessed her abilities for a holy cause
"The Children's Kindergarten has existed for more than fifty years and actually started from Michal's vision after she saw a similar center in England. The combination of ambition, vision, totality and the ability to harness public and private bodies for the benefit of those with special needs is a quality that is not present in every person. His extraordinary abilities in favor of a holy cause - all of us as a community are rewarded.
It is important to us as an association that Gan Hild, for all the diverse projects it runs for the benefit of those with special needs, will continue to act as a living and breathing testimony to a great woman who aimed for the good and worked night and day for the benefit of the place and for the weak and the exceptional in the community."
To preserve the work for the common good
In the difficult days that we are going through as a society, it is important that we stop and clean ourselves up. The foundation on which we sit is built of people such as Michal Brenner who have contributed their part to our becoming a company that also has a message in humane and social fields. Our role as its successors is to try and preserve this practice for the common good.
At the end of his remarks, the chairman of the association thanked the mayor of Haifa, Yona Yahav, for honoring those present with his participation and invited the removal of the lot from the commemorative sign.
Mayor Almogi gladly accepted Michal's initiative
"I was present in the Almogi mayor's office when Michal proposed the idea," said the mayor Yona Yahav. "He was so happy and immediately responded. He did a very unusual thing: he gave her a "piece" of the Mother Garden, which was then the central garden of the city of Haifa, so that this thing would be established and be, and she accompanied all the processes, so it arose quickly.
A charming woman, very gentle, very nice. You can't stand in front of her, if she wants to lift you up, you end up contributing...that's how this special place was built and we are all commanded to protect it.
You are doing the right thing today, commemorating her name in the place where the magnificent project she conceived, did and pushed and I thank you for that."
the mother garden
Where is the father's garden?
Israel Hoffal is a charming man, always helps with any problem and the Kindergarten Association is at the top of his mind