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A project to reduce the conflict with the wild boar population in Haifa: status update by the Nature and Parks Authority - June 2024

(haipo) - The "Hai Fe" news corporation brings you a special update from the Nature and Parks Authority on the ambitious project to reduce the conflict with the wild boar population in Haifa. The project, which began in early 2021, is intended to alleviate the tension and problems caused by the intrusion of wild boars into the city's neighborhoods.

The project

The project focuses on four main principles:

  1. Reduction of food and water sources: The activity includes emptying trash cans and bins, evening trash removal, and evening cleaning of public gardens and parks. The purpose of these measures is to reduce the amount of food available to pigs and reduce the probability of them entering the city's neighborhoods.
  2. Blocking infiltration routes into neighborhoods: Some of the pigs' infiltration routes into Haifa city neighborhoods were blocked by fences, thus preventing their entry into populated areas.
  3. Handling unruly details: Pigs that have lost their fear of humans and become dangerous, are treated as needed to maintain safety and public health.
  4. Advocacy and community: An urban outreach program is designed to emphasize the connection between available food and the presence of pigs in neighborhoods and to raise public awareness of the importance of cooperation in an effort to reduce the conflict.

The death of unruly pigs:

Pig killing report by month - Nature and Parks Authority
Pig killing report by month - Nature and Parks Authority

interim results

In February-May 2024, a significant decrease in the number of overturning incidents was measured throughout the city, but the period also indicated an increase in the intensity of pig activity in certain areas. Fences established in several neighborhoods have proven to be effective, but constant maintenance and improvement is needed to ensure the success of the project.

Challenges and additional actions

Ongoing efforts include monitoring and enforcement against pig feeders and irresponsible feeding of wild animals. During the period February-May 2024, 30-37 monthly reports were registered against feeders, and the advertising campaign, shared by the Haifa Municipality and the Nature and Parks Authority, is expected to be revealed soon.

Summary and future

A project to reduce conflict with wild boars in Haifa presents a systemic and comprehensive approach, and guarantees a coordinated response between all involved parties. The "Hai Pa" news corporation will continue to accompany the project and inform the public about its progress until its long-awaited completion.

The residents of Haifa can be optimistic about the future, when the project presents initial successes and a commitment to continue necessary actions to improve the quality of life in the city.

To read the full report:

contact: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052 - 2410689 Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

Articles related to this topic

55 תגובות

  1. Hunt males and castrate them. especially the little ones. and the pig feeders to be fined NIS 1000 to cover the castration expenses

  2. As part of the project, the prevention of the infiltration of wild boars into educational and study institutions in the positions of lecturers and research assistants will also be carried out.
    Such infiltrators will be located and dismissed from their positions.

    In addition, piglets who respond to the articles will also be located, and their comments will be deleted.

  3. No thinning only murder and panic of animals for the endless comfort of the biggest animal that walks on 2 by the way Haifa is still dirty in every corner and not because of the pigs

  4. This is not pig thinning. This is an indiscriminate killing of wild boars. A thuggish municipality ruled by evil. Now pigs, who's next?

    • Killing the pigs is not murder! Animals and poultry are also slaughtered here for food. Gotta get rid of these pigs. To drug and castrate, and to kill the big and dangerous ones.

  5. Why not capture and ship them to a hungry country in Africa?
    They have no problem eating them and here they are a nuisance

  6. Some washed up words. "Reducing the conflict", "dilution" - when in the end what is done here is the murder of several hundred wild boars. Will they now launch an awareness campaign? What must be explained now, after they murdered everyone?
    A barbaric municipality, and your website cooperates with it. be ashamed

  7. As written, the project started in 2021 and was delayed only with the withholding of budgets by the communal council....
    Now RTG counts the actions they started in 2021 as an important part of the current project, when miraculously there is a budget.
    very interesting!
    The same people who voted against the budget or did not come to the vote in the previous term are now promoting the same plan with the monstrous addition of shooting wild boars in the city streets.
    In addition, the removal of garbage in recent months is hardly carried out. Aren't RTGs supposed to be aware of this? Is this done to lure pigs to come to the restaurant and fall into the hands of the hunters?

  8. Everyone cares about the population they come from

    The pigs take care of the pigs

    And humans take care of humans

    Everyone should check where their quarry is from

    One who understands

    • Most living dead humans don't care about other humans, they only care about themselves. Even if there won't be any pigs at all, they will start crossing each other. A bad and ugly people 😪

  9. You are murderers and you will receive the punishment with God's help, you took the pigs' living quarters

  10. Teach the pigs to read yellow warning signs with a drawing of a pig as was done in the previous term. It reminds me of the story The Fritz and the Dog. Either the ferret will die or the dog will learn to read. What the Haifa municipality did not understand is that it is better to build higher and not spread into the habitats of wild animals

  11. Learn from the New Zealanders and the Australians: destroy unnecessary possums - a raccoon animal that causes a lot of trouble. And I didn't understand the point of many people here - do you feel sorry for cows? Do you feel sorry for chickens? You will eat the steak and lick your fingers.

  12. The place of the pigs is nowhere in the neighborhoods where people live. These pigs are extremely dangerous and cause fear of filth and pollution. They must be moved or simply exterminated, the neighborhoods in Haifa have become a horrifying mess. And every good person who opposes these disgusting pigs being flown out of the city will give a normal and rational solution. The municipality did well to start with its eradication. Yahav, strive that you keep your word.

  13. To the bloodthirsty responders:
    On the successful research on tying bins and wetting corners in wadis in the face of the inefficiency of killing pigs
    But what does it matter?
    You want to see blood, enjoy it, see murder as a solution to the problem
    Sickened and disgusted by my "brother" human beings.
    The kind that thinks it deserves everything
    "Me and nothing else."
    The species that causes the most death, destruction and suffering on the face of the planet - to the earth, water and air, to the animals and plants - and also to its own kind...
    We deserve to be extinct.

  14. These poor pigs..they had their living areas taken from them and as a result the pigs were forced to enter the city in search of food..murdering them in cold blood and leaving them basking in their blood in agony. The scum of the human race..instead of finding a humane solution it would have been easier to bring in a team of killers who go out every night They are killing them mercilessly. Very sad. May God avenge their blood. Even if it is an animal.. it has a right to live. Score 0 for the Haifa municipality and those who head it.. Brutal murder and more.

    • Perhaps a humane solution is to hunt them down and burn them?

  15. Washing words. This is an indiscriminate and merciless slaughter, including mothers, including puppies. Pigs left to rot for hours. A long time ago we lost trust in Haifa Municipality and the slaughterhouse and parks authority. All the words about "project" etc. will not cover the horror.

    • We can't walk around outside the house without the fear of meeting a rascal, who will jump at us. Stop seeing them as pets to roam among us... these are wild animals. have to live in a different environment.

  16. All the cowards who encourage murder... you reject!!! Both weak and violent.
    throw up on you. Why did you come to this world? Go to a cemetery where everything is concrete, there are no animals and no life. Wretched cowards.

    • A pig is an animal from cattle. Not for nothing, God determined that she was not kosher for food.

  17. Full of pigs roaming freely inside the Technion!!!
    Please take care of them there too. Full of mothers and cubs who are not afraid of humans.
    Fear threatens to walk inside the Technion at night.

    • The worst is the pigs in the Knesset, the court, the media, the police, the prosecutor's office, and the network, who will take care of them? Or that Nasrallah is preparing to depopulate us by killing and murdering

  18. Regardless, it is forbidden to raise pigs in the Holy Land, kill them all immediately, and every wound and bruise of people is brought back on those in the city who are guilty

    • They were here even before the Bible was written and will remain here, probably after us too. Rest in peace.

  19. Most of the commenters here are human scum who don't even bother to think of another solution that he didn't kill.
    There are many solutions, one is, just as we built a large safari in Ramat Gan, so can we build a huge nature reserve in the Carmel mountains and take care of bringing the pigs from the city there.
    This will create many jobs, where they can control sterilizations and castrations and dilute their quantity to a smaller one in a much more humane way.

    • In general, these Greek pigs made trouble for the Jews. Take revenge on the pigs!!!

  20. Finally you don't see the pigs...
    I haven't gotten over it yet.
    The fear that while traveling a large pig will emerge
    or some of them. And also the fear of going out
    with the dog...
    But the heart hurts when they kill them.

  21. We need to increase the dilution and regarding an increase in reports, they returned to believing in the municipality after Klish stopped responding to the reports and forwarded them to the Ministry of the Interior

  22. Journalism Lesson 1: If someone says it's raining and someone else says it's dry outside, it's not your job to quote them both, but open the damn window and see who's right.
    What does it help me that you quote a report of the municipality without any critical examination? I can do Google alone..

  23. This afternoon two large wild boars ran at the Margalit-Zafaririm intersection around the garbage cans behind the falafel.
    Not enough thinning, all other actions are useless and don't tell stories.

    • At this rate almost every Israeli is a pig. Even the pig that walks on all fours is more polite than the one that walks on two.

  24. "Treated according to need". What a stupid wording for an act of murder.
    Or am I wrong and these are vouchers for emotional care?

  25. It is excellent and that they kill as many as possible since the right of the residents of Haifa to live in security and without fear takes precedence over the pigs' right to live

  26. In the absence of natural predators only thinning
    Will bring a solution, but why not half anesthesia
    without pain

  27. The problem would not have swelled to such dimensions if not for the ideology of Klish to drastically stop the thinning and not to take any action to reduce the number. In my opinion, this failure is registered in her name and it is desirable to look into the possibility of filing a lawsuit against her due to her conduct for 5 years which caused harm to the residents of the city.

  28. The solution: immediate elimination of the problem of pigs that endanger public health. Are we waiting for more disasters, more injured people, more serious traffic accidents? Why wait? Go to work and very quickly.

  29. animal killers
    The main thing is to release Shifa's manager
    You can throw them in Gaza, at least it's better not to murder them here

  30. Not enough at all! Most of the infiltration routes were breached by the pigs
    There are actually a lot of water sources, especially dripping from air conditioners
    Fencing the garbage cans is a joke, the pigs reach every bin without a problem, the solution is only thinning

  31. There is no comprehensive treatment of the conflict with the wild boars, only mass murder of the helpless, even when they try to escape.

    They don't even bother to ensure a kill, letting the pigs die in agony for hours.

    This is not treating the problem, this is sick abuse and mass slaughter that will not solve anything.

    • Mass slaughter is a stupid invention of yours
      Everywhere in the world there are wild pigs, they are thinned out in a controlled manner and this was also the case in Haifa until Kalisz arrived and caused the outbreak of the pigs

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