I went to hear what's new in the field of UFO research, the unidentified objects, and to hear, within the planned sequence of meetings, testimonies of people who saw, met, and studied the subject as part of the third conference of "Mofon Israel". After all, the thought that we are not alone in the universe, that there is a chance It is likely that one of the stars out of the billion galaxies is inhabited, and that the inhabitants there have technological abilities and perhaps additional abilities much more developed than our abilities, the inhabitants of the earth, is intriguing, especially in light of the claim that they visit here all the time, and have been involved in human development since the dawn of history.
The common network for UFOs
Mofon is an acronym in English for "the common network for the United Nations". Mutual UFO Network "MUFON. A UFO is an unidentified object, and in English UFO = unidentified flying object. The Israeli branch of Mophon was founded by Tal Akroni and today over 3000 people are active in the association. Anyone can join, anyone who has an interest in hearing, seeing and perhaps also telling about a personal experience.
Regarding experiences, people who have met extraterrestrials, seen spaceships and unexplained flying objects, tend not to tell about it so as not to be ridiculed, and Mophon is an address for reporting. After years of concealment and fears, years in which governments denied and pilots did not write statements about the unexplained bodies they saw in the air, more and more evidence appears and the official bodies are ready to listen and investigate, mainly to protect the inhabitants of the planet.
The collection of information by phone has been going on for over 50 years around the world, and in recent years it is gaining momentum when everyone has a mobile phone with a camera, which makes it possible to follow unexplained aerial phenomena, as well as marine phenomena involving unidentified objects.
The Pentagon is ready to listen to testimony
The conference was attended by people from all strata of the population, ordinary people, like me and you who are interested and believe that we are not alone, researching and collecting testimonies for many years. During the break there was a feeling that everyone knows things that the countries, especially the US, are trying to hide, such as the statement that the aliens are already among us, that they are mixing our DNA with theirs and it is no longer possible to tell who is who unless the person is brilliant in his mind and then it seems that he is a hybrid.
In the same matter, there were those who talked about various conspiracy theories and that our science knows too little and that the aliens are technologically advanced by tens of thousands of years.
A year ago, a public hearing was held in the Pentagon regarding information related to UFOs. The American government realized that it is no longer possible to deny and must listen, even if it is just to gain votes. But the evidence came from serious people, former military personnel, pilots, and others who cannot be said to be just imagine
According to publications on unofficial websites, in addition to testimonies about celestial and marine bodies, there were military personnel who reported on biological samples collected at spacecraft crash sites. According to those publications, engineers who retired from secret programs in the American government mentioned the subject of engineering backwards - dismantling spaceships that crashed on the surface of the earth and trying to understand what materials they are made of and how their technology works.
The claim that crashed spaceships were gathered to military bases is supported by many testimonies of people who saw the crash and were met by military personnel who kept them away and silenced them for many years. At this point, the Pentagon issued a conclusion that all the evidence involved watching and photographing spacecraft, were classified military technologies that were in an experimental phase, and a statement that no alien bodies were found anywhere. Along with this and at the same time, an official website was established by the US government to locate threats to the security of the US and the security of the world, and where it is possible to report unexplained phenomena. The website contains videos approved by the US government as unexplained in which bodies are seen flying at unimaginable speeds and doing inexplicable aerobatic displays.
Next to the investigation and the cover-up, there are various theories and claims, some of which are disputed, such as the one that allegedly came from someone who worked on a team that tried to recover a crashed spaceship, and claims that hairy and gray aliens came to Earth in the past to control the minds of American agents and prevent them from recovering technological information from the crashed spaceships.
Sources from the US Navy reported on unexplained phenomena of objects that flew at enormous speed, entered the sea and after disappearing there for long periods of time, came out of the water and flew at a speed that is not possible by a pilot vehicle of the Earth, into space, as well as on the escort of spaceships during the Vietnam War .
Meetings of the fifth kind
Steven Greer, an American UFO researcher who founded the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Research Center collected over 3,000 reports of UFO sightings by pilots, and over 4,000 pieces of evidence of electromagnetic signatures in landing zones of alien spacecraft. He, along with others, defined a protocol for establishing human contact with extraterrestrials through consciousness.
It is about "5th type CE-5 encounters", the creation of human communication with non-human intelligent cultures, based on a connection to the consciousness of the One. His saying is that the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life ultimately leads us into ourselves. Initiative activists around the world practice the CE-XNUMX protocol to create respectful and reciprocal communication with non-human intelligent cultures, through the expansion of consciousness by meditation and directing the extraterrestrials to the physical space in which we operate."
The meeting with Shinir Hadri, was particularly interesting. Hadri referred to the visions that are received by the "remote viewing" method. "Consciousness is the science of the future. By quieting the mind you can intuitively "see" distant places and different times. Dr. Steven Greer bases the CE-5 communication protocol on the same principles, which enables "distance vision" throughout the universe and the summoning of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Consciousness development will strengthen the ability to communicate with extraterrestrials and telepathy is a major means of communication. Experimental studies were done in which the use of telepathy affected the behavior of animals and the movement of fish. Attempts were made in remote viewing (in a meditation-like process) and telepathy to meet with entities and see what is happening on distant stars. The ability to observe and collect information through remote vision and telepathy has been studied for many years by official organizations and Uri Geller says that he participated in these studies. When you check the evidence, you find that the majority of people who have experienced encounters with beings not from Earth, report that the communication was done telepathically."
Kobe Elder, from the Israeli Center for the Study of Unexplained Aerial Phenomena, UAP, Unidentified aerial phenomenon wrote several articles about "UFOs throughout history" that can be found online. When you think about it, you can mention in the same breath Elijah the prophet who ascended in the heavenly storm, Ezekiel's chariot vision and maybe more A few hints here and there about unexplained phenomena attributed to the Creator.
Messages of love and freedom
Kobi Drori Brought the "Roli message". According to the same message, creation is actually the work of highly developed beings who used genetic engineering to create us, humans.
Drury: "Scientists from another planet created man "in their image and likeness". They left us to survive and progress on our own, but they kept in touch through their prophetic messengers. On 13/12/1973, a young French journalist named Claude Varion experienced an encounter with these evolved beings and they Changed his name to RAEL.
In that capacity, he was assigned the task of spreading their last message around the world and building an embassy for them, to which the extraterrestrials could come officially, near Jerusalem. The Israelites are their descendants, the result of mating between them and the daughters of man. They will come with all the prophets and give us their scientific heritage, which precedes ours by more than 25,000 years. The organization has many supporters all over the world. His goal is to hasten the establishment of a society adapted to the future, and founded on values of love, peace, freedom, independence, pleasure and self-fulfillment."
Support rods who translated the book of Summers "Humanity's allies", spoke about the meeting with extraterrestrials as about a meeting between cultures. "The strong always take advantage of the weak. That's how it is in international relations. You see it throughout history. Cortez entered Mexico and took their gold, Columbus who arrived in Tahiti wrote that the natives were pleasant and it would be easy to take advantage of them.
At the same time, every culture wants independence and the right to self-determination, and history shows that this right is revealed in the end. According to author Marshall Van Summers, extraterrestrials contacted him and told him that they did not come to rule or interfere, that they were free and wanted to develop connections with the world. They said that the spheres of influence of extraterrestrials throughout the generations was influencing key people to mobilize spiritual forces and consciousness, creating religions to reach the masses, trying to accustom people to their presence so that they would not be afraid and allowing a genetic hybrid to be created between them and humans so that they could live on Earth."
When I arrived at the conference I knew it was going to be different, that I would hear things that were different from what you usually hear. Susie Tsikorel who tried to explain the idea that the universe is a kind of hologram, and even said that one day she saw herself as a sequence of pixels and not as a solid physical body. "We are a hologram and it can be described as if I were in a simulation game and it is our thoughts that create the malfunctions in physical reality. If we think differently our lives will probably change."
In Jewish Kabbalah there are hints here and there about the power of consciousness in the transition between the spheres and its effect on the reality in which we live. But Suzy seems to take it further and say that there is no body but only consciousness.
Her stuff is backed up in the book of Michael Talbot On the holographic universe, and the essays of the biologist Bruce Lipton, who claim that consciousness controls life, biology, and our feelings and thoughts. The idea is that we are our thoughts and consciousness, and the body responds, not the other way around that we are a body and the thought responds to what is happening in chemistry or hormones or physiological activity.
Encounters with aliens
Oriya Shay, a long-time UFO researcher from Kiryat, spoke about the aliens in Israel, and especially about the alien from Achihud. "It's a story of a woman who saw a light in a barn, and got up to check what it was. On the way, she saw a strange doll about 20 cm in size, and did not pay attention to it. After milking, she discovered that the doll moved like a living creature. There were flickering lights in the sky and dozens of people began to arrive with the police at her farm. The investigator who arrived put a bucket on the alien doll, and the creature jumped and disintegrated while excreting a liquid that made a huge puddle.
The woman collected the remains of the creature and put it in the freezer. Professor Hess, who examined the tissue of that alien in the laboratory, said that the tissue contains carbon and nitrogen, which corresponds to a living body, but it is not identified."
Yossi Ronan Experience an encounter with creatures from another world. According to him this is the first time he dares to talk about it in public. "I didn't want them to make fun of my children at school, to think that something was wrong with me. But it really was, and the feeling was that they were invading my consciousness. At first I was scared. I felt like I wasn't breathing. I open my eyes and see small green creatures, and I ask myself if it's real or A dream. At some point I realized that I was really seeing them and they were responding to me.
I told myself don't be afraid, they experience what you feel, they hear what you think, and you can feel them and know their thoughts. A type of telepathy, not transmission and reception but connection. I realized that everyone has their own consciousness and their own body and at the same time everything is connected, one spiritual entity inside physical bodies. I wrote a book about this, "One, a face-to-face meeting", and in it I give testimony about the meeting with the guests who came from another dimension.
Since I was unable to understand the experience rationally, the desire to understand became central to my life. In the end I realized that I can see their thoughts and attitudes and see us as we appear to them." It's not simple. In Kabbalah they call it a single level, a very high level of awareness that, according to Kabbalah, humans have not yet reached.
Avital Bar, one of the organizers of the conference, spoke about minerals such as magnesium and aluminum found in landing zones in concentrations not found on Earth, and also about the remains of a crashed UFO along with information about aliens that came to researcher Linda Bolton in the USA, by the son of one of the people who was involved in the investigation of the alien and the evacuation of the crash site.
"The information concerning the crash in New Mexico was received in 1974, but concerns a crash that occurred in 1949, two years after the famous incident in Rosewell. The information says that alien bodies were found, and also one alien that remained alive and was taken for investigations that lasted for many hours and were conducted telepathically. The alien reported that he came from a planet that is far away 32 light years from the earth. At the end of the investigation, he was put on a plane on the way to Washington, after which the plane and its crew disappeared and have not been found to this day."
Oren Yosef Chaim, a man who remembers every detail he's ever heard of like a human computer, and talked about animal mutilation. "There are more cases all the time. Some of them are just as shocking as dead donkeys that were thrown in agricultural land in Canada, and the donkeys were empty of blood and whole organs were removed from them. There was also an incident in Israel in 1996 in Moshav Kalhim, where donkeys were mutilated and strange lights flooded the area. Instead Then there were members of the Pels family whose pigs and horses were mutilated, their teeth and eyes were torn out and there were signs of a very strong heat source.
The conference ended, and thoughts and questions remained, about the signs in the grain fields of the world, about the theory that the moon is an artificial body and that there are American spacecraft bases on it, and about the ways to make contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. There are many theories, no real answers, and in the meantime we continue to look to the sky and hope to see something that will reveal new worlds to us.
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Tami, what a fascinating article. Thank you very much !
Let's think logically. Humanity has already developed telescopes, radio waves, X-rays. Means that can see through and see into the distance. If we believe that there are ultra-intelligent beings who managed to get here from a planet or another solar system that we are unable to see if there are signs of life, it is likely that their tremendous technological progress - tens, hundreds of thousands or millions of years 'before' us, also brought them technological capabilities for telescopes and tracking devices that do not require physical arrival on Earth.
It is also likely that they have defenses, weapons and computing powers that allow them not only not to fear humanity but to take over this planet. That is, the only plausible option is the theory that they created us and are having fun with the billions of creatures they created here, like fish in a planetary aquarium.
I want to rule out the 'experimental' theories. If they wanted to do experiments and being advanced or the ones who created us, they must have already had tens of thousands of years back to conduct experiments, take samples and perform all the tests. They don't need to come to a kibbutz in Israel in the 20th century when they had thousands of years to inspect donkeys, horses, etc.
But this assumption is also hidden. It is impossible that they do not want contact with us and are conducting secret experiments, while there are thousands of conflicting reports of full contact with us and involuntary physical contact or penetration. The fact that everything exists side by side in a striking contradiction - they flee to the sky and disappear immediately but tried to kidnap or kidnapped people and performed experiments on them, it does not fit together. If they are harmless and do not fear why should they run away and not reveal themselves to humanity? And if they do fear or harm
And they have such advanced technologies, so again why should they run away? Why is there no open communication with
Humanity - do they have anything to fear? Do they know that humanity is temporarily on the planet, and they come in hundreds of thousands and millions of years to check what is happening on the planet - ice ages, dinosaurs and more.
When all the thousands of reports and occurrences can be reconciled in an orderly way with each other and create one complete and clear theory, maybe we can get answers. It is hard to believe in mind games, channeling, telepathy, passing messages and more when everyone describes such a different experience and there is currently no connecting thread, no clear conclusion can be drawn.
Bottom line: the aliens need to show themselves to humanity openly. Without it, it is not possible to progress in any research way and everything will remain at the level of a circle of storytellers and chisabettes.
Thanks for reading and commenting. It is without a doubt a fascinating philosophical space between what is and what is not and why exactly and why not
Indeed... I know of two bases of aliens or UFOs in Israel! The first one is on the beach of Ma'ayan Zvi, there are pools there and below there are spaceships, another base is in the fertile quarries and they claim that there is only an innocent quarry there, and according to correspondence with my friend... there is a base UFOs under the valley to the world not far from Beit Shemesh