(haipo) - Report from the Haifa City Council meeting (2/7/24):
The mayor of Haifa, Yona Yahav, this evening accepted the request of the city council member, Zvika Barbie, to stop the enforcement against the cat feeders.
The background to the request
This request follows the continuation of the fines given to the cat feeders, most of whom are elderly and indigent. The last case was of an 80-year-old widow who received a fine of 1,000 NIS.

Tzvika Barbie's words:
According to Barbie, the current situation cannot continue. The inspectors "do not see with the eyes", neither warn nor explain, but write the report and refer the fined to an appeal for annulment.
Steps to the future
Barbie asked that the issue be re-examined, that the regulations regarding feeding the cats be refined and that the residents be explained how to do it correctly and according to the law. The aforementioned request was accepted.
To all the wretched commenters here, instead of trashing the angels who feed cats, trash the municipality with your trash that doesn't arrange feeding places for cats.
This world is not only of the sons of wrongdoing (Adam).
Even so, we will soon be destroyed lol
Time after time the loud populist Zvika Barbi enters the council, engages in pointless nonsense, sits in the council and talks endlessly about the needy and the oppressed and the poor and the poor in Haifa without lifting a finger to help them in anything but speaks on their behalf non-stop, each time another term and another term because of some of his friends and my husband Businesses in Neve Shanan really work like vote contractors, each time raising enough votes to enter the council. I follow his activity and it is really marginal. The cat feeders are an example. Here, Bravo, then they won't enforce feeding and we'll get nuisances and dirt in the summer.
Yo, what a hero you are, Tzvika Barbie!! The protector of the elderly who feed cats, a real Superman.
We must deal with the issue of eating the cats. All that are fed to them cause healing damage. On my street, someone puts cat food all over the sidewalk, the path is dirty, it's hard to walk on the sidewalk because it's full of cat food. First on a dirty path and it's hard to walk on a dirty path. The worst thing is that not only cats eat the food, but also infectious animals, rats and mice. Too bad our street is not one of them.
There are rats where the people are dirty, so it's the cats that reduce you. The rodents, Olav
You are a sanitary hazard, you walking filth, you probably have never interacted with cats, not only are they obsessed with personal cleanliness, they also hunt pests for fun, unlike humans who only rape the environment, like you throw plastics and garbage everywhere
A delusional and extremely dangerous decision. Soon they will decide to give the option to feed pigs or snakes or take care of scorpions. Someone's gone crazy here! Stray cats are a sanitary hazard and anyone who is scratched by such a cat may get rabies. Who will take responsibility for such an act?
After he kills the pigs
will cut down the trees
Is it the cats' turn?
And Haifa will turn into a block of concrete
Judith, first of all, a dirty environment is terrible. causes diseases. You want to raise large animals in your yard without harming the environment for your neighbors. They don't have to suffer just because you want to breed cats. As anyone who wants to raise a breeder dog in the yard should let him walk around the neighborhood. I raise animals but only in my yard only. without harming any of my neighbors. What's going on in my neighborhood is literally a filthy cat food street littered with sidewalk food. terrible!
They won't get it in Israel. Don't worry
Cats of your previous city?
Maybe instead of giving these angelic people fines, start spaying and neutering cats
Then there will be no problem
The municipality itself has a food station in Ben Zvi in Kiryat Haim and another inside Gan Zikhron (the former water tower) and this is how the streets there look like, flooded with cats and feces. We love cats but there is a limit.
Excrement if found on the street or above the surface, is not from cats. Cats do not defecate on the litter. They look for soil/sand, dig a hole, defecate in the hole and cover the hole, and even smell the covered hole, to make sure that no smell comes from it. This is part of their survival instinct, so that predators do not discover their presence in the area 😊.
Cat feeders may have a love for cats, but not the humans who live around them
Right, tap on humans, who are we anyway? Talking monkeys caught on a high tree, that would burn most of the humans
Holy work is done by people who feed cats. They also do everything at their expense, food and veterinary treatments and also receive fines? disgrace! The Haifa municipality is the only one in the whole country that gives a fine to cat feeders... This does not solve the issue of wild pigs and is very harmful to street cats. Instead of thinking creatively and really finding a solution for wild boars people are being bullied
Angels still help the poor animals with their last money... and they don't let you post a comment here!
soul you
I'm not from Haifa and I've been feeding cats for 30 years and more.
"And his mercy for all his deeds"
We humans take everyone's place and we need to give them something back
Holy work is done by people who feed cats. They also do everything at their expense, food and veterinary treatments and also receive fines? disgrace! The Haifa municipality is the only one in the whole country that gives a fine to cat feeders... This does not solve the issue of wild pigs and is very harmful to street cats. Instead of thinking creatively and really finding a solution for wild boars people are being bullied
Angels still help the poor animals with their last money...
Feed cats yes, leave in the dirt no. As for feeding the cats, then people should stay until the cats finish eating and that the feeders clean the place so that it is clean.
That the residents of the city take care to empty their waste into the trash and not leave it around the city. Disposable cups with drinks, various packaging and more.
And that the owners of the dogs will collect their needs. Is everything acceptable? Why take care of the cat feeders who actually do the work of the municipality. Instead of the municipality providing food to the feeders, it fined them, crazy injustice
It is very good that such a message came out against distributing meals to cats. Really disgusting next to my house next to garbage cans next to benches they spread plenty of cat food. The corner of the food is very dirty, they scattered it on the asphalt path from us to walk on the path because they scattered the food all over the length and breadth of the path, really repulsive, full of dirt all around. And a month ago I found a rat in the backyard and I heard that many people complained that there are a lot of rats in our neighborhood. It's time for them to be fined.
It is better to feed the cats, which feed mainly on bird prey...