(Hai Fe) - The procession of the Holy Mary takes place today (Sunday 16/06/24) The police have finished the assessments
The police told Hai Pa News Corporation: The Israel Police Haifa station has completed its preparations for the procession of the Holy Mary that will take place today, 16/06/24, Sunday, starting at 15:00.
Haifa police officers from the Carmel area will be deployed today as part of the preparations for the celebration of the Christian community's holiday procession - the procession of the Holy Mary, in which thousands of members of the Christian community and many others are expected to participate.
As part of the procession, there will be an impact on the traffic lanes in the Stella Maris area of the city and additional lanes as follows starting at 15:00 p.m. which will be closed to traffic alternately depending on the progress of the procession, below are the lanes that will be affected:
Blocked axes:
- Allenby Junction corner Baron Hirsch.
- UNESCO Square on Hagafen Street towards Stella Maris.
- Stella Maris corner Baron Hirsch.
- Bishop Hajar corner Stella Maris.
- Tschernihovski in the square towards Carmelia.
At the same time, there may be additional roads that will be affected, therefore the instructions of the police officers stationed at the roadblocks must be obeyed
You guys are funny
It is clear that this is not a holiday ceremony, and it is not recorded in the New Testament, it is written that we started this procession 105 years ago, so this has a story (you are welcome to search and read).
Second and most important thing, Katy, you must not say about the Holy Mary that she is a doll made of rags, have some respect, and no one is allowed to talk about the holiest woman known to mankind.
And also want to know why they talk disgustingly about the religion of the best people in the country, even in the world, the Christians, I know why, because we respect others the most, that's how we learned from the New Testament.
Katy and what rags you put on you
Don't allow Maria made of a rag doll to close roads.
The holiday of the Holy Mary does not appear in the New Testament (Bible) This holiday is not official from the point of view of God, creator of heaven and earth, if God did not command to celebrate why do humans do the opposite from their point of view? what do you think?
Not even Purim.
Every month?
You put a link to an article from 2022
You don't proofread!! Some progress. They lit curtains - in another publication from this morning.
Religion should be separated from the state in Israel! According to Or and former rabbi Yaron Yedan
Where exactly, is there a connection between religion and the state?