A Native American legend about equality in burden

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The group of armed horsemen, led by commander 'Hertz Kalvi' of the defense army of the 'Yesheri Hal' tribe, came out of the desert ravine and approached the walled compound at a gallop, while raising a cloud of thick dust. The sentry at the gate hastened to open it for them and they advanced straight towards the big tent of the tribal council which was located on the heights of a hill.

The Commander 'Running as a Wolf' (artificial intelligence image)

The commotion they created reached the ears of the council members. They were busy at the time with another debate discussing the course of the war, receiving help from allies, exchanging prisoners and the possibility of signing an armistice agreement.

A vicious attack

For the past eight months, fighting has been going on along the southern borders of the territory of the 'Yishri Al' tribe. The war broke out after the evil attack of the 'Jackal Hams' tribe, which caused the tribe many losses among helpless women, children and old men.

In the vicious attack, many prisoners were taken and many villages were burned to the ground. It took a long time before they managed to repel the invaders and launch a counterattack. In the meantime, other allies of the 'Jackal of the Hams' joined the war, tribes led by the chief of the great tribe "The Ironic Serpent", who encouraged them to launch ceaseless attacks of fire arrows of all kinds and species.

The elderly 'stuck to the chair' in front of the aggressive neighbor

To everyone's astonishment, the tribal warriors were not prepared that damn morning for this attack. Why did this happen even though the signs of her arrival were clear? It is still not clear, but the long-standing policy of the tribal council under the leadership of the elderly leader 'attached to the throne', in the face of the aggressive and evil neighbor from the south, was a policy of containment.

'The one who is attached to the throne' claimed again and claimed that the leader of the terrorist gang across the border, 'the blind Chinese', is deterred and will not dare to attack. Whenever the firing of fire arrows from the south increased, the fighters of 'Yishrei El' went on the attack in which they showed the strength of their arms to the attackers and as a result they were given peace for a while.

Financial bribery plus an "inviolable" protective wall

The 'addicted to the throne' believed that this enemy was deterred by the presence of the large and well-equipped army of his tribe and that a financial bribe plus an "inviolable" protective wall he had erected on the border provided excellent security for the tribe's residents.

The veteran leader 'stuck to the throne' (artificial intelligence image)

The "sticker to the chair" stopped the council's deliberations and went outside just as the group of warriors stopped in front of the tent door.

"Running like a lion" jumped off his horse and stood in front of the leader. The members of the tribe, who for many months have seen how the army in which they hung their gold sacrifice dozens of warriors to protect them, and how the elected tribal council has difficulty making decisions and managing the affairs of the tribe, flocked en masse to the tribal council tent and surrounded the group of warriors and the members of the council.

"What's in your mouth?" The 'throne-adherent' asked the commander of his army in a deep baritone voice.

Must recruit

"We strike the enemy mercilessly," said 'Hartz Kalvi' in a quiet voice, "and make judgments on them, kill their soldiers and burn their villages, but it turns out that they have prepared for the campaign in a way that makes it very difficult for us to defeat them. They continue to launch arrows of fire from camouflaged dugouts, hiding among the women and their children and manage to wage a guerilla war among the ruins of the villages we destroyed.

Their allies also continue, as you know, to send fire arrows at us continuously. The losses of our forces are increasing and we must recruit more warriors from the tribesmen!" said "Hertz as a lion" in despair.

Many of them fell in battle

"Recruit the elderly warriors and maybe also young boys if there is no other choice," suggested the 'addicted to the throne'. Cries of approval and encouragement were heard from some members of the tribal council who stood behind him.

"We have already done all this. Dedicated and courageous fighters joined the war on the first day and many of them fell in battle," said the commander.

"So where can we recruit more fighters?" asked the "Weeping Lion", an old councilman, crowned with a beard and wearing a crown of black feathers on his head. He was the head of the "Sha'a Baam" faction, one of the priestly factions that made up the current coalition of the Council.

Those close to him noticed that he was holding an umbrella in his hand which he used to help shed tears, whenever he wanted to show participation in grief.

Hundreds of young people engaged in prayers to the idols of the tribe

"I see no choice but to recruit young people from among the religious priests, sorcerers and conjurers," said the commander while looking down, "there are hundreds of young people engaged in prayers to the idols of the tribe. We need them to win!"

The eyes of the "crying lion" opened in astonishment. He turned a menacing look at the "stuck to the throne" and it returned a look of despair and waved his hands helplessly.

The 'Weeping Lion' (left) and his fellow priests (artificial intelligence image)

Will not arise and will not be

"It will not arise and will not be!" A call was heard. Among the members of the Tribal Council "Winding Vine", he also wore a crown of raven feathers on his head and his face was covered with a thick beard.

"And besides," joined him his friend "Finn Dors", who looked like him like two drops of water, "our young people would rather go to prison than mount horses, take up a bow and arrow and risk death. If you force us, we will leave the tribe."

Silence prevailed in the place. Everyone turned their gaze to the helpless Saber.

Everyone now turned their gaze to the leader. With no choice, he stood up, waved his hands and said:

"Race like a lion is right! We must have equality in the burden. In order to bring about a complete victory, to bring down the 'Hums jackal', to kill the "blind Chinese" and to create unity in the tribe, we must also recruit young people from the priestly class."

"It won't happen and it won't happen," "A twisting vine" repeated his words resolutely and approached him with a threatening look in his eyes, "If that's what happens, we'll remove you from the headship of the tribe and enthrone 'Ben Gebra' under you!" read

Ben Gabra

'Ben Gabra' was known for his loud mouth, his arrogance and the nonsense he uttered. He was the bad boy in the council and despite his young age, it was obvious that the leader feared him because his actions were unpredictable.

The threat did its job. The chin of the "stuck to the chair" began to vibrate, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and the tremors that gripped him were clearly visible in the colorful feathers that adorned his head. He looked around scared and said nothing. After a while, his facial expression changed and it was obvious that the panic that gripped him in the first moments was replaced by a new survival plan.

Fight until the last drop of your blood

"My friends are right, there is no choice... fight to the last drop of your blood. The entire tribe is behind you. Together we will win!" Said the leader "who is attached to the throne" in a confident baritone voice, even though these words were completely opposite to what he said a moment ago and opposite to common sense, justice, fairness and what reality demanded. He smiled and raised his hands waiting to receive applause.

The king is naked

Instead of applause, an elderly woman came out of the crowd, bent slightly, and in a hoarse voice called out:

The old woman who spoke the truth (artificial intelligence image)

"You, 'the one who clings to the throne' are no longer worthy to lead us. I will not send my children and grandchildren to die to protect you and the incompetent idlers you put in charge of our taxes and security. You are nothing less than an elite of exploitative-cowards, clinging to the horns of the altar and hiding Behind the smoke of the incense and enjoying the pleasures of life at our expense. A cowardly, heartless and dishonest leader who clings to the throne at the cost of our children's lives, is not fit to lead us, not in times of peace and certainly not in times of war!"

A great cheer went up from the surrounding crowd. The frightened and despairing look in the eyes of the crowd changed in an instant and became a look of rage. Screams of rage were carried in the air filled with dust by their stomping feet and rushing forward.

An honest young leader, brave, wise and loyal to his tribe

The legend says that at the end of that day, the 'throne-adherent' was finally separated from his high throne, the council was dispersed and the 'Yishri Al' tribe chose him on the day of a new council that appointed a young leader who was honest, brave, wise and loyal to his tribe.

Immediately after his coronation, the new leader declared that from that day on, out of a conscientious order and basic decency, all members of the tribe are equal in their rights and duties as well. A spirit of true unity pulsated in the tribe and in a short time brought victory and renewed prosperity.

Note: Any similarity between the Indian legend and our reality is not accidental at all!

contact: At watsapBy email

Yossi Berger
Yossi Berger
Resident of Kiryat Haim. Has a bachelor's degree in industrial design at Bezalel and a master's degree in industrial engineering and management at the Technion. Father of six and grandfather to one cute granddaughter. Rafael's pensioner, a volunteer police officer in the traffic police in the past and now he is mainly engaged in writing. The four prose books he wrote were published. A member of the Society of Writers and a partner in the group of poets from the Kiryat. https://booketesh.weebly.com/

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22 תגובות

    • Dear Emmanuel
      I'm sorry that even in the medium depth of this article, you managed to drown.
      If you need help, please contact the system.

    • Dear Emmanuel.

      I have two simple logic questions for you:

      1. How can the censor know that he is such?
      2. Why do you think someone would want to censor you or your ilk?

      Shabbat Shalom.

    • These are not logic questions.

      1. I wrote a critical comment on your content. Above it was written "Your comment is waiting for the system to handle" and after some time it was deleted.
      2. I don't know who you mean when you say "like you" and it's not my business to justify those who censor me.

  1. There are a lot of ultra-Orthodox who enlist, but somehow they are "considered" with their enlistment by the media and the left as knitted or traditional kippahs because the media and the extreme left want to single out the right and the ultra-Orthodox as a problem and not as a partner.
    But if they survey the ground forces in Gaza and the manning, it will be proven that most of the soldiers, especially on regular basis, define themselves as traditionalists/rightists/members of religious Zionism/religious.
    So the left-wing media tries to delegitimize the right-wing parties and the religious Zionist and ultra-Orthodox leaders and their rabbis, but the ability of that left-wing media to influence is small because the soldiers are the people themselves.
    Thanks to these soldiers and their political and spiritual leaders who are the salt of the earth, you and I are sitting here safely and you should be ashamed that you call them derogatory names, it only shows how vile and egotistical you are on the extreme left.

  2. The leftists always complain and Netanyahu and the right are always elected.
    "The dogs bark and the caravan moves on"

  3. There are more Gentiles in the IDF who serve regularly and in the reserves than Haredim. I am a gentile (non-Jewish mother). I served 3 years as a regular, 20 in the reserves and another 5 as a volunteer and continue. In the meantime, but angry that I have to risk myself and these black clowns - they don't. My daughter Goya also serves in the Air Force, although she doesn't have to. And another permanent signature now. Because there are not enough ultra-Orthodox who studied at the Technion to become engineers in the Air Force. Who here deserves contempt and disgrace and who is to be appreciated???

  4. Happy holiday :
    1. Leftism is, unfortunately, an incurable mental illness that also affects Indian tribes.
    2. The left adopted Arabs
    The right has adopted religions
    But the "Messianics" only believe in the "legend" of Rebbe Melivitch, King of the Messiah forever and ever
    3. Since the holiday of Matan Torah is defined as an Indian folk tale
    We better bring us Moshe Feiglin
    Treat the difficult situation of the glue in the chair.
    Happy holiday. Good health and continued fruitful and enjoyable writing!

  5. Dobi, you did not refer to the content of the article and wrote in general from gut feelings. There is no room for division in the people, and if I was able to understand the end of your opinion, I also think that there is no room for elections in a war and that the Prime Minister is performing well in relation to the difficult general situation, but it is possible to voice factual criticism and filter texts of people who cling to the chair, etc. and try to understand the criticism. Happy Shavuot.

  6. The band "Only not Bibi" once again came out of the holes in the dance.
    They waved black flags for years, then the flags of Israel shouted deception and breach of trust and obsessively followed his family, then in the name of democracy they took to the streets for evenings of free singing and entertainment, and after the failure of a military rank, they again come out like bees from the hive and now Shivin bears the burden.
    Frustrated people sit in home circles and gossip, sharpen the pen and write, receive thousands of shekels in the panel studios and poison, spread inventions and false surveys.
    When will they realize that they are only in the noisy minority in the media and that they are the ones who strengthen him and that they will always be perceived by the public as left-wing-rich-bloated and he is the-disadvantaged-hero-the-eternal-leader.

  7. Luckily for you, "the one attached to the throne" is the Prime Minister and you should flatter him more and elect him.
    Given the demographics in Israel and certainly after 7/10 the people are going more and more to the right.
    Keep believing the polls and the illusions that Shalapid and Gantz from the left are leading,..
    Ben Gvir and Lieberman are the rising stars

    • Dear bird.

      You can't argue with facts: the majority of the public in Israel and around the world increasingly supports the positions considered right-wing (for obvious reasons), but I would appreciate it if you could tell us what the connection is between the positions of 'the one who is attached to the throne' and right-wing views?
      And if we are dealing with the facts, then at the beginning of your words you surely meant to say: "unfortunately for you..." because all the facts testify to the complete failure of 'the one attached to the throne' in all matters related to the benefit of his people.

    • To your "luck" because the current prime minister has liberal western views and is the moderate right wing in the government trusting his party.
      He stands up impressively in the face of very heavy international pressure and criticism and the scorn of the local media, who often despise him for personal and non-business reasons, including the fact that he runs his own successful channel and is interviewed by foreign American networks and not on their channels, and the media here tries to attribute various injustices to him, among other things, that he supposedly does not make it difficult to return the abductees After time and time again it is clear that this is the refusal of the other side of the deal, the same media embraces less than 10 families whose loved ones are abducted who have positions that align with their messages and hardly hear families who think differently (they are heard in media bodies that are identified with the right) on one occasion this week one of those 10 praised He marveled at Rahm's action in freeing the abductees and immediately within a few minutes criticized his function suddenly... a slogan that became a cult in all other media bodies that are against the right and Rahm.
      His opponents in the opposition, who are supposedly leading him in the polls of the leftist channels, have low capabilities and it is scary to imagine what would happen if they were now in power, one of the scenarios would be the release of thousands of terrorists, the withdrawal of forces, the relinquishment of our territories, the declaration of a Palestinian state, submission to the dictates of the nation, not entering Rafah A victory for Hamas, a tremendous motivation for our enemies to act in the same effective way from their point of view of 7/10 and on and on.
      And all this is a prime minister who is considered the most moderate in the government and whose demographics indicate that in the next generation there will probably be 30 Ben Gaviris and Samotrikians and 30 Aymans and Ahmed Tivivs in the government.

    • Mrs. Bird.
      Many things can be said about the current prime minister, but he is..."with liberal views"??? The man has one and only one worldview: cling to the throne at any cost.
      If tens of thousands of Israeli refugees in their country, the destruction of dozens of Jewish settlements, over a hundred hostages in the hands of evil gangs and the inability to defeat that gang after many months of war against them, with one of the strongest armies in the world. With the shameful war of attrition in the north, an abyss in the budget, pandering to a Messianic minority, political destruction that Israel has never experienced, division in the people and hatred of brothers, turning Israel into a de facto dictatorship... and all this without mentioning the unfathomable disgrace of the seventh of October and the one before it.
      If after all this you think he is "a prime minister with liberal Western views (who appointed a criminal and racist police minister, and a fascist finance minister)... and that he is "the moderate right wing in the government (there is no connection between him and the right wing)"... and if after all this you blame the whole world And his wife, apart from 'the one attached to the throne', is one of two:
      Either you live in a parallel universe, or you are blind.
      Oh... and we forgot the main thing: the man is a coward, an instigator, a pathological liar, without shame, self-respect and moral boundaries.

  8. The paintings made with artificial intelligence are beautiful, colorful and wild, reflecting the gloomy everyday reality in which we find ourselves today
    Yossi Berger is a talented storyteller whose story ends on an optimistic note. May it happen so!

  9. A year ago, 144 thousand orders were sent.
    12 thousand his teachings his faith
    10 thousand civil service
    66 thousand did not enlist at all.
    So, the big problem is the 66 thousand

    • right…
      And this without mentioning the 90% of Arab citizens of the country who do not join the army.

    • Bring complaints to Ben Gurion
      He caused them to complain = the phenomenon in exchange for the fact that they voted against the constitution that he committed to in the Declaration of Independence

  10. Wonderful. Yossi
    Every name and image is a stamp.
    Believe that the end of a process in reality will end like in your fairy tale.

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