(Hai Pa) - Avihu Han Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Association of Cities of the Haifa Bay for Environmental Quality joined a surprise inspection at the Amir Dagan factory with a team of the Association of Cities and the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
As you may recall, the Council of the Union of Cities in the Haifa Bay Area for the Protection of the Environment approved last week the appointment of the deputy mayor of Haifa, Avihu Hahn, as the chairman of the union. Hahn, who holds the environmental portfolio in the Haifa municipality, replaced the deputy mayor, attorney Sharit Golan Steinberg, who held the position from 2019 until recently.
Upon officially taking office, Hahn, along with the union staff and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, began to conduct surprise inspections at factories. The first surprise visit in the aforementioned series was carried out on Thursday 6/6/24 at the Amir Dagan factory that produces food mixes for the agricultural sector.
As part of the inspections, Han goes to the field and sees up close the environmental problems of the factories in the Haifa Bay in the hope that surprise inspections that will be carried out once or twice a week at the factories will cause the factories to operate according to the law, comply with all regulations and not commit offenses that will have environmental and health consequences.
His father Han said to Hai Pa:
We exercise a firm hand against deviations of emission permits. We continue to work to make Haifa a clean and good city for its residents.
And what does Abiyahu Han understand about quality assurance?
Even in the Ministry of Environmental Protection they play tricks and tricks, with minimum salaries I wouldn't be surprised if they were bribed.
In Generation Chemicals they report lies to the office, check their software, they have special buttons for false reporting.
We are being poisoned, wake up.
Cities since the 1980s.
No button will cancel.
sorry i'm awake
Seman arrived, right away
His dear father
Even in the schools the cleaning is horrible, the cleaning company just doesn't clean.
Audits and law enforcement (=fines and closure orders) for criminals. Because they only understand this language.
Audits and law enforcement (=fines and closure orders). Because they only understand this language.
Good luck to his father in maintaining the quality of the environment in Haifa. Air quality and other pollutants
Good luck to his father Han. I have a feeling that we have finally found the right person to handle the entire issue of cleaning the city from all the dirt that we have suffered for many years. Many people fell ill
Cancer. Finally he will be treated for good, thank you very much!
Well done to you, father.
Active in the field.