(haipo) - The proposal of city council member Zeev Sonenzon, regarding bringing up for discussion in the city council the alternatives for evacuating the railway buffer, accompanied by an extensive and comprehensive professional review, was approved in the city council that took place this evening (Tuesday 4/6/24).

In his proposal, Sonenzon writes about the future location of the railroad tracks in the Haifa metropolis:
There are quite a few residents who are exposed to this issue randomly and certainly are not fully aware of the scope of the discussion surrounding the issue of the buffer of the railroad tracks.
What we do see and pain is the fact that in the last term moves were made, which instead of causing the evacuation of the railway tracks, actually led to the deepening of the buffer by promoting a project to place an ugly electrification system along the tracks. The deepening of the buffer was accompanied by puzzling promises that in the future the tracks would be buried along the existing route, a move whose price is enormous and whose feasibility is shrouded in fog.
There will be a serious discussion in the city council
In light of this, and because this is a very prominent feature of the city and a problem whose solution will bring about a profound change in the conduct of the city and its image, I request that the city council decide to bring up for discussion in the city council the issue of alternatives for removing the railway buffer, accompanied by an extensive and comprehensive professional review.
In this discussion, I would like the following to be brought up:
- A comprehensive overview of the current state of the project and the next steps related to its future.
- A comprehensive review of the possible alternatives, including the landfill alternative, the tunnel alternatives and the construction alternative over the railroad tracks.
- Discussion of the ability of the city of Haifa to influence the future alternative of the railway lines and the planning of the appropriate moves for this.
They work on us with their eyes. The sinking of the train - an idle promise.
cannot be compared.
The metro is a real need,
Saves hours a day.
No matter how slowly she drives (and really not that much) she saves. And a lot of time and time is money...
And where are all Haifa's billionaires hiding?
To plug potholes in the road - there is no money.
To remove vegetation from roads and sidewalks - there is no money.
There is no money to renew the separation lines and faded road signs.
For street furniture, we are waiting for a donation, an inheritance.
And here the billions (thousands of millions) are thrown away.
The important thing is, order of priority,
And there are many trains in the world that travel by the sea.
There is no money for arbitration on the road because the money goes to the contractors who bring the workers and then they get a share...and also excess workers who put in a round and we pay for nothing...Long live the workers in the municipality including the committee
Hello Limbo. If there is NIS 200 billion for the metro in Gush Dan, they will also find NIS 10 billion to tunnel the trains in Haifa
There are even budgetary sources for this: the tunnel will free up a lot of land for development worth billions, just like
Tel Aviv demanded that the metro be settled in its area (which turned out to be the most important decision on the Red Line, just see
how slowly he travels in Bat Yam) and Tel Aviv contributed in the sale of land for large construction plans and they are a budget for subsidence.
There is no reason for Haifa not to behave in the same way: a demand for full tunneling of the train through the mountain and funding of some of the bridges and tunnels through the marketing of the area that the train will vacate along the coastline and downtown.
It is forbidden to allow any alternative, except tunneling!!
Otherwise it will lead to the destruction of the city, disconnection from the sea, ugliness and crying for generations.
The municipality should oppose and take us to the streets, that is, to the train tracks. stop any alternative!!!
1. In the city of Bregenz in Austria, a heavy, double, electrified railway runs through the middle of the boardwalk on the seashore and it really does not cut off the city from the sea.
2. Electrification does not fix tracks, even with us they have already dismantled the electric infrastructure on the track from Lod to Israel (which was used as an operational crossing for the electric trains before the Lod - Tel Aviv section was electrified).
While the council members are discussing electrification, the 2025 budget is catastrophic and completely corrupt. And an increase in property tax in '25 of almost another 6% to finance the salary celebrations in Haifa Municipality.
The workers' council receives additional millions for gifts and celebrations. You got it. This is what you chose.
Electrification without tunneling = crying for generations.
What is not done on time and in coordination will not be done for years to come and the residents must not believe in false promises
Electrification is a must if you want a modern transportation system.
Repairing the many cliché damages left by the most puzzling in Neshin
I am proud to be one of the few residents (representatives of the Greens of Haifa) who filed an appeal against the unfortunate decision of Israel Railways and the Defense Administration to split the master plan for the electrification of the railway. This is what will surely cause enormous damage to the city both in terms of scenery and transportation, while recklessly disregarding the interests of the residents of Haifa, the metropolis and the north. This is a planning lawlessness that did not go unnoticed by the previous government as well as the current one. Unfortunately, Einat Kalish actually supported these decisions and claimed to have received (non-binding) promises that maybe in 2035 (!) the rail buffer will be removed. In the meantime, get ready to change trains at the Carmel Beach station on your way south and back, because that's what was decided!!