(haipo) - Initial - A grenade exploded in the yard of a house on Allenby Street in Haifa. The background is criminal.
The Israel Police informed Lahi Pa:
A stun grenade exploded on Allenby Street.
No casualties or damage.
(haipo) - Initial - A grenade exploded in the yard of a house on Allenby Street in Haifa. The background is criminal.
A stun grenade exploded on Allenby Street.
No casualties or damage.
Haifa's security in the inspection boards, not doing anything, looking for dog poop in the street
But he will never dare to close a pirate garage on 89 Kibbutz Galoyot St.!!!
Kudos to the Israel Police. Good morning
What happened to the quiet Haifa that was... turned into Chicago
Every day car fires and grenades
Crime celebrates and does nothing!
Between Gavir Smotritz and the government
To eliminate crime, you need a sheriff with options, not a lousy mayor
to look for the coin under the lantern even though it was lost somewhere else. The safety of the city depends on her head, who was elected for 3 terms and Haifa elected him again. Ben Gvir and Smutritz cannot operate in any city with rising crime. Their role is to outline policies and for the local authorities to implement them
Must know which number