(haipo) - This week a legal battle began, when the association "Let Live Live" filed a request for a restraining order against the Haifa Municipality, Yona Yahav and RTG.
As you may recall, when Yona Yahav ran for mayor, he promised to eradicate the wild boar menace within 90 days of taking office. The essential change in the work plan, which is led by the municipality under the leadership of Yahav, is that the pigs are now thinned out by shooting, with the thinning focused on the pigs that roam within the neighborhoods themselves.
This is a fundamental change compared to the municipality's policy during the Kalish period, when killing was carried out using traps scattered in the wadis, a few hundred meters away from the neighborhoods. The pigs that were captured then were killed by an injection that stops the activity of the heart.
Time until the plague of pigs in Haifa is eradicated
(90 days from Yona Yahav taking office)
Request for a restraining order according to section 17a of the Animal Cruelty Law
The association "Let Live Live" filed this week a request for an order in a civil proceeding, through attorney Erez Wall. The purpose of the request: to stop the dilution by shooting, in the format in which it is currently being carried out. The request was submitted on Thursday, 9/5/24 to the Haifa Magistrate's Court, Before the Honorable Judge Shulamit Breslav, in case number 26035-05-24.
The main claims:
♦ Uncontrolled shooting of details that have not been proven to be unruly.
♦ There was no notification of the public and no detail regarding the data indicating that the individual who was shot poses a danger to the public and that there are no alternatives to his death.
Provision of a temporary order
In response to the request, the Honorable Judge Shulamit Breslav ordered the granting of a temporary order to stop the thinning activity by shooting, in the current format, until a discussion on the issue is held, in the presence of both parties.
The hearing is scheduled for 16/5/24, at 13:00 p.m.
Decision on issuing a temporary order - for your reference

Excellent..the number of pigs has decreased..you no longer see them walking around on the sidewalks in the evening. You can finally go out for a walk in the evening without being afraid.. Thanks for the season Yahav..