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Earthquakes on Santorini Island Trigger Tsunami Preparations in Israel

(Live here) - Let's start from the end - In Israel there is no warning...

Is the preservation policy in the old Haifa neighborhood expected to change?

In 2020, the policy document "Hf/Md/2500 - Policy Document...

The harassment has become a nightmare • The young woman from Haifa is afraid to leave her home unaccompanied

(Hai Pa) - The "Hai Pa" editorial team received an unfortunate request...
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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands, slightly disfigured, a masked prisoner is about to fall. Masked murderers surround him, waving their rifles...

Churchill Building • The Technion's Central Auditorium

The first building built in the "Forum", the Technion's central public complex,...

Flower of the week • Large chives

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

Prof. Arnon Palti Haifai • International jazz creator and cultural leader in Israeli music

From the bass to the pinnacle of jazz: the musical path of Palti Arnon Palti...

The demonstration in Haifa - Mochash 11/5/24 • "It is impossible to celebrate Independence Day without the abductees"

(haipo) - On Saturday night, 11/5/2, at 18:30 p.m., the protest will continue in Haifa, against the Netanyahu government and for the return of the abductees, under the slogan:
"There are no Independence Day celebrations without the abductees".

The People's Protest was reported to Hai Pa News Corporation:

Haifaites and Haifaites, the brave inhabitants of the north
On Saturday 11.5.24
♦ At 18:30 - march from the auditorium
♦ At 19:30 - demonstration in Horuv


  • These are Bar-David Shahar - The home of Major Gadi Bar-David, an IDF soldier from the Yom Kippur War.
  • Beaz Zalmanovich - Son of the late Aryeh Zalmanovich who was murdered in captivity in Gaza.
  • Omri Ronan - His grandmother Nira was murdered in Kfar Gaza, from carrying brothers to arms.

contact: At watsapBy email

Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi
Mia Zahavi - editor at Hai Pa - the news corporation

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22 תגובות

  1. The protest actions - the chaos riots against the Israeli government - harm the security of the country during wartime - this strengthens the Nazi terrorists and causes us casualties and harms the possibility of returning the abducted. Enough with the internal war - it is destroying the country.

  2. Instead of yelling to block and riot violently, please mobilize, volunteer, donate to the army, the troops and the abducted slaves, the soldiers. You are tired of leftist evildoers. You were born only to destroy, you wretched lunatics.

  3. Go idle leftists looking for excuses for demonstrations, destruction, blockades, violence, and free sleeping. You are tired of flying, you scum

  4. How tired of you. You hijacked the issue of the abductees because "bribery, fraud and breach of trust" and not "coup d'état" are no longer relevant anymore, as if you care about the abductees. If you were taking care of them, you would be blocking the way of the aid trucks to the enemy.
    You are simply anarchists!

  5. It is good that the media, for its own interests and agenda, pumps up the protests of the left and the call for the overthrow of Netanyahu and the right.
    This works in reverse and brings the rights home.
    You can see this very well in the polls - the gaps, which we say were in favor of the left, have already automatically closed since the demonstrations began.

  6. You are on the left who call for elections every minute and give our enemies a gift to celebrate our division in the nation, so suddenly Independence Day is sacred to you?
    Are you stupid or naive to believe that if Lapid or Gantz or Merav Michaeli were in power Hamas would have released the abductees?

  7. In Toranka Teshal and Ach Shshko we must celebrate Independence Day despite the events of 7/10 and prove to the world that our spirit cannot be broken. People sacrificed their lives for no reason, and of course we will remember the abductees and those who gave their lives for 76 years for the State of Israel

  8. Wretched souls give everything to the enemy. They do not respect all the fallen who sacrificed their lives for the independence of the country. They must be purged

  9. You are right! But you chose Yahav again, don't expect anything, he is what he will be, zero sensitivity to the residents and their heart murmurs. Those who don't celebrate vote with their feet, the only ones who will come are the neighbors, for them every day from 7/10 is a continuous celebration.

  10. You've been blocking our lives for two years now.. you're tired. You are worse than Bibi. Go blockade Caesarea or Jerusalem, whatever you want from us. Your stupid demonstrations do nothing but ruin our lives.

  11. As the world is revealed in its depths, the call "elections now" has fewer voices. Only those who are disconnected from what is happening demand it. After all, what will elections bring now? Will the abductees return soon? keep dreaming

  12. live here dear,
    Tired of reading every week about "protest" or "demonstration": desperate names that weaken our people on their way to victory. They called it "Sympathy hours with the families of the abductees", "Empathy march with the families of the abductees"
    "A mandate for the government to return the kidnapped by military force" because Hamas is deceiving us along with the Americans. After all, we are all in favor of their return. Not all of us are in favor of overthrowing the government.
    I'm sure many more will come.

  13. Return the kidnapped yes
    But without politics
    It loses support from me and others
    It's a shame that the rift in the people will return
    Shabbat Shalom
    Just yesterday we lost 4 heroes and this is for the release of the kidnapped
    So pay respect

  14. Come on idiots, instead of blocking transport arteries and central intersections go to Gaza and return them! A bunch of insolent filth, the state is doing everything to return them! Hundreds of soldiers paid for it with their lives and instead of showing gratitude you go out and demonstrate against the state and the army. A drop of shame, modesty and humility. I am disgusted by the division and incitement you are creating from the creator of BDS and Ehud Barak, Olmert, Halutz and the other criminals.

    • Dear Rafi, as a senior journalist, you should know that half of the soldiers who fell, including Gadi A's son, fell in rescue attempts, and in rescuing bodies and returning them for burial in the homeland, the slogan of the headquarters of the abductees that cleanses Hamas of its crimes, and throws everything on Bibi, because in the name of hating the leader, they burn everything here After all, you are sinning for our sacrifice as families to the fighters!!!!!! Stop the rhetoric that accuses us of neglect, the address for those who really insist is the Sinwar tunnel, and as a mother to the fighters for 214 days in the heart of hell, this nation is not worthy!!! One and the same, unworthy of the sacrifice, and the size of the sacrifice

  15. You are hypocrites. The hypocrites are not the problem. You Andy protest from the beginning said against the government. And suddenly you can't celebrate Independence Day. First of all, all the municipalities said that there would be no celebrations as they were. Just a matter of waving flags. In the houses, everything will be done in a small way. without music A little more just for the sake of the children. The ceremonies will also be conducted in a small way. We will see the ceremonies without music in the background because it is difficult to celebrate that they are still kidnapped by Hamas.

  16. The same wretches who demanded that the Israel Prize ceremony be held in order to hand out a prize to the leftists and Ladman, now do not want to celebrate the country's independence in a state of war.
    You are a disgrace to Israel. Delusional grumpy old people who brought about the Oslo disaster and the unilateral escapes that created Hamastan and Hezbalstan, you are the juice of the country.

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