(Live here with the memory of the Holocaust) - On the eve of Holocaust Day last night (Sunday, 5/5/24), old Haifaites and young Haifaites gathered together in the living room of the Morg family - pioneers of the "Memory in the Living Room" project in Haifa. Dozens of friends and one chair, awaiting the return of the kidnapped, are also part of our great hope.

Mania and Naomi
The guests of the living room were Mania Herman and Naomi Lichthuis who live in "Beit Ham for Holocaust Survivors" which belongs to the "Yad Ezer Heber" association. Ido Morg opened the evening with a message of inner unity that will lead to resilience. Resilience that will allow dealing with a long war. These days we must see what unites us and adhere to "love your neighbor as yourself", he emphasized.
◄ Ido Morig at a memorial evening in the living room • Watch
The meeting was graced with the singing of Dorit Krieger and Irit First, who have been accompanying the residents of the "Beit Hamam" at "Cafe Musica" meetings for several years.

A girl in the Holocaust
91-year-old Mania Herman, a child in the Holocaust, introduced the participants to the intricacies of the soul of a little girl who faced difficult scenes from her family members. Her dealings with severe hunger, with a baby brother who disappeared immediately after his birth, with parents who fell ill and she, an eight-year-old girl, took care of them without medicine, without measures, with a little tea and a lot of love.

A gun aimed at the head
In rich language and detailed descriptions translated into tangible images through her paintings, in one of which a little girl is seen standing in front of a gun aimed at her head, images of the atrocities committed against the Jews emerge. Pictures Pictures send chills through the people sitting in the room.

► The amazing story of Mania Herman • Watch
Many many did not survive
Mania tells of many many who did not survive, those who collapsed after walking for months, others who did not cross the Neister. Tells about abusing adults and making the children watch them.
Vivid images, nightmares that accompany her days
Mania did not stop enumerating the miracles thanks to which she survived illnesses, survived difficult scenes. Rescuers who appeared in moments when it seemed that the end was coming.
How much light in her eyes, how much hope, how much faith.
Joy in her home, her children, her grandchildren and her buildings.

a surprise
Mania published ten books. Her paintings decorate her poems and stories.
Manya's songs were also composed by the musician Tova Porat.
Towards the end of the meeting, we surprised Mania when we played her songs.
◄ "Illusions", from Mania's poems • Composer: Tova Porat ○ Video
Naomi's 90th birthday
Another exciting surprise came before the attendees dispersed: Naomi Lichthuis's 90th birthday. Cake, candles, a blessing and a souvenir from our meetings over the years.

The excitement of those present, the discussion between the members after Mania's words, led to the decision that after Independence Day those present would visit the "Holocaust Museum" with "Yad Ezer Heber" under the guidance of Mania.