Holocaust Day 2024 events at the Carmel Castle
Sunday 5/5/24, at 19:50 p.m. - the Shah and Heroic Memorial Day Ceremony
The Municipality of Tirat Carmel invites the residents to the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, which will take place on Sunday, 5/5/24 at 19:50 PM, in Eshkol Pis (Shipman School).

Monday 6/5/24, at 11:00 - A meeting on the subject of the Holocaust and heroism with the community women's theater department (note: admission is free - by pre-registration).

Thursday 9/5/24, at 16:00 p.m - An event honoring veterans and Holocaust survivors

For Holocaust survivors - recruitment of volunteers for a new project in Carmel Castle
Those interested in volunteering or receiving more information are invited to contact:
Anat Sheffler, Senior Citizens Attorney, phone 054-7257079
or via email - [email protected]

Kudos to the mayor of Carmel Castle, which commemorates Holocaust Day and Gubara.