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Earthquakes on Santorini Island Trigger Tsunami Preparations in Israel

(Live here) - Let's start from the end - In Israel there is no warning...

Is the preservation policy in the old Haifa neighborhood expected to change?

In 2020, the policy document "Hf/Md/2500 - Policy Document...

Prof. Blue Simeon Fainero from Haifa is the winner of the Israel Prize in the field of interdisciplinary design and art.

Prof. Blue Simeon Fainero, multidisciplinary artist and lecturer in the Department of Architecture...
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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands, slightly disfigured, a masked prisoner is about to fall. Masked murderers surround him, waving their rifles...

Churchill Building • The Technion's Central Auditorium

The first building built in the "Forum", the Technion's central public complex,...

Flower of the week • Large chives

Carmel presents us with flowers in all seasons. In this column...

Prof. Arnon Palti Haifai • International jazz creator and cultural leader in Israeli music

From the bass to the pinnacle of jazz: the musical path of Palti Arnon Palti...

Holocaust Day 2024 ○ Memorial events at Carmel Castle

Holocaust Day 2024 events at the Carmel Castle

Sunday 5/5/24, at 19:50 p.m. - the Shah and Heroic Memorial Day Ceremony
The Municipality of Tirat Carmel invites the residents to the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, which will take place on Sunday, 5/5/24 at 19:50 PM, in Eshkol Pis (Shipman School).

Monday 6/5/24, at 11:00 - A meeting on the subject of the Holocaust and heroism with the community women's theater department (note: admission is free - by pre-registration).

Thursday 9/5/24, at 16:00 p.m - An event honoring veterans and Holocaust survivors

For Holocaust survivors - recruitment of volunteers for a new project in Carmel Castle

Those interested in volunteering or receiving more information are invited to contact:
Anat Sheffler, Senior Citizens Attorney, phone 054-7257079
or via email - [email protected]

contact: At watsapBy email

Carmel Castle Municipality
Carmel Castle Municipality
Carmel Castle is a city in the Haifa district of Israel. Carmel Castle is located between the western slopes of Mount Carmel and the Mediterranean Sea, south of Haifa near Route 4, the old road from Haifa to Tel Aviv. Carmel Castle has a 2.6 km stretch of beach.

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A person was slightly injured in a fire in a residential apartment in a high-rise building in Haifa.

(Live here) - On Friday evening, 7/2/25 at 18:00 PM, a fire broke out in a high-rise residential building on Allenby Street in Haifa. One person was slightly injured. Firefighters...

The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the Hilulat of Baba Sali, the son of saints who this year marked 41 years since the Hilulat was held in his memory. Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira, the well-known...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands like a little blackened, a suffocating corpse is falling. Around her are soldiers in masks, many of them waving with joy. The city is excited to call her return, we Jews - a united nation. She is pale, and with a waving hand, great love covers her. Even the Gentiles...

The assisted living program at the Mount Carmel Hotel: A fight to change the land use designation – the local committee files an appeal

(Hai Pa) - The Haifa Municipality's Local Planning and Building Committee appealed the district committee's decision to approve a plan to establish assisted living in the Mount Carmel Hotel complex,...