This week, the Technion in Haifa hosted the "Future Solvers" event: the closing event of Unistream's project for creative entrepreneurial leadership and the Nachshon program in collaboration with the Trump Foundation. The event was attended by about 650 teenagers studying in Nachshon classes from all over the country, from Esafia to Yeruhem.
This year (2024) a new entrepreneurship project began to operate within Nachshon, and as part of it, 21 Nachshon classes developed 73 ventures that have a social-community contribution while developing scientific and mathematical thinking. The project is held in partnership with the Unistream Association, which trains young men and women from the geographical and social periphery from all over the country and from all sectors for business and social entrepreneurship - Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, Druze and Bedouins, with the aim of giving them an equal springboard for success and reducing the social gaps in Israel, as well as in cooperation with the Trump Foundation.

Yifat Bekur, CEO of the Unistream Association:
At the present time we are experiencing a daily reality that is not simple and complex as a society, as individuals and as a country. That is why we see even more the importance of engaging in entrepreneurship, which gives the boys and girls of the youth meaning and positive action. The excellent boys and girls who take part in this program are our future, and I am full of hope and pride when I see how they use the tools of entrepreneurship and the STEM field for the benefit of social and environmental action. Thanks to our partners in Nachshon and the Trump Foundation for running the program for our girls and youth in Israel.
A senior judging team examined the projects
The students of the project presented the projects they developed at the event to a senior judging team that included men and women from the worlds of business, academia, government, the media, local government and more. Among the guests-judges: Julian Branson from the management of Nvidia, Miki Strasburger, co-founder of Air Haifa, Ran Bender, council member of the Haifa municipality, Nadav Nissan-Roda - senior at Ramon.Space, Tzafrit Parker, VP of safety and environmental quality at Elbit Systems, Revital Drori Director of Trump Foundation Policy and Programs, Mohanna Fares, who until recently headed the Technological Education Administration at the Ministry of Education, and executives at Tambor, Ayalon Insurance, Medtronic, Tauzah Venture Capital Fund, Altshuler Shachem, Bank Hapoalim and more.

Erez Lidor, director of the Nachshon program:
This is the sixth year in a row that we present our students with a challenge of an order of magnitude above what they are used to - and they respond to the challenge. This annual project is the largest we've raised, and we couldn't do it without our partners at Unionist and the Trump Foundation. The direct connection to mentors from the worlds of industry and business on the one hand, with the learning and practice of tools from the world of entrepreneurship on the other hand helped the classes that participated in the project to develop and strengthen. The completion of such a large and complex project precisely in a year of war bears witness to the spirit and power of the organizations and especially of our Nachshonim - students as educators.
The lecture "When the guns roar - the muses are silent? Innovation and creativity under fire"
The event opened with the lecture "When the guns are roaring - the muses are silent? Innovation and creativity under fire" delivered by Tal Dekel, innovation manager, graduate of the Telpiot program, entrepreneur and commander of the "Carmeli" observation project in the Iron Swords War. Later, the students presented the ventures to the delegations of judges and the 5 winning ventures were announced in a festive ceremony. The winning ventures went to the largest youth entrepreneurship event in Israel "2024 Venture of the Year" of the Unistream association.
Nachshon plan
The Nachshon program is a joint venture of the Technion and the Ministry of Defense, and its purpose is to develop a scientific leadership reserve for the State of Israel. The program has been taking place for 16 years in middle schools and high schools all over the country, and in the current school year (189) it operates in 53 classes in XNUMX schools.
Revital Drury, Director of Policy and Programs at the Trump Foundation:
We were excited to take part in the closing event of the Unistream association and the Nachshon program. We believe that the deep connection between what is learned in school and the real world is necessary. The more the learning is done out of relevance, interest, connection and meaning, the more the students' motivation for learning will increase and they will acquire skills and abilities such as independent learning, presenting an argument and teamwork, alongside values of morality and responsibility for improving the face of society. Thank you to our partners, the Unistream association and the Nachshon program for leading a unique and innovative program that brought the real world into the classroom and enabled 650 students to apply their mathematical, scientific and technological knowledge to solve complex social problems. The students presented creative and intelligent solutions and proved that relevant, challenging and meaningful learning can be successfully integrated into the school routine.
Well done to you, my friend Ran Bender, member of the Haifa City Council
Shabbat Shalom and blessed to you
An entire article about projects with innovative social solutions without describing a single one of them?? What is their content?? To interview winners about the experience... something... please... please complete and expand.