These days (April 2024), the board of the Haifa Museums is renewed with new council members, among them: Sally Abed from the "Rov Ha'ir" faction, who was appointed to the position of chairman of the board and council members Yael Shanar from the "Greens" faction and Artyom Kharchenko from the "Haifa Beitno" faction, who Appointed board members.
Sally worked
Sally Abed, 32 years old, graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics and political science from the University of Earlham in the USA. She is married to Eli, who works at a hospital in the city, and they live together in Wadi Salib. Sally works as a resource development manager and is involved in strategic development and community organization on a daily basis. She is interested in promoting A vision of making Haifa the cultural and public center of the common society in Israel, through promoting equality between the neighborhoods, creating a diverse and vibrant urban space, and strengthening the multicultural nature of the city.
Upon assuming office, Abed said:
I am happy and excited to assume the position of chairman of the Haifa Museums Company. The museums in Haifa are constantly working to make quality and diverse culture accessible to the Haifaites and the Haifaites, while referring to the human, cultural and historical diversity that exists in the city. Culture makes us feel, connect, think, dream and criticize, and that is why it is important So that the Haifa public will have the opportunity to consume culture in their home environment. I was happy to meet the CEO Yotam Yakir and the professional management and staff of the museums. The board and I will be here in the coming years to help them do their work to the best of their ability, with the salary conditions, the listening ear in the municipality and the artistic freedom they deserve.
I worked with her. She's a GROTESQUE RACIST. She believes that based on color and/or biology, people are born into oppressed and oppressor races. She believes that when someone from an 'oppressed' race is racist against an 'oppressor' race, that it isn't racism because racism is power + prejudice. As such, she believes that nothing the Arab-Palestinians say or do is racist because of the occupation and that it's all okay. I've heard her get off the phone with a customer and say 'he was nice, I think he must've been Black' and 'He was a dick, I think he must've been a White guy'. I also know that she broke up with a half Jewish guy because her family were even more racist than she is.
Good luck to you Sally