Has urban renewal become a well-oiled machine that exploits the elderly and the weak?
Instead of improving the quality of life of old residents, many urban renewal projects become a tool in the hands of contractors, lawyers and other interested parties, while blatantly infringing on the rights of apartment owners.
The story of an elderly tenant highlights the seriousness of the problem:
I, a tenant in the 70s and my severely disabled wife, are facing eviction and reconstruction in our residential building. The contractor's company works together with lawyers on their behalf, while the tenants are represented by lawyers chosen on the recommendation of the developer himself. We received a complex contract that we do not understand, and we feared exploitation by interested parties. We turned to an experienced high-cost lawyer, who discovered 22 clauses in the contract that violate our rights, and even endanger our property.
We tried to contact the lawyers representing the tenants, but were met with indifference and even resistance. A direct contact with the contractor brought up a mess, and revealed a lack of willingness to cooperate. A last appeal to the municipal authority, which prides itself on its support for tenants, was met with a complete refusal, giving a ridiculous explanation.
The current situation is unbearable:
- The elderly and the weak are neglected without adequate protection.
- Self-interested parties operate without transparency with clear conflicts of interest.
- The authorities, who are supposed to protect the rights of the tenants, give overwhelming support to the entrepreneurs.
- Complex contracts are drafted in legal language that is difficult to understand, while infringing on basic rights.
It's time for action!
- An independent supporting body must be established to assist residents with information, advice and legal support throughout the entire process of urban renewal.
- The relationship between developers, tenants and lawyers must be reexamined, while ensuring complete transparency and preventing conflicts of interest.
- It must be ensured that every urban renewal contract is drafted in simple and easy-to-understand language, emphasizing the rights and obligations of the tenants.
- Close supervision must be applied to the activities of the authorities, while ensuring absolute neutrality and action in favor of the tenants.
Only through a fundamental change can we ensure that urban renewal will become a real tool for improving the quality of life of longtime residents, and not a tool in the hands of self-interested parties.
When a developer receives land worth NIS 100 million today
And instead of building a respectable "addition" or equivalent to the amount of apartments he has to return
Even if under the 21 percent law the profit builds more than double what it has to pay back.
If you want to build a reasonable addition like the Moria vintage.
Towers cloud the city's skyline and also burden infrastructure that is already in a state of collapse
For example, going down from Ramat Shaul towards the main road through the Europa exit and Ein Hayam.
The roads are narrow and barely wide enough for a bus in Ein Hayam, which is also supposed to undergo urban renewal.?
Caution from a lawyer representing tenants but funded by the developer.
The same is true for a construction inspector on behalf of the tenants but financed by the developer.
Both cooperate with the developer and the tenants are actually not protected at all.
Well done the elderly couple who contacted a lawyer and paid out of their own pockets. There are no free meals.
It's called trampling on human rights
under the protection of the law!
Today there is a new mayor who cares and his ears are open to any issue that may harm and hurt the city's residents, especially issues related to the municipality such as urban renewal. I am sure that with a well-formulated and well-explained appeal, he and his assistants will know how to solve the problem, if it is indeed related to the municipality
As they did to the tenants of Baba Hillel Silver.
An important and disturbing issue that deserves to be corrected.
There are some law firms that "as if" represent the tenants, but actually serve the one who pays them, which is the developer. The time has come for the tenants to sue such a lawyer.
For example, I saw a lawyer who, as part of his work, undertook to conduct a tender between entrepreneurs. How will he conduct a tender if a certain entrepreneur pays his salary?
Only lawsuits will help eliminate such a shameful phenomenon.
A basic lack of understanding in the process….
Did you forget the building at Europa Exit 4. in Kiryat Sheprincek. which was promised the entry of tenants in 12/2020 and to date nothing.
Where are the authorities? They rule in favor of the trustees. Instead for the benefit of the tenants.
Today they are the elders, tomorrow we will be the elders. It is important to establish a free legal advisory body that knows how to protect the rights of apartment owners of any age, including the elderly.
I am sorry to read such opinion columns.
Although there are such cases, they begin and end with cowardly tenants and weak lawyers.
Found 22 defective clauses, send a letter and demand the correction of the agreement to the tenants' attorney with a copy to the developer and a copy to all the tenants with an explanation of the deficiencies and leave a phone number for the narcissists who require correction.
You should also contact the government authority for urban renewal with an organized complaint and a request for their intervention.
To remind you, just about a week ago, lawyer Sharit Golan Steinberg assumed her position as the holder of the planning and construction portfolio. I am sure and confident that very soon after she completes the power of information about what is planned in the city on the part of the city authorities, she will begin to act decisively for all the residents of the city and will make sure that all the parties involved receive the best conditions possible and I am sure and confident that as she has proven to date in her ten years in the council and now even more so As the deputy mayor, no party will be prioritized for political or financial considerations, but the adaptation will be equal and for the benefit of all
Ilana Tovim, your personal beliefs were expressed faster than expected - 10(!!) requests for TMA 38 are up for discussion in the local committee on Wednesday, May 1.5.2024, XNUMX.
Beliefs and promises separately and deeds separately.
It is clear what will be the fate of these requests, when the local committee has a clear majority for real estate agents.
Permit applications pursuant to TMA 38 that do not comply with the provisions of the TMA at all - should not be brought up for discussion by the committee. From the moment the requests come up for discussion in the committee, their fate is decided.
Because the TMA thermal industry "must" continue.
And this is just the beginning.
Anyone who expects that the Haifa Municipality, which craves for levies, incentives for building scopes and plan approvals, will do a little pips to protect the apartment owners, probably does not live in the State of Israel and has expectations that are suitable for social states, nor for the municipality of Gridi in Gridiot, which only sees in its eyes the revenues that will finance the budget pensions salary celebrations, vacations to conferences in hotels on Residents account..
They will increase the rights of developers with the usual excuse of "lack of viability for the developer if not.." This is how they push hundreds and thousands of apartments onto neighborhoods with shaky infrastructure and create lasting damage, the residents of Habiva Reich and Neve David are already beginning to accept, others - not yet, or the residents are too weak against the developers The shrewd ones who see a bonanza to "knock" a few immigrants-elderly-heirs and produce slams of hundreds of apartments high with profits of billions.
I didn't understand until this moment if this is an undercover advertising article for lawyers or an article on behalf of the municipality to excuse its resounding failure in the field of urban renewal?
The fact that the article has no name and no face in any case requires a critical reading.
When buying an apartment from a private person, a careful and smart buyer does not hire the services of the seller's lawyer. The same in the evacuation of Binui or TMA 38. In no way should it be agreed that the developer's lawyer will also represent the tenants.
That's why everyone does not hire a lawyer on behalf of the developer, but an independent one carefully chosen by all the reckless tenants from the devil. The preparations before signing. Choosing a lawyer represents an appraiser's report on behalf of the tenants and arriving prepared before signing.
And since there is a respectable representation of the Himalayan party in the coalition... it is hereby proposed that this be one of the first issues that will be dealt with.. although the party is local, but perhaps we will be the "light to the Gentiles" in neighboring cities as well and which proposal will receive support here in the coalition and be budgeted for execution within the framework of community resilience
Instead of building a monster, why is there no supervision?
Like the government in the State of Israel, the tyranny, exploitation and harm to the residents has penetrated deeply and the bookkeepers/entrepreneurs/lawyers take advantage of the innocent and helpless people. They remain helpless in the face of a "oiled machine" that lives at the expense of their plight.
The proposed solutions continue the method of harming the elderly, the solution is not to exhaust them and flood them with solutions, they have the right to continue living in their familiar home, instead of these solutions a financial assistance program should be offered in order to renovate the building and not carry out a construction evacuation
If so...the elderly and poor in Israel must take a non-bank loan and flee the country
The proposed solutions continue the method of harming the elderly, the solution is not to exhaust them and flood them with solutions, they have the right to continue living in their familiar home, instead of these solutions a financial assistance program should be offered in order to renovate the building and not carry out a construction evacuation
I don't want to tell you what will happen when the next strong earthquake that statistically should have happened already happens. Not to mention a war with Hezbollah in the north.
So don't say - we have heard more than enough of apocalyptic prophecies from the greedy entrepreneurs who infiltrate people's consciousness about the earthquakes happening in the world, without understanding anything in the field of geophysics.
Holding eyes in its ugly embodiment.
There is no connection between the urban planning concept "urban renewal" and the illegal demolition of good and earthquake-resistant buildings and the construction of ugly "monsters" in their place under the auspices of TMA 38 which serves as a false infrastructure for the perverted implementation of the plan.