A new and ground-breaking service gives patients facing emotional distress the possibility of targeted resilience training. The goal: providing a one-stop solution while striving to improve the quality of life.
These are complex days for all of us. No matter how we look at it, it seems that the events of the seventh of October succeeded in a certain way in shaking our lives from end to end. Since then, many of us have been dealing with a feeling that the ground has been dropped from under our feet, combined with the lack of a sense of personal security and a reality that every day entails a series of challenges the likes of which we have not known until today.
Resilience coaches - a new service in general
A major part of the new reality that has been imposed on us affects the emotional stability in our lives as well, which is combined with feelings of anxiety and confusion, to the point of real anxiety. In an attempt to provide an effective and high-quality response to the described scenario, in recent months, Klalit has launched a new service in the form of "resilience coaches".
These are actually social workers and graduates with a bachelor's degree in psychology, who underwent dedicated and intensive accelerated training by the experts of the Shlavta mental health hospital from the Klalit group. Their role is designed to help patients deal with emotional difficulties that arise, while striving to improve their quality of life.
A short and focused intervention
It should be noted that the service is carried out with the help of practical tools that are delivered during the 'emotional training', and those designed to enable the patients to deal optimally with the various emotional difficulties they face.
How does it work? "The 'resilience training' includes a short and focused intervention that takes place within the framework of several individual sessions, using 19 structured modules that are customized to the needs of the patients. For example, they help overcome anxiety, sleep disorders, depression symptoms and emotional stress. The trainings are actually suitable for anyone who is dealing with 'soft' emotional difficulties and wants to upgrade the quality of their life, despite the inherent difficulties these days," explains Yifat Alon, director of the general social work service for the Haifa and Western Galilee district and coordinator of the field.
A total of 45 fitness trainers from around the country were trained in a general framework. One of them is Michael Komtiani, a graduate of a bachelor's degree in psychology who works in Klalit's Haifa district, and who began to provide resilience training for the district's patients at the Shaprinzek clinic in Haifa as well as at other Klalit clinics in Tirat Carmel.
Michael Komtiani:
I feel very privileged to take part in such a significant program of Kalit, which provides an available solution for many people who face emotional distress on one level or another. To date, I have met patients who are thirsty for knowledge and specific guidance in the field. Some are in a storm of emotions or feelings of confusion. Our goal is to try and help them function better in their day-to-day life.
The very focus and delineation of the source of the emotional problem, succeed in most cases in making the difference for them. In addition, the resilience training provides them with practical tools designed to improve their quality of life and to respond to the hardships they feel immediately. I see from the side how much the emotional training benefits them. It fills me with great satisfaction.
Are you also interested in using the service of the resilience coaches?
Contact your family doctor or a staff member at your clinic or call the national hotline *8073. May we all know quiet and peaceful days!
Is the treatment only for victims of 7.10. ?!
Greetings. I am a social worker, retired. Interested in taking the course and joining the "Resilience Trainers" system. I would appreciate it if you would contact me: Naama Zweig. 0524703894