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Beit Suidan • Neighbor of the Baha'i Garden

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Green is rising • Support for Abihu Han in all neighborhoods of the city of Haifa ► Watch the video

Time until the plague of pigs in Haifa is eradicated
(90 days from Yona Yahav taking office)


Avihu Han, Benny Gantz's candidate for chairman of the state camp in Haifa, has been a volunteer council member for over a decade and served as deputy mayor and in a number of key positions in the city. In the previous elections, he won 4 mandates in the council and was the chairman of the largest faction and a diligent and respected council member.

Those who walk around the city cannot miss the support for Abihu Han, which is expressed on balcony signs as well as on billboards together with MK Benny Gantz, the chairman of the state camp - under the slogan "Haifa before everything".

The Blue-White Greens say that their support is multi-age and their dozens of volunteers for the elections come from the entire Haifa public: students and retirees, from the Carmel, the coastal neighborhoods and Kiryat Haim - where they all have in common a love for Haifa and a desire to see new leadership.

Han said to Hai-Fa:

For me, Haifa comes first and I am the only one among the leading candidates who does not have contractors and foreign interests behind him. In addition, I am the only candidate supported by a major party and connected to Gantz, who is a personal friend of mine, these connections are important to Haifa in order to be able to move it forward.
There are many reasons to vote for me and for the blue-white greens, but since the main thing is health, I am most proud that I was able to promote together with Gantz as Minister of Defense and in cooperation with environmental organizations the government's resolution 1231 to clean up Haifa Bay and evacuate Zan.

In addition, I am the only one who included in his platform the promotion of the Jewish community on Shabbat in Haifa, including the Carmelite and the Cable Car, and the only one who worked to abolish gender segregation in Sportan and to remove it, which is against the Haifa DNA, and also to remove Avi Maoz's student cell from the Technion.

My list for the city council is gender-balanced with young women leaders and with two presidents of student associations on the list, so is the support for the Greens cross-sector and multi-age. As mayor I intend to introduce an open door policy and be accessible to everyone.

In the upcoming elections, the greens are voting blue and white ► Watch

Support for Han doubled

According to the latest survey data by Dodi Hasid, the surveyor of Kaan and Reshet B - recently the support for Han for mayor has doubled, and now it is a three-way race for mayor between Avihu Han, Yona Yahav and David Etzioni, with only two of them advancing to the second round.

Avihu Han and Benny Gantz (Photo: "Green Blue and White")

Benny Gantz toured Haifa this week with his father Hahn and told Haifa:

Avihu Han and the blue-white green team are my choice in Haifa. I see in their team all the residents of Haifa, veterans of the city alongside students, immigrants alongside the natives of the country. I call on the residents of Haifa, vote for Abihu Han and the Greens, and you will get a new and worthy mayor and an excellent team.

The greens, blue and white for mayor of Haifa ► Watch

contact: At watsapBy email

The greens are blue and white
The greens are blue and white
The Blue and White Greens - a movement headed by Avihu Han for mayor

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10 תגובות

  1. Avihu Han is the most suitable, he has proven himself as an opposition to Kalish. Do not make a link to national politics

  2. To trust you after because of your friend Gantz and his party dropped the removal of the instigator as a sword from the Knesset? With 85 votes in favor?
    This is how you take care of the name of IDF soldiers? Disappointment, Han and the dirty green.
    Also signing an apolitical faction for your personal ambitions (for Zimi 2, it is quite clear that you will resign from the council and try to reach the Knesset)
    And you chose the failed and spineless bastard called Gantz.

  3. Leave all sponsored advertising of these businessmen. Once every five years they tour the city and remember to do as if.
    To manage the city you need management skills. It is not enough to tour with a politician (and a bad and failed one of them)
    Let's give the Zivoli wave a sense of payment to pass in the coming week.. We need to live here to make a living and the elections are great money from all the parties.

  4. Uri from Idar Street
    It is better that Haifa does not side with just one candidate and give a platform to all. This is a neutral and not one-sided press.

  5. It is so ridiculous that every day an article appears here on behalf of some party / some candidate, with a survey that shows the support for it, and is very different from the survey that another candidate published.
    Is this journalism? joke

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