Kiryat Bialik is growing by leaps and bounds. According to the data of the Ministry of the Interior, the municipality of Kiryat Bialik crossed the threshold of 50,000 inhabitants and now 50,046 residents of the city live there. The new neighborhoods being established now and those that will be established in the future will bring the city to approximately 110,000 residents.
Below are data about Kiryat Bialik:
- 0 children and toddlers aged 5-3,361 live in the city, 6 children and teenagers aged 18-8,466 live in the city.
- The majority of the residents are between the ages of 19-45 and it stands at 16,448 residents which make up 32.9% of the total population.
- Middle-aged residents between the ages of 46-55 make up 12.2% of all residents and are 6,101 men and women.
- There are 56 residents aged 64-4,425, which make up 8.8% of all the city's residents.
- 11,245 residents of the "golden" age - the residents over 64, live in Kiryat Bialik, which indicates the quality of life for the elderly.
- Kiryat Bialik is characterized by the growth of a young population aged 0-18 which is 23.6% on the one hand, and a population in the third age which is 22.5% on the other hand.
A center of attraction for young couples
The municipality stated that Kiryat Bialik is a center of attraction for young couples and housing developers due to being a city with excellent education, quality and diverse service for all residents of all ages.
The municipality welcomes the increase in the population and guarantees that the high-quality, efficient and generous service to which the residents have become accustomed will remain intact despite the accelerated growth.
Kudos to Kiryat Bialik Municipality