(Live here with Nahal Saadia) - "From the beginning of the storm, at the end of January 2024, sewage began to flow into Nahal Saadia in Haifa," says Eric Drobot, who discovered this magical natural gem in Haifa and has since undertaken its restoration. "In addition, a facility, which is supposed to stop the solids that are not sewage from disintegrating due to the large amount of solids and all the solids (wipes, bandages, etc.) are washed into the stream.
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Nahal Saadia is one of the tributaries of Nahal Kishon. The source of the stream is in Ein Saadia, which originates at the foot of Carmel, and continues near the heart of the bay and near Shemen Beach, to the mouth of the Kishon.
"The sewage bursts into the stream"
For 4 years now, Eric Drobot has been doing everything he can to improve the condition of the stream and stop the environmental hazards that repeatedly harm it. Drobot is also behind the organization 'Saving the Saadia Stream': "From the beginning of the storm, 30/1/24, Haifa's main sewer line burst into the stream. I saw sewage entering and contaminating the stream, as happens in any rain event that causes the stream to become polluted due to sewage infiltration. The reason is that the sewer line crosses the creek and the poor infrastructure in the city of Haifa, which causes rainwater to enter the sewer line, which is not normal."
"The facility does not fulfill its purpose"
"Recently, a facility was installed that is supposed to filter the solids that are not sewage (wipes, diapers, etc.). Before that, all of these flowed raw into the stream. The quantities are so large, that the facility is simply not enough, it cannot handle the amount of materials, and so the filters open and everything returns The stream seems to have no facility at all.
In addition, the facility's storage tank is not enough and everything flows into the stream. During the last storm there were rainy days and days of respite. When the rain returns, the Carmel Water Corporation is supposed to come and pump out the pool (tank). There are cases when they don't arrive, and then the tank slides into the stream itself. The facility does not serve the purpose for which it was created."

"The heart aches for such a beautiful stream"
"Sewer pipes are laid at the bottom of the stream," Drobot explains, "the drainage pipes cause the stream to flood and the water level to rise. The sewer line crosses the stream and reaches the sewage treatment plant. The problem is that the pipe cannot be straight along the stream, but there are angles in it when the stream winds. The bends The holes in the pipe are the places where the sewage sometimes exits into the stream. Another problem is the rainwater, which penetrates into the sewer. In such cases, the sewage treatment plant cannot always handle all the amounts of sewage that reach it. When the sewage plant cannot cope with the load, flooding occurs and the sewage collects inside and in the pipe. A lot of liquid and they reach the lowest point in Nahal Ovadia. This situation where there is permission to flow sewage into Nahal Ovadia is an abnormal situation. It hurts my heart for such a beautiful stream that people cannot enjoy it for this reason."
Carmel Water Corporation: 'All the water and sewage systems in the area are completely fine'
The Carmel Water Corporation stated that the inspection carried out by the corporation found that all the water and sewage systems in the area in question are completely normal. This is a well-known, well-known and treated regional problem, which in extreme rain situations, as has occurred in the past few days, the Wastewater Treatment Institute is unable to absorb the amounts of wastewater that reach it from 11 local authorities, and wastewater mixed with rainwater flows backwards and flows after filtering at the lowest point in the Haifa and Kiryat region . The purification plant is currently in the process of upgrading its wastewater absorption capacity, and when these works are completed, the overflows will stop."
The real estate sharks decided there wouldn't be a stream there
This is not random pollution, this is intentional pollution so that they can say that there is nothing to restore and it is no longer possible to restore, and then they will cover it with concrete to continue
The casual office buildings because who wants to work in such a dirty and polluted place?
In short, the Haifa municipality is falling asleep on guard or deliberately closing its eyes for the cabalniade around the entrance to the Carmel tunnels.
The entrepreneurs will find that there are no premium renters in the most infectious area.
so sad
Every piece of nature that is left is trampled because of omissions and lack of proper care. Where is the Minister of Environment?
Is there no place to involve him in the matter?
And the sooner the better.