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Haifa residents oppose urban renewal: "Destroy the green and quiet neighborhood"

(Hai Fe) - Over 100 residents who live in the old Romema neighborhood submitted an objection to the local planning and construction committee regarding the project at 25 Palmach St. and 9-11 Mishmar HaGval St., through the law firm Yosef Yeshuron & Co.

At 25 Palmach Street / 9 and 11 Border Guard Street, there are currently two buildings, including 17 units and 27 units (44 units in total). In place of these buildings, the construction of two 7-year-old buildings is planned and 8 residential floors, which include 132 units and another 6 parking floors below street level.

"The project constitutes a significant harm to the residents of the neighborhood and its appearance"

Residents who live close to the buildings explain their strong opposition to the project. This is what they say: "Most of the apartments are going to be between 44 square meters and 70 square meters. Only a few apartments will have a larger area. In both buildings there is a request for approval of 132 units, of which 63 are smaller (exceeding) than the minimum size of Apartment (54 square meters).

Another 45 apartments will be 60 square meters or less. 80% of the apartments are up to 60 square meters. The limited size of the apartments allows the creation of such a large number of apartments compared to the number of apartments that exist today (44 apartments)."

Old Romema (photo: private album)
The project complex from the direction of Palmach Street (photo: private album)

"132 apartments instead of 45"

The opponents also claim: "The project complex includes 3 dunams and therefore, according to the Haifa Municipality's policy document, there were supposed to be 45 apartments on the entire area. Instead, there are three times as many - 132 units." There is also an exception in the construction line that the developer is requesting, and there are mistakes and deficiencies in the documents that the developer submitted in the application for the permit."

The tenants also point to aspects of preservation in the two buildings: "According to the municipality's documents, there are aspects of preservation in the area. The two buildings that will be destroyed by the project (the Palmach 25 and the Border Guard 9-11) are the first to be built in the neighborhood, and they have architectural importance. They were built in 1949.

Two towers will be erected in their place. There is another plan (not related to this project) for the construction of a third building at the address of the Border Guard 10-12-14. It is quite clear that approval of the project in Palmach 25 will give a boost to the additional project as well. These three buildings were built in 1949. The buildings are architecturally unique, in the opinion of architect Hadas Abramowitz, with whose help the objection document was submitted.

The architect added in her objection that these buildings are part of a unique housing complex from the 40s and have urban, architectural, scenic and cultural values, and are therefore intended for preservation and not for demolition."

9, 11 Border Guard St. (photo: private album)
9, 11 Border Guard St. (photo: private album)

The tenants fear damage to the trees in the complex

"In the three complexes there are many trees and rich vegetation. In the Palmach 25 project, it is planned to cut down dozens of old trees that are decades old and to destroy almost all the existing green areas in the complex. In addition to the cape, the project will seriously damage the path, which connects Carmi Street and the border guard, where many residents pass for their pleasure.

Also, old trees in the lots of nearby buildings will be damaged as a result of the project. There is a discrepancy in the documents documenting the trees and there are trees that are missing from the developer's documents.

The residents explain that everyone who lives in Vardia and thousands of Haifa residents who travel along Rosh Mia road will be able to see the large buildings of the project instead of the green landscape.

The residents are also very disturbed by the safety issue. They explain that the objection document contains an appendix of a safety consultant. According to the opinion of a safety consultant, which is in the objection document: "The location of the building at the end of dense residential streets full of parking will not allow the access of fire and rescue vehicles in the event of a fire in the northern wing of the building, and will put the residents of the building itself and the residents of its surroundings in danger."

How will the street be affected by the number of vehicles that will be added as a result of the project?

As in all TMA, the tenants are afraid of the number of new vehicles that will join the neighborhood, which will affect the parking and the traffic congestion. The intention is to create 6 parking floors below the street level.

This is problematic parking, and we are afraid that tenants will not want to enter this parking lot and drive 5 and 6 floors down to their parking space, and will prefer to take parking spaces outside the building. Even today there is a parking shortage in the neighborhood, and the parking spaces on the street are used by tenants of buildings without private parking spaces. The addition of such a quantity of cars will make the situation impossible."

"The new construction is going to cause traffic congestion in the neighborhood. Today in the morning there are traffic jams, which form at the end of Palmach Street, due to vehicles stopping near the Reali school. The addition of dozens of cars in the morning hours will cause even greater traffic congestion."

25 Palmach Street (photo: private album)
25 Palmach Street (photo: private album)

Serious damage to the character of the neighborhood

According to the tenants, such a large number of apartments will burden the existing infrastructure, such as sewage, electricity and water, resulting in malfunctions that will harm the quality of life of the residents of the neighborhood. In the bottom line, the residents fear damage to the character of the neighborhood.

"In the overall view, there will be 2 unusual buildings in size and construction within the green neighborhood, which will be a very large addition of apartments and cars within a limited complex. We fear that there will be more large projects here that do not fit the general space, this is a serious damage to the character of the neighborhood. The project will destroy dozens of trees and cause damage to our green and quiet neighborhood."

Project architect Natan Buchendler:

The fact that the buildings were built in the early fifties does not make them buildings to be preserved. The conservation committee determined that they are not for conservation. Normal (non-mechanical) parking and more for each apartment in my experience makes car owners prefer orderly and protected parking in the parking lot. There is maximum protection for the trees. There is a permit from a forestry official and vegetation will be added along Palmach Street and the border guard. Currently there is a shortage of 2-3 room apartments with MMAD and residents are forced to move away from the city center or live in apartments without MMAD. Examples can be taken from other cities.

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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34 תגובות

  1. As someone who grew up in the Hadar neighborhood, I don't understand how the buildings on Shafaram, Gideon, and surrounding streets were not taken down.
    Houses without MMD, no elevators (above 4 floors), limited parking at all.
    Only crime and poverty in my childhood neighborhood.
    Invest in Hadar.

  2. As if there is no place to build
    Demand new neighborhoods and proper infrastructure along the way
    Leave the people alone
    There are lots of open spaces

  3. Urban renewal = slums costing millions of NIS!
    This is the 11th blow and the disgusting Israeli insolence!
    Compress and cash in on the residents!
    Build such neighborhoods in the villages instead of destroying our beautiful city!
    With all the neglect, Amen, you will not win over the lovers of the city!

  4. There are indeed dense neighborhoods where it is not possible to widen a road, and the area of ​​the building that will be built is partly on the side of the mountain, which means that the construction will come down to Luadi and other such constraints that it is really not worth touching and changing there.
    For example, on Shunamit-Ovadia Street, these are dead-end streets, if there is a fire or an emergency there is no way that a fire extinguisher and an ambulance will be able to pass and save people.
    Such things should also be taken into account and not approve additional apartments.

  5. Do it wisely.
    I was born in the Neve Sharet neighborhood in Tel Aviv, a neighborhood that was magical before the Binui evacuation.
    Today it is impossible to recognize the neighborhood, full of towers and without any color, traffic jams due to infrastructures adapted to a small neighborhood, a grave mistake.
    Huge destruction to the vegetation, in short it didn't do the word any favors.

  6. It is mandatory to add more and more and more and more and more and more apartments and reduce them beyond the minimum allowed, eliminate all the vegetation and build and build on top of it, build an extension to the ground to a depth of hundreds of meters and build the same structure to a height of hundreds of meters as well, and this has nothing to do with the TMA whatever it is and "D anything! , we must dry up large parts of the sea and build there and in addition also build floating islands in the sea for living and in addition also build buildings in the sea from the bottom of the sea some of which will be underwater and the rest as towers hundreds of meters above sea level! And this is how it should be built and done all over the earth and in all the countries and continents of the world!
    Did you get it?!… This is what has to happen when you constantly fart children! In the process, you will lose privacy, you will lose green spaces and gardens, you will live in terrible overcrowding, and later the national infrastructures of Mother Earth will be discovered and will be turned into industrialized food that will destroy you and if you continue then there will be no food for everyone and then people will simply die of hunger and some will be murdered by others to eat their flesh In order to survive. Is it true that I am psychotic and hallucinatory and see blackness?!: The future will say who was right, only that... I think and hope that the war will expand into a world war and that the idea of ​​evacuation-construction will lead to evacuation-evacuation (clearing rubble and clearing corpses) and that way God will prevent us from the holocaust You are aiming for a population explosion and will reduce the population in the world to that of the 17th century and thereby prevent a population explosion and create spatial economic well-being for the rest!

  7. why why why? Why burden the city of Haifa with more apartments that will bring more residents that will lead to overcrowding and lower the standard of living, the main thing is that the municipality of Haifa will put more property tax in its pocket. All the additions to the apartments, but no additions of post offices, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc., which means density and congestion will be in all aspects. What does the architect of the project care, he won't live there.

  8. We need urban renewal at 73-105 Hillel Silver, please think about it, Haifa Municipality

  9. It is true that the buildings are old and must be renovated -
    But to limit 6 floors, let's say doubling existing apartments to 90 units and the balance to give the developer an alternative land for example in Benaot Peres or another neighborhood with another 40 units - to lower the density of the project in Rumma.
    The municipality should have a "bank" of alternative land to give to contractors so that it pays for them to evacuate the construction of multi-tenant buildings within the limits of the floors and volumes in the plans. It is forbidden to hack the plans in a spot-on manner for any reason, as this would seriously damage the quality of life in the neighborhoods.
    Let the contractor build, say, 80 units in new 6-story buildings

  10. We need to see who the developer is and no more crooks, there is an urgent need for every house to have an MMD and not a 60-year-old building, Haifa is finished, all the young people are fleeing to the surrounding settlements, the coexistence is bullshit and will not expand, especially Kalish and the municipal employees are not functioning, there is no service, the municipal engineer and the engineering department are collapsing , there are things that need to be investigated in depth how entrepreneurs obtained permits and those who understand will understand...

  11. Let's do urban renewal on Arlozorov street, the time has come, not only will we not oppose it, we will even bless it.

  12. Agenda 2030. Your closure in small urban blocks, within a 15 minute district, a modern ghetto.
    Good luck to all the believers of the establishment. History proves that you just repeat it over and over again and learn nothing.

  13. Population density, unbearable, no parking, no place to park a car even for a second, really an unbearable situation. enough

  14. As usual, the municipality does not see urban renewal as not only real estate, and instead of coming up with creative solutions that would preserve a green neighborhood, enough parking for citizens and playgrounds, for children, it only thinks about how much more property tax it can collect with additional construction.

  15. The developers are taking advantage of a weak municipality, a failed city engineer who, in a topographical city, did not establish strict and clear rules for the load of a number of apartments, residents and vehicles for each neighborhood with the understanding that the neighborhoods cannot bear the building renewal on a huge scale that the contractors demand and witness the disaster of Habiva Reich Street.
    What they will get in Rome is a reproduction of Habiva Reich's suffocation. Buildings not on the scale of the street, unusual in the number of apartments, in the floors, in volume and an opening for more projects like this and finally overhangs, suffocation, traffic jams and the destruction of scenic views, nuisances and spaces 'clogged' by vehicles.
    This is how they damage all the other neighborhoods of the ridge. No one determines what the maximum capacity is, what the buildings will look like...every planner does what he wants because city engineer Ariel Waterman allows lack of planning under the guise of planning. There are not even guidelines for the shape of the building and the volumes for each street. The whole of Carmel is filled with anomalies and celebrations of illusory height and volume that sometimes damage an entire street that receives concealments of light, scenery, air and huge traffic jams.
    Prestige will be replaced by abandonment as soon as the quality of life is compromised. The apartments will be bought by a religious population looking for cheap ones near Vizhnitz and little by little the character of the neighborhood will change. This is how it happened in Jerusalem and will happen in Rome.

  16. To build in the Negev and the Galilee, millions of Jews need to settle there. Not in Tel Aviv and Haifa

  17. Little by little, the green neighborhood is being destroyed with all the unnecessary projects, without any regard for nature and green... The density in the neighborhood is already noticeable. Enough with all the ruins, how much can the green neighborhood be dressed up in concrete....

  18. If there is no urban development to expand living options, there are complaints, and now that there is a private initiative!!! of some tenants, even then they try to put the "blame" on the municipality.
    It is clear that the elections are coming, and of course what is the trend of the consistent defamatory articles against the mayor, but maybe enough is enough?

  19. Gentrification does not interest the entrepreneurs. They are interested in money.
    Kudos to the residents of the neighborhood who want to preserve its beauty at the cost of renewal. I'm sure they would like to renew, but not at the cost of a third of the neighborhood's residents.
    Let them organize themselves and invest in themselves. There are big incentives to build dimensions.

  20. Another reason to flee the city, Haifa is emptying and aging...small apartments for students and the elderly population, no room for families and children, too bad

  21. I must say that there is a real need for smaller apartments with dimensions and a balcony, both for the elderly and for the younger generation and the students, these are exactly the apartments they lack, a young couple cannot buy a large apartment, no one has that kind of capital, and starting from a smaller house and progressing according to the size of the family is perfect. I see such a project sold even before they started building a single house. Beyond that, for the security of the tenants who already live there, having a dimension and an upgraded building with elevators is a basic condition in the current reality

  22. The problem is not the trees and nature, it's the neighbors and the residents who are evil and evil. I grew up in Carmel from 75 years ago. It is true that Carmel used to be fields and groves 99.9 percent of the residents who live today did not live here. Today the Carmel is something else and everyone should understand that.

  23. Has anyone thought who exactly are the potential tenants who will agree to live in matchboxes in an area of ​​54 square meters?! The cynicism and powers of the entrepreneurs are celebrating, the municipality is fantasizing about receiving bribes and many extortions. The interests are clear! The buildings will become ghost buildings with apartments of ridiculous size, and as usual the ones who will suffer are the residents of the city , but who cares?

  24. The city with the most objections in the country has bad neighbors
    Under the guise of green, really nasty people are stabbing the city

  25. You are so right, all the demolition and evictions are changing the character of the area, the neighborhood
    The municipality that will oblige the building to maintain it properly. Maybe help financially.
    Bat Galim also changed her character because of this
    Neve Shanan is on the crosshairs, the Carmel in general with the planned towers and the French Carmel and David's Camp are sad, sad

  26. There is no question here, if the buildings have no shelter and are dangerous there is no public interest here and it is not a question at all that renewal is needed.

  27. The main thing is that the opponents are sitting on apartments that have undergone construction or demolition. These buildings must come down, they are a danger to lives, they are crumbling and why not increase housing in the neighborhood

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