(Hai Pa) - They recently decided on a groundbreaking arrangement for the working arrangements of the employees at the Superbus company. The agreement guarantees transparency and work in cooperation with the committee regarding the arrangements.
The union of transportation by force for employees:
Precisely in these difficult days, when many companies are harming the conditions of the workers against the background of the war, Superbus and the Workers' Committee signed an agreement to improve the conditions of the workers.
The collective agreement
The Union of Power Transport for Workers and the Superbus Workers' Committee signed a collective agreement on Thursday (February 1.2.24, 2000) with the management of the Superbus company. As part of the agreement, the company's approximately XNUMX employees will benefit from an improvement in their terms of employment, primarily the regulation of work arrangements in the company, which for the first time in the industry requires the management to be transparent with the committee about changes in the distribution of arrangements, as well as publishing the arrangements in advance twice a week. Also, seniority bonuses that guarantee an employment horizon for drivers in the company.
Haron Shubash, Chairman of the Workers' Committee:
We thank the employees for the expression of confidence when they voted and supported the approval of the agreement. The issue of arrangements is a painful issue for drivers in all companies. The arrangement of the fixed arrangements within the framework of the agreement will guarantee the drivers stability and job security, a critical thing for drivers whose importance we saw even more strongly during the war. We thank the management for understanding the importance of the matter and the cooperation.
Also in the agreement is a promise that the salary of the drivers in Jerusalem will continue to be, a monthly rather than an hourly salary, and seniority bonuses for the drivers.
The response of the Superbus company:
We welcome a dramatic and unprecedented agreement in the public transportation industry. After long negotiations, we are proud to continue to lead the public transportation industry in terms of wages, and in the framework of the work of all our employees.
Itai Cohen, head of the transportation branch for employees:
As the union that unites a significant part of the Ha'atz employees, we are witnessing damage to the public transportation service due to the temporary nature of the employment of drivers and high turnover. The passengers feel the results in the reduction of lines and overcrowding in buses. Therefore, we insisted that the company's drivers enjoy regular arrangements, an employment horizon according to seniority and continue to receive a monthly salary in Jerusalem.
Now we will focus on the national struggle to improve the conditions of the railway workers and recognize them as public employees, a move that will restore the industry for the benefit of the railway workers and passengers. We thank attorney Livka Halavi Hasson, who is in charge of labor relations in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area of the Ministry of Labor, for his dedicated guidance in the mediation process.
In addition, the agreement includes an improvement in the wages of the inspectors (inspectors) in the amount of about 9% as well as of the employees of the Rabbi Ko array in the amount of about 16%.
Human capital as a leading factor in Superbus
For over 20 years, Superbus has considered human capital as the leading factor and this agreement proves in practice that the company's drivers and employees are the main leverage for the company's success and leading it to its goals. We would like to thank all those involved in the work, headed by attorney Livka Halavi Hasson, who is in charge of labor relations in the Tel Aviv area at the Ministry of Labor.
Yossi Ozan, Chairman of the Superbus Visitors Committee:
We are in complex times, in which precisely in the face of increasing violence, the Ministry of Transportation relaxes our hands, limits powers and reduces the number of workers on shift. Precisely in days like these, we are proud to have brought an agreement that includes an improvement trend for male and female visitors. We are proud to voice the voice of all visitors to the industry.
Also in the agreement, which is valid for three years, the wages are tied to the price index increases. Including overtime, parking pay, the value of vacation and sick days and all of the social contributions, the improvement of the fuel and shul supplements and the improvement of the social welfare activity mechanism in the company. As is customary for the employees, the agreement was put to a vote of the employees and signed only after their approval.
Tzachi Neve, CEO of Superbus:
We are happy to announce the signing of a collective agreement with the company's drivers and employees. With the help of the cooperation of the workers' organization and the workers' committee, and after complex negotiations, we reached an agreement that brings real benefits to the workers with further improvement in the terms of employment, which includes the best conditions in the industry, social conditions and an extensive response to the needs of the workers who do their work faithfully. I have no doubt that this agreement will ensure a continuation of excellent service to the company's passengers while preserving the company's human capital.
The Superbus company was represented by attorney Irit Ullman from Gornicki & Co.