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Lincoln Hills in Haifa - endless delays in the start of construction and no solution in sight

(live here in real estate) - Construction on the slopes of Lincoln continues to be delayed and delayed and delayed...

"The prevention of construction in the Lincoln Slopes complex hurts young couples," says Erez Goldstein, chairman and owner of the Goldstein Group, who sent a letter to the mayor of Haifa, Einat Kalish Rotem, in which he protests the harm to the young residents of Haifa, by not allowing them to buy an apartment at the price Reduced. In the letter, Goldstein refers to the fact that for over two decades, according to him, the municipality has prevented the development and construction of approximately 2,800 units and 8,000 square meters of commerce in the Lincoln Hills complex in the estate, below Harofeh Street. According to Goldstein, according to the plan, 20% of the units There should be affordable housing, that is, over 500 units will be directed to young couples who have relatively low capital and therefore affordable housing is intended for them.

Carmel Hospital and below it Harofeh Street on the left - Lincoln Hills (Photo: Yaron Karmi)
Carmel Hospital and below it Harofeh Street on the left - Lincoln Hills (Photo: Yaron Karmi)

Negative migration

"Haifa suffers from a negative immigration of thousands of people a year," adds Goldstein in his letter, "so in 2021 the negative immigration in Haifa was 3,532 people and in 2022 a total of 1,771 people. The renewal of the city, its rejuvenation, new and spacious construction of a high standard and the establishment of commercial areas that created employment , a lively fabric of life and entertainment options is the order of the hour in order to reverse the trend."

As I recall, companies and individuals bought land in the Lincoln Hills complex and waited for construction to begin, which was delayed. Individuals invested hundreds of thousands of shekels and bought land for one or more units with the assumption that in a few years their children or they would be able to live in the houses or that the apartment could be used as an investment, but in practice over the years the construction did not progress nor were they clearly told when they would start building.

Goldstein Group Chairman Erez Goldstein (Photo: Goldstein Group)

"The municipality opposes the plan it initiated"

Goldstein explains how things have been delayed over the years: "In 2010, after meetings with the Haifa city engineer and the mayor, we made a deal for 43 dunams on the slopes of Lincoln that cost many tens of millions, at first we paid 67 million and then many more tens of millions. The municipality came and said that the land was intended for construction to 6 units per dunam, but since they want to make a whole neighborhood, it was decided that we will subsidize all the professionals, but the municipality will be the employer of the professionals. They told us that on the day they approve the IBA (city building plan) they will return the money we paid for the professionals. I and two other entrepreneurs transferred 15 million NIS for the consultants, which we received from the municipality. In 2014, the municipality submitted the IBA for approval. In the district committee, the city engineer objected to the plan that they initiated and I financed. I sat in the discussion and did not believe that the municipality was opposing the plan that was their initiative.

The land of Lincoln Slopes is divided into 4 precincts: the first precinct is a small manager's precinct, approved in 2014. The second complex is a complex that most of the brothers Ofer and Osher owned in 2014. The third complex is a complex with 1860 units, most of which are mine. It includes two towers below Freud and all the rest above Freud. The fourth complex belongs to Shikon and Binui.

"The meetings that did not take place"

"At the district committee hearing in 2014, I told the chairman of the committee that I had invested many millions in the municipality's plan, and the city engineer said there was opposition from the neighbors. The municipality said that it undertakes to promote my complex and approve it in a year - a year and a half. Two years have passed beyond the municipality's commitment, and we turned to the municipality to see why there is no progress. We went to court, and at the hearing they told the municipality that it needed to hurry. I contacted Klish and made appointments with her. 3 times I arrived at the Haifa Municipality for prearranged meetings and the meetings did not take place. The third time I went straight back to my lawyers, and we made a petition against Klish, the city engineer and the district committee."

"The judge supported"

"The judge scheduled a hearing in court following the petition. Two weeks before there was a hearing in a local committee, and Klish said she wanted to promote eviction and construction in Haifa and they would not build on the Lincoln slopes, even though it is residential land, which shouldn't have any difficulty in building on it. The judge supported me a lot during the hearing. She said that if the municipality thinks that it will take the land from the people on the grounds of Article 76 (a situation in which the municipality says that it plans to build in a certain place, therefore it is not possible to build on the land), without giving the landowners alternative land, she will not allow it. The judge asked to stand by the boards Times. Since the municipality did not meet the deadlines again, a hearing was held with the president of the district court in Haifa, who said that either the lawsuit is being expedited or the municipality will be forced to pay hundreds of millions in compensation. He demanded deadlines - the municipality submitted Gantt to deposit the plan for district approval by 18/4, according to the order of the court.

Visualization of the Lincoln Slopes complex (credit: Danny Shemesh Consulting and Marketing)
Visualization of the Lincoln Slopes complex (credit: Danny Shemesh Consulting and Marketing)

"Much more than 10 million"

"I paid well over 10 million NIS and I do not receive any information from the municipality. I contacted the district committee to understand what your position was regarding 1860 units, since at the beginning there was talk of 6 units per dunam, and we saw that this was against the policy of the complex, since the district committee does not approve less than 20 units per dunam. I submitted a letter of position to the committee the district, and it is said that she will not receive less than 25 units per dunam. We had a conversation with all the advisors and the Ministry of the Interior and they asked the district committee to deviate from their rule, but the district committee did not agree to less than 20 units per dunam. In order not to clash with the municipality, we said we were ready for 13 units per dunam.

We are in a unique period, there is a decrease in construction starts and Haifa is suffering from negative immigration and we want to promote construction. If there is a way to do good for the city, it is to open bureaucratic barriers. A district committee said that 20% of the apartments should be affordable housing, below 75 square meters per unit. The state wants this area to have affordable housing. I just want the possibility to build, it can't be that 14 years on building land they don't let me build. If I want information from the municipality, I have to go to court."

"If the mayor changes, I will again have to deal with new craziness. If there is approval from a district committee, I will no longer have to deal with the municipality. I mentioned all these things in the letter. Haifa is a city that is collapsing in on itself, when was a new neighborhood established in Haifa? Seeing what is happening in the city of Sderot, there are more construction starts there than in Haifa."

The municipality's response to the article will be attached when received.

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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32 תגובות

  1. Wow, what a monster show!! Build skyscrapers near the beach that will hide the green mountain, and the unique view, as if it were the heart of Manhattan. Are the heads of programming and the municipality ready to lend a hand to this horror?!

  2. What's new here? This is the story of many in Haifa who have been waiting for decades for the municipality to move its ass

  3. I have personally traveled there hundreds of times and sometimes I went all the way to the sea!
    It is indeed a wild and unique magical nature, with rare natural values, although it is not intended for everyone, but only for the well-wishers, but that is part of the charm, not everywhere you need to prepare paths and even roads, you have to leave them in their current primitive state, as well as an amazing view and clean air.

    • Foggy stories, a natural place, freedom of the contractors.
      From below, a wild view, another joke, a mountainside without any vegetation, where once in a while a fire breaks out and prevents the passage of neighborhoods
      Enough with the stories

    • So many lies in your response to my response, no Foggy stories, wild and thick vegetation in a wild landscape (not wild...), precisely there there was no fire, except in part of the southern area a few years ago and the municipality is slowly rebuilding there and growing back, if contractors fill there with garbage, this is an injury severe in nature and landscape and not the freedom of contractors, the amazing area does not prevent any neighborhood from passing (except for future neighborhoods, which you probably wish for out of personal interest), the neighborhoods bordering the area, namely Carmelia, Shambor, Ahuza and Eshkol, are not blocked as such and the overwhelming majority of their residents, no Interested at all in the destruction of all this green, unlike you. Freud Road provides all transportation needs to the sea and the south.

  4. Look at the simulation - I think it looks great! The hill there is really deserted and no one walks there! It is too steep, even without beautiful trees - just a hill of thorns and bushes located in the young and promising area of ​​Haifa. I don't understand how they didn't build there 20 years ago

  5. First, the fact that they built neighborhoods from the 70s to the 90s when there was less awareness of nature, does not make it a desirable thing.
    Second, since then the city is indeed less green, and indeed with the increase in construction, more and more wild animals try to enter the city, if it is indeed your claim that the plan was approved in 1936, then it is the days of the British Mandate (he probably didn't think about the good of nature or the good of the residents, but only about benefiting Britain at the expense of the colony), for your information, in 1948, a sovereign state was established here, and regarding the hundreds of millions of NIS, one should contact those who approved in 1936, not the property tax payers.
    This is a wooded and amazing area and there are so few left, it is not written anywhere that the city's population must grow, for the benefit of Haifa and the benefit of the country, these rare natural assets must not be lost.

  6. The program has been approved since 1936
    1993-1978 New residential neighborhoods built on really green areas where there are pigs, areas with forests: Ramot Almogi, Begin, Alon, Eshkol, Sapir and Vardia.
    Everything was green. They want to exchange land, please. It will cost the municipality and the exploitative residents of Wardia hundreds of millions of shekels. I have no problem with that.
    Commenters who have no understanding like Yael R and Michael Schiff don't say what, you won't come up with a solution

  7. 70 percent of the Carmel ridge is a natural area that is also defined as a protected area. You simply want this natural area near your home at the cost of negative immigration, brain drain, loss of budgets and a future for our young people. and why? So that they don't build next to your house and ruin your afternoon sleep? A city of old people, eventually everyone will move to Tel Aviv and leave you alone in Haifa.

  8. Hopefully the contractors' favorite, Yona Yahav, won't be back soon, and then everything will be covered with concrete

  9. How the contractors always claim that their goal is to do good for the city and develop the city. Your goal is to make money, which is fine, but don't confuse the mind. Want to do good for the city? Go volunteer at an old people's home or clean some wadi

  10. Must cancel the program
    Do a transfer of rights to the continuation of the level of the President and Naot Peres in the GDA and G7
    Already fed up with nature's gluttons for real estate madness for which we will have to finance huge exchanges on Freud Road
    Cancel this monstrous plan..

  11. Cliché is the worst thing that has ever happened to the city of Haifa. Plugging the absolute majority of construction projects and emigrating from the city at an unprecedented record.

  12. Since when do entrepreneurs care about the residents, they only care about money, the most corrupt group in the country.

  13. It won't happen, you behaved like a pig instead of building modestly, you decided to turn the city into a block of concrete and it just won't happen honey. Cut your losses and go look for another project.

  14. I am ready to set up a kennel at my own expense for all the pigs that roam Haifa. And in return they will give approval for the building.

  15. Yes, the municipality and all the planning experts opposed the monstrous and expensive plan with multi-level road interchanges, supporting walls at the height of a 15-story building and the failure to preserve the natural forest in the wadis. This is what happened to the megalomaniacal plans of the same planner that were not carried out in Tiberias, Nazareth and Acre.

  16. According to the law in use in the State of Israel, the maximum allocation for public needs reaches 50% and the density is 20 together per dunam. We will receive 10 apartments from 6 to 35 per gross dunam. The municipality does not approve 4. Apparently Tama Law XNUMX/XNUMX has a hidden asterisk saying that it will not apply in the state of Haifa.

  17. First of all, the writer writes that he also invests in land that he describes as building land, entwining the necessity to build on them by the fact that they will allow affordable housing, urban renewal can be done including in Haifa in place of old and inappropriate houses and the Negev can be settled for example, here we are talking about an amazing virgin nature on the slopes of Carmel, Rich in original and local flora as well as rich in many animals, the only reason it is not declared as a nature reserve is due to a historical mistake, the destruction of all this nature, will damage the health of the dwindling greenery and will also cause a fatal and irreversible damage to the image of the city which is based on building above the waterholes and not within them and at their expense.

  18. Let's hope that it won't be built at all, and that there will be little left of the natural area in Carmel.

  19. Haifa Municipality wants to reduce the amount of roads compared to the original mandatory plan. In this way, she believes that she will save money in carrying out the development work. However, this will cause sloping roads, the lots will grow and the buildings on them will become tall. In addition, huge retaining walls will be received, again the collection from my owner. The land will not be enough to complete the development.

  20. In what is written here, the area is described as an area for construction, only due to a historical error it is not defined as a nature reserve, it is also better to build in tandem instead of old buildings and not to destroy amazing nature as for example in the slopes of Lincoln on the abundance of Carmel vegetation which is rich in it as well as a lot of animals that are dwindling.

  21. The city is slowly turning into a nursing home. The young men run away.
    Well, we probably can't expect our municipality to pick up projects that all the municipalities around us have picked up, if they don't even manage to fight wild boars.
    Lack of action/ability is appalling... sad

  22. Of course the entrepreneur will make a mistake on his own behalf. The plan fell through because it was based on huge interchanges that had to be built at our expense...Also, its construction cuts caused excess quarrying in the mountain that could be used for the entire Kiryat bypass and no one gave an answer as to where they would go and whose Hadbon. It's good that she was buried... and the deeper it will be, the better it will be used a little more from the views of the city and we won't repeat the mistakes of the Carmel Beach Towers and the unnecessary plan of Rami Betschernihovsky. The developer will be honored and write the truth in full. Vaedia Stomim... that's what was proposed there... Griddy... Griddy... choose correctly and preserve On the city council.. This is part of its future.

  23. In the end it will end with the investors getting their investment back in the form of fines that the municipality will pay for not complying with the court order. (Fines at the expense of the city residents who receive in return an aging city with negative immigration).
    Why reach such a situation at all? The land is intended for residential use (so it's not like there will be a green lung or something like that) and there is a court order, so why delay? Neighborhood behavior!!!

  24. Haifa is slowly becoming a city of old people. If there is no development and construction the negative immigration will only increase. The young people come to the Carmel Castle and Kiryat. Embarrassing behavior of the municipality

  25. The truth must be told, everything has been delayed for decades because the developers are greedy and instead of planning the construction of a number of housing units as stated in the original plan that was approved, they submitted building plans 0 or 3 and the municipality is not prepared with the infrastructure for such a number of housing units and then will have to defend themselves to the tenants who will come with complaints about hazards in the neighborhood

    • The owners of the land are interested in the implementation of the historically approved plan from the mandate period for the limited building rights stipulated in it. The municipality of Haifa specifically wants to change the planning.

  26. You will need to continue the construction in the city of Haifa
    good evening

  27. If you were wondering what is the cause of the wild boars' troubles, the answer is in the article.

  28. The plan must be approved immediately, the municipality has no right to follow the urban development for the sake of the public and certainly for the sake of young couples

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