(live here in winter) - It has been raining for several days, washing the city and the country, cleaning the streets...
101 days
These are 101 days of fighting, when our heroic soldiers continue to bravely sacrifice their lives, protecting us and this country. The generation that is commonly referred to in a sarcastic tone as the "TikTok and Insta generation" has revealed a group of brave warriors, lions imbued with purpose and the righteousness of the way, our messengers on the battlefield, who fight in complex conditions, to which the rains, the heavy fog and the mud have now been added... as a reminder of the words of Eric Einstein 1974 L, in his immortal song 'Go Slowly' from XNUMX.
drive slowly / a. Einstein
"Driving in the old car into the wet night
The rain is getting heavy again And you don't see a shower
drive slowly
Zvi says that such rains are harmful to agriculture
And I think how hot it is at home, and how poor the soldiers are who are now lying in the mud
Go slow, go slow"…
new morning
And in the midst of all this, this morning a magnificent rainbow appeared in the Haifa sky, the same rainbow that symbolizes the covenant between God and Noah in the story of the flood. There are several interpretations regarding the symbolism of the rainbow, one way or another, it is meant to inspire hope in hearts, hope and faith in better, easier and happier days - which begin right now, in the morning of a new day.
drive slowly
• Thanks to Marom Ben Aryeh, Motti Mendelson and Hanan Markowitz for sending us the photos of the arches •
Just exciting
I sent you such a beautiful picture with a bow with Baha'is on WhatsApp and you didn't put it in. It's a shame...
long war Good and blessed week