Next week: opening of registration for the academic year 2015
The Education Department of the Municipality of Tirat Carmel will open next week the registration for kindergartens and schools for the 2025-2024 academic year.
Registration for Kindergartens and 11st grades will begin on Thursday, Thursday, 1/2024/09 at 00:31 in the morning and will continue until Wednesday, 1/2024/XNUMX, XNUMX at midnight.
open days
In preparation for registration, kindergarten children will be invited to open days at the elementary and high schools, on the dates published on the schools' websites and in the digital registration and information booklet.
Registration for the educational institutions will be done online and conveniently, at the following link:
Confirmation of the registration will be received on the website.

In addition, in the registration booklet and also on the schools' websites, you can find information about the unique programs held there.
During the registration period, you can contact the Education Department:
Sunday-Thursday between 12:30-08:30
In addition - on Mondays between 18:00 and 16:00
Phone numbers:
04-8146763 (Ilana)
04-8547028 (Julia)
04-8547027 (Yael)