(haipo) - The access road to Ramot Sapir and Givat Zemar will be closed to traffic starting Friday 23/12/23 for drainage works.
Announcement to the public from the Haifa Municipality:
Please note,
In light of drainage works, the access road to Ramot Sapir and Givat Zemar (from Hankin Street in Alia) will be closed to traffic on Friday 29.12.23/08/00 between the hours of 13:00 and XNUMX:XNUMX.
The works will continue next week as well, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (31.12.23, 01.01.24, 02.01.24), between the hours of 08:00 and 16:00.
We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
If indeed it is the gradient,
How will wheelchair users use the roads?
Kudos to Haifa Municipality. Good and blessed Shabat for every one
After all, the mayor lives in Ramot Sapir, and she also comes to her house up Hankin Street from the direction of Elizabeth Square
Haifa in the last five decades has been characterized by unprofessional city officials who disgrace the city.
I wonder why?
hahahahaha instead of doing a job costing a million shekels back then in 1900 and something that was forgotten.
Today in 2023 work is being done at a cost of many millions and there is no guarantee that it will help.
Couldn't find another time
The mayor was disconnected from the daily reality of all of Haifa
A singer sings to you. Fake singer.
Michal Givat Zemer: a murky melody of wrong and despicable urban planning.
Here is the recipe for eliminating a city:
1. Take a green forested hill for hours around it and don't leave even 20 percent green on it. 5% maximum in the margin.
2. Create a wasteful construction in a graded area and for it have shaved streets with slopes that are difficult to walk and curves that will make it difficult for good public transportation
3. For 900 apartments, create plots with the steepest topography that will require the construction of expensive, huge and ugly retaining walls
4. Cut it off from any possibility of mixed uses or street-based commerce.
And what would a sane European city do in Givat Zemar?
Here is the recipe they wanted to create a city and not a wasteland where a private car is diverted:
1. Leave 50 percent of the hill as green space.
2. Plan a street in the flat area parallel to Hankin Road and connect it at the end with a pedestrian bridge to the nearby neighborhoods.
3. On both sides of the street we planned block buildings 10-12 stories above an avenue of shops and wide sidewalks with trees for shade, bike lanes and in the center bus stops and underground preparation for a metro station.
4. Roof gardens, ground gardens for kindergartens were added to the buildings.
5. Create an upper street also parallel to the main street, with small buildings with large gardens facing the 50 percent wooded area, at the same height as the ones in Berashi.
This is the difference between creating an E-R and creating a F-R-V-V-R.
immediately carpet the hill
As we know, the city managers and those who pull the strings are the ones who draw lessons and learn and implement the learning of the lessons - after the colossal success of the catastrophic road gradients in Givat Zemer, the city's financials continue with roads and other neighborhoods with inaccessible road gradients at horrific gradients and this is good, it exacerbates the transportation problems - the cure for this is drainage Tens of billions of NIS and the right people will already take care of clipping the coupon - and real and correct transportation solutions will not be realized here. We will be left with the catastrophe chaos, corruption and theft.
The planning of the roads in the Givat Zemer neighborhood is a catastrophe and a serious failure - road gradients of the order of 12% to 12.7% on a significant part of the roads, including the main access road - road number 1 - the extreme gradient along long roads creates severe drainage problems - potential for a long waterfall - The draining stream suddenly became a large lake. The difficult slopes do not allow reasonable accessibility to bus stops for public transportation, we do not allow reasonable accessibility for pedestrians, including the young, elderly and disabled - the lack of walkability; Riding a bicycle and skateboard down said slopes is extremely dangerous, climbing such slopes by bicycle is almost impossible, at least for the majority of the public; Driving a baby carriage on such a slope on the road is completely impractical; This is a residential neighborhood dependent on the use of a private vehicle - exactly the opposite of what is required. The serious omission stands in front of the planning proposal submitted by me on January 4.1.2016, 6 for the planning of the neighborhood with maximum road gradients of 2019% while arranging for accessible and good public transportation, arranging for walking, bicycle paths and excellent accessibility - the first building permits were given in the neighborhood at the end of 2020 and in fact in the problematic area of the neighborhood In XNUMX - so it was clear that my proposal could be realized - and it was rejected in light of the failures that manage the affairs of the city here. So the problem of the drainage is not even the end of the serious failure.
So how and where can we enter and/or leave these 2 neighborhoods?