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Earthquakes on Santorini Island Trigger Tsunami Preparations in Israel

(Live here) - Let's start from the end - In Israel there is no warning...

Is the preservation policy in the old Haifa neighborhood expected to change?

In 2020, the policy document "Hf/Md/2500 - Policy Document...

Prof. Blue Simeon Fainero from Haifa is the winner of the Israel Prize in the field of interdisciplinary design and art.

Prof. Blue Simeon Fainero, multidisciplinary artist and lecturer in the Department of Architecture...
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The 41st Hymn of Sidna Baba Sali Zia'a • A Tzadik Who Entered Every Home in Israel • Avi Nachmani

At the beginning of the week, people across the country celebrated the celebration of Baba Sali...

Soldier of the Molotov Cocktails • Song

A soldier stands, slightly disfigured, a masked prisoner is about to fall. Masked murderers surround him, waving their rifles...

Churchill Building • The Technion's Central Auditorium

The first building built in the "Forum", the Technion's central public complex,...

Flower of the week • Large chives

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Prof. Arnon Palti Haifai • International jazz creator and cultural leader in Israeli music

From the bass to the pinnacle of jazz: the musical path of Palti Arnon Palti...

A huge torch burns in the refineries - the Haifa variety

(Live here) - At this very moment (Sunday, 17/12/23, 18:50 p.m.) a huge torch is burning in the refinery complex in Haifa.
This is an initiated Lapid activity in the Bezan complex, for the purpose of maintenance work, as we published on 4/12/23, in the HaRazav article.

A huge torch burns in the refineries - in the Haifa variety (photo: Shlomi Av)

The Association of Cities of the Haifa Bay Area for Environmental Protection stated:

This evening we received many inquiries from the residents of the Haifa Bay about a large flame from a torch in the zen accompanied by a loud noise.
The torch burns brightly due to maintenance work carried out by Bezan at the Carmel Olefinim plant and with the approval of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Maintenance operations at the plant result in serious hazards in the Gulf area. Hundreds of complaints are received at the urban centers of the bordering authorities, ranging from panic from the flames of the torch to severe odor hazards. The hazards are reflected in the monitoring systems, where we witness high values ​​of carcinogenic substances and abnormalities in the gas flow that goes to burn through the company's torches. Those anomalies result in the emission of black smoke, contrary to the law, which we document and will make sure that it will also be enforced based on the inspection report prepared by the union's air wing personnel, which will be brought to the public's attention.

The union again clarifies that its firm position is that BZN factories cannot continue to exist in a populated area and is working to promote the implementation of TMA 75 to close the refineries and the container farm in Kiryat Haim as soon as possible.

contact: At watsapBy email

Noga Carmi
Noga Carmi
Nega Karmi - Director of Haifa News Corporation - News of Haifa and the surrounding area - message on WhatsApp: 052-2410689 Players Sending an email to the system: [email protected]

Articles related to this topic

17 תגובות

  1. The management of the refineries in Haifa took immediate care

  2. In Rotterdam (a city in the Netherlands) alone, there are five refineries, and around each of them there is a petrochemical industry.
    Companies: Shell, Exxon, Ventol, B. Pi., Gunver.

  3. Understand the root cause of the fire. Don't slander without knowing the details. Enough with the insults and bad words you write here. There is no reason to attack rudely. I pray that this war will teach us all to be careful what comes out of our mouths and thoughts. Think first before you write words and sentences here that do not fit our values.

  4. The workers feel that the ground is on fire for them, this is a good sign that they will indeed fly from here and preferably one hour before.
    At least this time in the turkey variety that the "mishap" is an active activity. As we tell you all the time it is proactive!
    They do what they want.

  5. Well, then, instead of exhausting lean gases, burn them without pollution

  6. The refineries should be rebuilt in the north of the Gaza Strip.
    Essential Essential but not in Haifa Bay.
    In northern Gaza, desalination, gas, fuel, airport, etc. infrastructures can be concentrated.

  7. How do you see that there is a presence of people from Bezan here!!!
    You don't need to close the factories, but get out of populated areas already!! They give fuel to the IDF, but kill civilians

  8. All the commenters here do not even understand the essence of the torch's existence and answer out of ignorance. If only they knew that the campfire their children light in Legg Boomer or their barbecue is dozens of times more polluting than the initiated and controlled burning of gas that is done with a torch.

    A little knowledge never killed anyone. And those who do not understand, it is better not to respond. Better than ignorant posts.

  9. To all the naysayers...when will Bazen be exactly will the planes fly?? on electricity? green energy Or another slogan.. "We will import oil refineries from Turkey..." .. The current war has proved to everyone that it is not necessary to close down but to maintain the independence of the refinery without any dependence..

  10. Why panic? First a burning torch and in the small letters. Proactive activity.

  11. Does anyone think that the army could have managed without Bazen's products?
    Who will we import fuel from during an emergency?
    Wake up, we are an island nation. Without Bezan there is no fuel for the army!

    In a species essential to the security of the country!

  12. Does anyone think that the army could have managed without Bazen's products?
    Who will we import fuel from during an emergency?
    Wake up, we are an island nation. Without Bezan there is no fuel for the army!

    In a species essential to the security of the country!

  13. The dogs don't even bark anymore, the caravan passes with a great noise, the lawlessness like no other...

  14. Bezen and its metastases should be erased from the world.
    It will take decades and maybe more to repair the damage of this industry, and its many victims can no longer be recovered.

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