(Live here in Haifa Bay) - The plan to clear the factories from the Haifa Bay was approved by the government and outlines the creation of a continuous urban connection between the Kiryat and Haifa and includes a new and balanced retirement of land designations in the bay - residences, employment, a metropolitan park and open spaces along the streams.
The Ministerial Committee for Interior Affairs, Services, Planning and Local Government, chaired by the Minister of the Interior, Moshe Arbel and the Minister of Construction and Housing Yitzhak Goldknopf, decided today (Monday, 11/12/23) to finally approve the national master plan for Haifa Bay - TMA 75 ("Gate The Gulf"). This is a plan that will form the basis for detailed planning in its field.

Changing the surface of the bay
The 'Gateway to the Bay' program is promoted in cooperation with the Planning Administration and the Israel Lands Authority, and aims to change the face of Haifa Bay, determine the image of the future and outline an up-to-date planning policy in this area.
The plan outlines the creation of a continuous urban connection between the Kiryat and the city of Haifa, a balanced retirement of land designations for residential, employment and metropolitan uses, including a metropolitan park and open spaces along the streams. In addition, the plan emphasizes connecting the residential areas to the beach and the employment centers in the area, all with the aim of strengthening the Haifa metropolis and improving the quality of life of the residents of the area.
In accordance with this plan, detailed plans will be promoted that will include tens of thousands of housing units, significant employment scopes, infrastructure systems, establishment of public transportation, services at a metropolitan level, connections and axes connecting the Kiryats to the Haifa and Nesher blocks. The plans will be promoted with the participation of the local authorities and the public and in them the exact mix of uses will be determined taking into account economic, urban and social aspects.
The decision to promote the program is in accordance with the recommendations of the inter-ministerial CEOs Committee which was appointed to deal with the issue and submitted its recommendations in June 2021, and further to the government's decision regarding a strategy for the development and promotion of Haifa Bay dated 6/3/22.
Chairman of the National Planning Headquarters and Chairman of the National Council for Planning and Construction, Rabbi Natan Alantan:
"After many years in which there was a lot of talk about changing the face of Haifa Bay in light of air pollution and in light of many government concerns on the matter, the National Council decided to approve the plan that it has to lead a significant change while raising the quality of life for the benefit of the residents of the area and new residents who will arrive."
Director General of the Planning Administration, Rafi Amlich:
"The approval of the national outline plan for Haifa Bay is a historic day for the State of Israel in general and for the residents of Haifa Bay in particular. For the first time, the state has put on the table a planning alternative that will remove the petrochemical factories from the bay, and this while meeting the ambitious goals in the government's decision. The fact that the plan was approved today makes the evacuation of the factories from the bay Haifa is a fait accompli. This is a program of national importance to the Israeli economy, which will contribute to improving the quality of life of the residents of the Haifa metropolis in general and the city of Haifa in particular, and will provide a response to the supply of housing units within the urban fabric."
Avihu Han, chairman of the Greens - Blue and White and a candidate for mayor of Haifa on behalf of Benny Gantz, responded to Lahi Fa:
"As one of the initiators of the government's decision to evacuate the polluting factories from Haifa Bay, with the great help of former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who promoted in the government the proposal of the decision-makers to evacuate Bezan and the polluting factories from Haifa Bay, I am happy that the current government also approved the evacuation of the factories."

Hahn also added: "Now, after the decisions and press releases with dramatic headlines, the time has come for action. Nasrallah is not impressed by press releases, and in the event of a worsening of the war from the north, Haifa will be within range of thousands of missiles. We demand action, and this is the place to remind the refineries that we will not approve or allow their plans for the addition A power plant in the Bezan complex. We will continue to work to shorten the schedules for evacuating the factories. It is possible to stop exporting 40 percent of Bezan's products to Turkey right now.
The time has come to see how the plans to restore the bay and turn it into a residential and recreational area are indeed realized and are starting to be implemented quickly these days. So we can definitely say that our efforts were not in vain. So we can say that this is definitely a historic moment."
The chairman of the Association of Cities of the Haifa Bay Area for Environmental Protection, Attorney Sharit Golan Steinberg, said to Lahi Fa in response:
"Following the approval of the National Planning and Construction Council, the Committee of Ministers today made a brave and important decision for the future of the entire Haifa Bay area when it approved TMA 75. The emergency period, which we are experiencing these days, serves as a reminder of the great importance of the rapid promotion of TMA 75, which includes their issuance of the dangerous substances from the heart of the population concentrations, a danger that continues to hover over the residents of the entire area.
In a reality where there are still factories such as Bezan that have not internalized the change that the area is about to undergo and are trying to continue promoting plans for the construction of a new polluting power plant, the Ministerial Committee did well when it approved the TMA and thereby strengthened the certainty regarding the future of the Haifa Bay area, which will be transformed from an industrial area, to the large business and residential center in the Haifa metropolis and I expect that all members of the government will support a clear plan with the best interests of the residents of Haifa Bay in mind."
Clear association
Welcomes the government's decision that approved today, following a determined and prolonged civil struggle, the TMA 75 plan to cancel the refinery complex, rehabilitate Haifa Bay and transform it from a center of polluting and dangerous industries into a metropolitan center that will include a mix of businesses, housing and non-polluting industry.
In addition, gardens and parks are planned to be built in the area, the center of which is the Kishon Stream Park - the stream that was restored in Bem thanks to a long and significant struggle by the Tselul association. The government's decision allows the planning institutions (a district committee or any statutory planning committee) not to issue building permits for old plans in the bay, even if they are approved, and to postpone new plans if their implementation threatens the closure of the refineries in Haifa Bay, the evacuation of the petrochemical industry and the rehabilitation of the area. The Clear Association is proud to be the one who led the closing of the huge and dangerous ammonia tank, which was the opening shot in the successes of the long-standing struggle that led us to this important and happy point.
Until we reach the full implementation of the plan, there is still a long way to go and we will continue to follow, alert and assist exactly the detailed plans of the TMA and the complementary moves in the promotion of the project (under the Haifa Bay Administration at the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Before our eyes we see the hundreds of thousands of residents of the Haifa metropolis and for their sake we will continue with all the means at our disposal in order to implement the plan in the best way for their lives, health and safety.
How does the phrase go: we promised, we just didn't promise to keep it and we didn't say when.
Let's adapt it to the situation here: we approved, we just didn't promise to fulfill and we didn't believe when.
Great to have a decision confirmation.
And its application, what is the schedule?
A bunch of lunatics, where will you get fuel for tanks and jet fuel for planes, the country cannot depend on external sources during an existential war.
Get over yourselves scarecrows.
Wonderful. It's nice to finally have the air cleared
It's time. It's happy.
Avihu Han, besides commenting on the moves of others, what exactly have you been doing in the council for the last five years? Very few!!
And when the Council of Change was already faced with the destruction of Klish, you also withdrew in the midst of quarrels with Sofi Nakshmushrit Golan and all the time quarrels...
The greens disappointed in a big way..
An important and certainly historic decision, but let's remember again "God is in the small details... and so is the devil". In order for us not to meet the devil, it is necessary to hold a public hearing, preferably at a metropolitan level, but it is enough if the next municipality's leadership does so, and through the results of the hearing, the municipality will have a firm position regarding the continuation of the planning of all the infrastructure and projects that will replace the polluting industry.
And most importantly, there is much more to be done in reducing the amount of hazardous materials and fuels in the Gulf in the near and longer term!
Aliko is right!
hahahahaha everyone's response you only got the incumbent mayor didn't you?
Sorry if I didn't notice because of the text, but I was excited by the title. If I'm wrong - I'm sorry, but in all this long list did we specify a timetable for carrying out this huge project? If we mentioned - bravo! If not - cam cam.
Good luck in the war, fly kites because there will be no fuel.
How many times have we already heard this. By the way, if it happens, it will serve as a great tank base for the IDF after Hezbollah demanded that they withdraw from the Haifa line today.
Stories Even Id Kha will evacuate the Haifa refineries
Where will we get fuel from the Iranians from tankers by sea
It's all stories and eye work.
There is no free shekel in the country for compensation for factories or building new infrastructure.
So they said and confirmed. Until everything is ready in the state of the country.
Many years will pass.
An electric vehicle is also on the way.
They work on us with their eyes.
And what about Bazen?
The response does not exist
And what about Bazen?
A grandiose and populist plan.
As for the evacuation of the polluting factories, this is fine.
Regarding construction for residences/offices there is a great doubt. This whole area including the ground is soaked in poisons and toxic heavy gases.
Thank you very much Minister of the Interior and Housing
Finally people with heart
For the sake of animals and health it is better to be vegan