Ruth Sekar, beloved of the city of Haifa and former chairman of the Haifa Cancer Association, has passed away.
The late Ruth Sekar, beloved of Haifa and who was for many years the chairman of the association to fight cancer in the city, passed away peacefully and peacefully at her home, at the age of 97.
Over the years, she contributed to a survey and assisted in the support center at the Haifa branch of the Cancer Society and gave patients, convalescents and their families a wide envelope of support. The Haifa branch of the association is located in "Beit Rosenfeld" in the Bat Galim neighborhood.
The funeral of the late Ruth Sekar was held on Tuesday of this week (28/11/23) at the Haifa cemetery. Seven sit in the house of Ami and Isabella Sekar, 2 Hatana St., Herzliya Pituach, between the hours of 10:00 and 19:00.
Ruth Sekar, the darling of the city of Haifa, passed away

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She will be remembered forever. artist.