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A student in Haifa was arrested after posting: "Soon we will eat the victory rattle"

A student at the Technion in Haifa was arrested last week (22/27-10/23) on suspicion of incitement because the day after the Hamas attack in the Gaza Envelope, she uploaded a video of a shake she cooked with the caption "We will soon eat the victory shake", and an emoji of the Palestinian flag.

Besides incitement, she was also suspected of the offense of behavior that could violate public peace

The student was arrested after complaints from Jewish students, who circulated the video and claimed it was support for the attack. In addition to incitement, she is also suspected of the offense of behavior that may violate public peace. She spent a night in detention and was released the next day after an appeal filed by her lawyer to the district court. At the same time, she was suspended from her studies at the Technion and a disciplinary procedure was opened in her case.

A little about the student...

The student is a fourth-year student at the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences. She was arrested two and a half weeks after she uploaded the video, and after a complaint was filed against her at the Technion's disciplinary court.

5 days of house arrest

After spending a night in Hasharon prison, the police asked to extend her detention by six days. Judge Michal Berliner Levy determined that the detention would be extended for one night only. At the hearing in the Magistrate's Court in Nazareth, it became clear that the Shakshuka video was distributed only among her close friends - that is, to a limited audience. As part of the suspicion of the offense of incitement, the extent of the distribution of the content is taken into account. After the decision of the Magistrate's Court, the student's lawyer appealed to the District Court and he released her for 5 days of house arrest.

The student's version: she uploaded the video to show that she was able to cook shakshuka

At the hearing at the Magistrate's Court in Nazareth before Judge Michal Berliner Levy, the student's lawyer, Hassan Jabrin asked the police representative if he could confirm that this video is about cooking Shakshuka. The police representative replied that he "doesn't know what's in the pot, but that's what she claims," ​​and later added that he "doesn't confirm whether it's Shakshuka or not."

The student's intention

The lawyer asked the police representative whether the student said that she uploaded the photo because she was able to cook shakshuka and the police representative confirms that this is her version. The lawyer and the police representative then debate whether the rattle is a symbol of a terrorist organization. The policeman claims that the sentence that was next to the rattle "soon we will eat a victory rattle" with the Palestinian flag, indicates the student's intention.

He asks the lawyer, if the rattle symbolizes Palestinian food, why is the flag needed? The policeman repeatedly emphasizes the fact that the student attached to Shakshuka a sentence that expresses support for terrorism, which makes Shakshuka less innocent. It should be noted that the student's lawyer said at the hearing that the student opposes the attack, and there are many students with whom she is in contact and who serve in the reserves. The policeman said that things would be looked into.

"The student is not a political person at all"

In summarizing his words, the student's lawyer said that this is a very strange case, since the post in question went up on 08/10 and 17 days passed before the police started acting on the matter. In addition, the lawyer claimed that the student is not a political person at all, and she corresponds with her fellow students, who are at the front, and tells what she is being arrested for, and they don't believe it.

The lawyer again deals with the issue of the racket and explains why the student's intention was not to support terrorism at all. In addition, he claims that the offense of harming public peace is an offense that is attributed to demonstrations and does not fit this case.

Judge Michal Berliner Levy: "There is an evidentiary infrastructure that links the suspect to the commission of the crimes attributed to her

Judge Michal Berliner Levy: "Considering the request and the investigation material as presented to me, I realized that there is an evidentiary infrastructure linking the suspect to the commission of the crimes attributed to her and that there is a reasonable suspicion that the suspect committed the present crimes.

There is a reasonable basis for fearing that the suspect's release will disrupt the investigation or trial procedures or damage the evidence in some other way, and there is a reasonable basis for fearing that the suspect will endanger public safety. These things are said against the background of the war and the state of emergency implied by that."

Berliner Levy determined that the student should stay overnight in detention. The next day the court ruled that the student would be placed under house arrest.

Shai Glick, CEO of Betselmo, said:

I thank the Israel Police and the Technion for the quick response. Those who join the enemy in wartime must pay the heaviest price. I call on the Technion to expel her immediately from her studies. We call on the Technion to depose the rest of the supporters of terrorism that we sent to them and the Israel Police to exhaust the law with it and file a harsh indictment against it for aiding the enemy in wartime.
Shai Shamai Glick (photo: personal album)

Students at the Technion: We passed on a lot of information about students, very few of them were investigated

One of the students says:

What interests us is that we are afraid to walk around the campus. We forwarded information to the Technion regarding 46 students, but very few students were investigated, and in the end they only acted against one female student. We are also troubled by the issue of transparency. We would like to know exactly what happens with our claims and how they are tested.

The police: the student was arrested, questioned and released to house arrest

In response to the investigation of the student, the police stated that she was arrested, interrogated and released to house arrest.

The management of the Technion: the student was removed from her studies until the date of the verdict

The management of the Technion said in response: A special team, appointed by the president of the Technion thoroughly examined the complaints received against 46 students. Of these, about a quarter of the complaints did not concern the Technion staff at all and others also included false accusations. Four complaints were transferred to the Student Disciplinary Court.

Last Thursday (26/10/23), the court ordered in an interim order the temporary suspension of a student from her studies and her removal from the Technion campus until the date of the judgment. Without underestimating their seriousness, we emphasize that these are isolated cases and we call for maintaining the fabric of shared life at the Technion, in the city of Haifa and in the State of Israel.

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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34 תגובות

  1. Making fun of the situation is a tradition
    And this is a long-standing tradition
    what. Sue. Rath.

    Students. . And in Haifa?!?

  2. You messed up, of course the word is not in the dictionary.. and the wonderful website marks errors.. Who asked for error correction?

  3. I understand that you have no idea what a rebellion is? What is the shakshuka method and how not to be a herd?
    A huge crowd. Really perfect.. 🙊🙉🙈
    Love the country and the sea.. great..

    Did you expect the ones you insulted to ignore the obvious like you?? The false propaganda without legs that you even cut for yourselves..
    great -
    Thank you, avid herd lover.

  4. The Shakshuka Preparatory is a student at the Technion in the Faculty of Data and Decisions? The data show that she supports terrorists and hates the country that gives her a place to live and study. The decisions should be deportation with a one-way ticket only and immediate denial of citizenship

  5. There were such huge omissions and the bluffs are already visible.
    She meant the shaking method - they are working on us.
    Yes - we always knew and now is the time for a change.
    They will get nothing.
    a reason to party..
    Did you finish the Technion?

  6. She meant the shaking method (a response to "Sheman's" response)
    (weird name.. another idiot?)

  7. I strongly agree with Ilan, those who are here and spoke for the State of Israel, should receive a hug as a hand to help him choose the right side and prove his loyalty in missions, national service, the army, and more. The treatment in Israel for these people should be based on equality and any racist expression against them should be punished as well as vice versa.
    Those who are not loyal to the state and the principles of a Jewish state must be deported to territories without Israeli citizenship. This is their outrage and war. And there we will win and destroy our enemy. They have no place in Israel

  8. If someone calls Shakshuka a "victory dinner", he should not have been admitted to the Technion from the beginning...

  9. Anyone who thinks that Shakshuka is a victory meal in some way, should not be admitted to the Technion in the first place.

  10. It's time for the state to wake up and start denying the rights of anyone who is caught inciting and raging against the state. No social security, no benefits, no right to vote and no health insurance. Let her and her ilk go to receive treatments in Ramallah or Gaza (oh, maybe there is no hospital there anymore...)

  11. The right thing to do would be to send her and her family to Lebanon. There is no alternative here.

  12. In my opinion, the Jewish students should stop studying there and then the administration will realize that it is losing a lot of money

  13. You write as if we are in Finland and our enemy is a Swedish citizen. Get out of your mental fixation. An Arab is hardly true to himself. Certainly not for Israel and the Jews.

  14. We must respect and behave with equality and not harm the foreigners who live among us. If they are hostile to us, they should not be here. Those who are hostile will be eliminated. Whoever is loyal and willing to respect the Jewish state and the Jewish people, if he is an Israeli citizen, can remain and must be treated with respect and equality. It is understood that those who will not serve in the IDF will be recruited for national service and will give their share to the state, they should not be discriminated against and deprived of their duty to serve the state, national service.

  15. I can't understand the Israeli Arabs who support Hamas, according to them, all residents of Israel are traitors and deserve death!!! If the state of Palestine is established tomorrow, none of the Arabs of Israel will give up their blue identity card in order to live in Palestine, so enough of this hypocrisy

  16. Boycott shakes in the country hahahahaha she asked by chance and added a kalamata olive to the shake and added an Italian flag and wrote soon we will be an Italian shake Is the victory okay? idiots

  17. There are other ways to express the divisions..
    And there are idiots who rush to quarrel - they are common and common here.

    By the way - the methods for gaining control over the situation are old
    There is currently no one to update (the methods are not successful).

  18. The Technion infests Muslim students who hold a similar opinion and support terrorism indirectly or directly, they lower the admission conditions for them, they share a study bench with Jewish students, give them dormitories and a transportation system and rent them apartments in Nesher and Neve Shanan. Then they go to demonstrate in the colony and type without blinking their hate speech on social networks, and the campus only "keeps them away" at best. When will they realize that they are sticking a knife in the back? The fact that they are even allowed to study in a Jewish institution to acquire an education and other privileges is absurd because they are simply hostile who laugh in our faces and it backfires on us. You have to show zero tolerance, that's the end of the story. Such cases are a stain on the prestige of the Technion

  19. Deny his citizenship and deport him, a war on the house from the inside too!

  20. It doesn't matter that it was distributed only to her close friends or not to her close friends, it's time for the Technion and the university to teach only people who are loyal to the State of Israel and such a person should be stripped of her citizenship and deported.

  21. There was never a perfect coexistence.
    Nothing like this was ever published - on the contrary.. it was reported
    For every balloon explosion as if it were an attack.. everyone knew
    What is the situation on the ground?

  22. 5 days house arrest? What a lame joke.
    A minimum of two years in prison or the denial of her citizenship and deportation to the territories because that is where she belongs.

  23. two things:
    I am a Technion graduate and donate every year to scholarships for students. Stops donating as long as Arab students incite on campus.
    I kind of want to insult this z'blah - at least the rattle. If you dream of doing it, you'll have to spice it up a lot because your stench is stronger than any spice you add. And by the way, start eating so that it gets stuck in your throat.
    And finally - spend every penny you have on a defense attorney who will get you out of custody.

  24. They protect her in the army,
    work harder,
    losing opportunities because of affirmative action,

    And that's what Shakshuka wants.
    Zona eats for free, throw her and her quantities away

  25. Arab incitement exists not only at the Technion
    Also and even more so at Haifa University.
    The time has come to drive the whole Arab mob
    The nationalist has a heavy hand and no tolerance. That's how we did it
    The place of the state, but no more. !!!

  26. And the management of the Technion is complicit in spreading hate!!! They do nothing and thereby actually encourage hatred of Jews!!!
    And all for what??? Greed???

  27. How long will the media continue to lull us to sleep that these cases are the fringes of the fringes and that there is a wonderful coexistence in Israel?
    And these cases come after it has already been internalized that this time there is a government and police with zero tolerance for incitement/identification/flag waving by the Palestinians.

  28. This is not exactly a response to the article - regarding the situation:
    It can lead to street fights. the studies
    Focus on the basic things of fighting and.. cooking.

    Weapons can be obtained with incredible (shocking) ease.
    Inshallah peace will break out suddenly.. but not yet..

  29. I consider myself a very tolerant person, but in her case, I simply do not allow her to study at the Technion anymore. cheeky
    It is clear what she meant... the fact that the trial was held exactly one day after the attack and she used the word victory with Palestine, no excuse should work in this case. It is clear and simple to permanently suspend her from her studies and no longer allow her to receive higher education in Israel.
    that you look to study elsewhere.
    She forgot that first of all she is Israeli, and if she loves Palestine so much, maybe she should go study in Ramallah.
    The time has come for us to wake up in this country and denounce all those who we consider equal but inside they are waiting for the moment when we will be weak in order to want a transformation and defeat of the State of Israel.

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