The police told Hai Pa News Corporation:
The policemen of the northern district and the traffic division took off the road 16 bikers who were riding in the last nights (23-27/10/23) near settlements and instilled fear in the residents after they made sounds that sounded like the sound of gunfire with the help of the exhausts.
A large group of bikers making a gunshot-like noise with the help of their motorcycle exhausts
In recent nights, many inquiries have been received from citizens about gunshots being heard near various settlements in the northern district. From the clarification of the circumstances of the cases, the suspicion arose that this is a large group of motorcycles that travels near residential areas and makes a gunshot-like noise with the help of the motorcycles' exhausts.
16 motorcycles were taken off the road
Last night (Thursday 26/10/23) large forces of the northern district were held together with the national traffic police (North) of the traffic division and if a report was received about their entry into road 70, the traffic axis was blocked and thus 16 motorcycles were stopped. All of the motorcycles were detained for inspection by vehicle examiners where the examiners found that a mechanical change had been made to the motorcycles that created a gunshot-like noise when the motorcycle was accelerated. At the end of the inspection, 16 motorcycles were taken off the road and enforcement reports were registered against the drivers.
One of the drivers tried to evade the police checkpoint
In the meantime, a motorcycle driver who tried to evade the police checkpoint, went on the opposite lane endangering the public of drivers who were traveling on the road, was arrested and will be brought before the court this morning (Fri. 27/10/23) at the request of the police to extend his detention for the offense of "endangering road users ".
Israel Police officers are working to change the driving culture and increase safety and deterrence on the roads, while using all the means at our disposal.
Rampant bikers - it happens every evening around midnight in the area of the stadium and Freud Street
I contacted the Haifa police and they did not answer me
Kudos to the police.
The noisy bikers have been a real nuisance for a long time.
Thank you
Completely confiscate the motorcycles
I'm sorry, but most of the comments here are out of proportion, violent, devoid of any common sense, kudos to the police who are finally enforcing the law. Keep it up!
During the war, they finally started to take care of the nuisances that the residents of the city have been crying out about for years.
For years they've been making rounds here, pissing on us and blowing us up with an exhaust trail.
Do you remember that a month ago the mayor decided to close the traffic lanes in the lower city and in the German suburb on the weekends, because of them?????
There is no way out of this predicament, there is not a single resident of this city who does not suffer from it and beg for years to put an end to it.