(Live here) - How do you manage to keep Haifa united and strong? Precisely in these difficult days when all the citizens of Israel are going through an upheaval following the Black Sabbath 7/10/23 in Haifa, the members and leaders of the Haifa Community Forum are trying to keep and preserve the city as it was before and even believe that it will come out stronger and better.
Promoting dialogue in mixed cities
In March 2022, the community work service at the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security inaugurated a government program to promote dialogue in mixed cities and shared living spaces among 16 mixed local authorities and regional councils, including the city of Haifa. This is against the background of the events of May 2021.
The program is led by the Director of Welfare, Community Resources Department in Haifa and coordinated by Galia Aviani and Bilal Khosri. Aviani and Khosuri, established an urban forum for Haifa to promote shared life, a forum that is very helpful and helpful during this period of the Iron Swords War, which came as a surprise and without prior warning.
As part of the plan, the authorities are establishing an infrastructure that should address conflictual issues in Arab-Jewish relations in the area of the authority and build dialogue channels and promote solutions in routine and times of tension.
Strong infrastructure in Haifa
An infrastructure was built in Haifa consisting of 60 representatives from all the communities and organizations, an infrastructure that is working on its expansion and the infrastructure has a comprehensive team consisting of 6 people who meet once or twice a week and are in constant contact.
Create a movement that will bring relaxation and prevent escalation ◄ Watch
The coordinator of the program, Galia Aviani, says in an interview with Lahi Pa: "Within the framework of our municipal program to promote shared life in Haifa, we were already active before these events. But on Saturday 7/10/23 I was contacted by Elad Harel from the majority of the city and Nala Glakopf Blais from the Centers for Social Justice and within a few days we set up a large network of a coalition forum.'
Galia continues to say: "As part of the forum, we work together with civil society organizations, representatives of communities, with clergymen from all Arab and Jewish neighborhoods with the goal of creating an entire movement that will bring calm and prevent escalation and remind us that we are a common city even in the most difficult moments because we have a history and will continue to live together."
Going through the events while keeping Haifa as it was and maybe stronger
Galia continues to tell: "We all went through the events of May 2021 and we don't want to go back there. As part of the forum, we built teams that work to prevent incitement and fake news within the social networks. We have dozens of people working with page managers and local newspaper editors. Another issue we are working on is the issue of anxiety that people, Jews and Arabs, are in.
We give collective and personal attention to people. We also work in front of the police every day we have another event that we are active in and we learn as we go along with the tools we have and use new measures all the time. The goal is to get through these events with our focus on the city of Haifa out of our love for the city and keeping it as it was at least and maybe even come out stronger following these events."
Working to prevent incitement and burning the area ► Watch
Bilal Khosri, the center of the program, says in an interview with Lahi Fa: "We established an urban forum for Haifa to promote shared life, a forum that is very helpful and helpful in this period. The war came as a surprise but caught and let us be ready and we are helped by the forum because it is a network of people of representatives of neighborhoods from Dania to the lower city and the southern side Ein Hayam Wadi Al-Jamal.
Any problem we locate on the network, such as or incitement, anything that is not suitable for this period and may incite the area and set it on fire, we use the help of the forum members and they immediately act. The forum is composed equally of half Arabs and half Jews, people who believe in the ideology of life in order for us to succeed in building a common future for all Haifa people.'
Arab society feels anxious because of the incitement in the media
Bilal continues: "From what we feel on the ground in Arab society during the war, we feel people are helpless and anxious because of the incitement in the media and discomfort in expressing an opinion. Arab society understands that we are in a time of war and yet we continue to work to build a future together.'
Jews and Arabs need to work together in this complex situation ► Watch
Elad Harel, a member of the leadership in the majority of the city, who participated in the debate at the National Security Committee in the Knesset at the beginning of the week, says in an interview: "On Saturday, October 7, 10, we organized together with other partners to establish a forum to protect a common Haifa following the war, which is our danger in Haifa because we need to see how the residents work together Jews and Arabs in this complex situation.
On Sunday 22/10/23 we went to the Knesset for a discussion in the National Security Committee to present three key things: the danger in private emergency rooms, civil society as part of decision-making and the round table of the municipality and the police, and social resilience during war."
We need to take the responsibility into our hands but not with weapons
Harel continues to explain that the private emergency rooms that are not connected to any governmental or municipal entity must be stopped. It is a danger to the public that people organize themselves and take the law into their own hands, especially in a mixed city. Regarding the civil society, he explains that it should be part of the decision-making and the round table of the municipality and the police regarding the calming of the city in Haifa and to see how they cooperate even in difficult moments.
According to him, the third issue is social resilience in Haifa during war. Social resilience during war is not the issue of weapons, our interest here in Haifa is how we cooperate Jews and Arabs in the city because in the end if there is a missile attack Jews and Arabs will have to sit in the shelter together and help each other and that is what we need to work on in those moments.
In Jewish society there are concerns and a feeling that the responsibility needs to be taken into one's own hands
Harel continues to say that the feelings that exist in the Jewish public in the city are concerns because we saw that the state in the south could not protect the residents and there is a feeling that the responsibility should be taken into one's own hands. We say exactly the opposite, we need to take responsibility into our own hands, but not with weapons, but to connect with our neighbors, Jews and Arabs together, take care of the shelters and the elderly among us, only together Haifa will win.
Good luck! An essential activity that contributes both to reducing tensions in such a sensitive period and to preserving and promoting common life and tolerance in our city. Good luck, I'll be happy to help!
Jews were murdered, so the Arabs in the city say "let's talk"?
Release the youth movement discourse from people with the circles
Go out from morning to night and take care of the community.
Donate, help and prove as hard as you can to everyone here that you are not them,
What the fuck let's talk now what you want
consisting of 60 representatives from all the communities and organizations, an infrastructure that is working on its expansion and the infrastructure has a comprehensive team consisting of 6 people who meet once or twice a week and are in constant contact"
After the eighth "dialogue promotion" I stopped,
Such an amount of words that describe such a nothing WTF
Keep being naive
Everything is fine!
One day it will blow up in your face.
Do Kim with whom????
Look what a celebration they are having in Bifa Nof with horns and accessories for vehicles,
are you sane Maybe you live in another country
Naivety is a form of protection.
And in more clinical terms, it's a defense mechanism that has a distinct positive correlation with low intelligence.
What to do.
I have no problem at all living together with Arabs. I have a problem living together with Arabs who are Israeli settlers who here in the city are making a name for themselves with their vehicles with blown engines, who plow the sidewalks after recreation, who scream and shout in the wee hours of the night, who violate municipal bylaws, who support Hamas terrorism, etc. For my part, they should be flown to Gaza... these are restless young people.
Haifa is a Jewish city that includes a diverse population that also includes Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs, all of whom have equal rights. There is a minority in Haifa that supports Israel's enemies, including Hamas supporters and supporters of the great Nazi massacre that happened on Shabbat, on Simchat Torah. We all must buckle down and burn the Nazi terrorists from within Israel in general and from Haifa in particular. This is the important role of each of us, also the role of those mentioned in the article.
Even before the guard of the walls, I was present with my own eyes to see Muslims - who, despite receiving treatment, service and money from me, were ready in a second to eliminate me - if only they could - here in Haifa. Trust in them is lost...forever!!!
They are of the opinion that we should be deleted. No attempt will help. This is the education they give their children, this is their way.
Must confiscate them!!!
As someone who grew up in a mixed neighborhood there is no coexistence, there is coexistence as it were. One side within it wants to destroy while on the other side they are ready to accept
Ayman Odeh would be happy to massacre the Jews in Haifa. He incites non-stop.
You waved the flags of Assad and Syria at the Al Maidan Theater.
There were lynchings and an attempt to massacre the Jews in Shomer Hamot.
In the meantime we have too much evidence of the breaking of coexistence in extremism
In the younger generation in a sector subject to constant incitement and education to hate.
And with all that... poor people in Haifa must take a loan and leave the country
Coexistence??? There is no such thing!!! Odeh and Zaatra don't want coexistence, they don't want Jews!!!
As long as they are afraid!!! There will be life on this side
They must be afraid!!!
Respect him and suspect him
It is easy to get caught up in simplistic generalizations and distort data. Those who carefully read the news about the 50 Molotov cocktails that were seized saw that it was a Jew. Not in Arabic.
You should start investing positive energy in understanding complexity. Different points of view. Other. except. This will first and foremost help us.
We are all Israelis
A stroke of sin when I sold an apartment in the center of Carmel to an Arab several years ago. We will live with them in peace but let them stay in their villages
Delusional article In the meantime, they tried to make a demonstration of support for Hamas in the only city in Israel
Over fifty ready-made Molotov cocktails were seized here
So what kind of brotherhood are you talking about?
In the elevator in the Deli building they wrote that Gaza will be liberated soon you will all die for this brotherhood you are talking about
Freedom of speech, you complain. It seems to you that there is a country in all of them that will approve demonstrations of support for its enemy from within
I just have a question, how did this massacre promote peace???and why support the massacre??
We gave notice for three days to evacuate Hamas is preventing and using the civilians there as human shields so wake up to reality and sober up there must be standby classes here you saw how they ran amok last Yom Kippur to remind you brotherhood this has never happened in Haifa
An important article by Samar Odeh Karantinji.
No forum and no shoes. In Haifa they quickly understood and internalized the new laws passed by Ben_Gvir!!! So think twice, the policeman has the right to shoot in order to neutralize. Whoever disturbs in time of war. And that today every Jew living in the municipality that has come "coexistence" has already learned from May 2020, all of them are already armed. There are standby classes. And that's what made the quiet in Haifa Lod and Ramla!