(haipo) - These days, after the terrible disaster that took place in the Gaza Envelope, a number of emergency classes are being established by residents in the various neighborhoods in Haifa.
The first day of the "Iron Swords" war proved how much the standby classes can save lives. In addition, when there are several security incidents at the same time, sometimes the emergency teams can provide the initial response in the neighborhood, until the security forces arrive at the scene.
At the moment, the intention is to establish groups of standby classes in Kiryat Haim and Shmuel, in the lower city and in Hadar, in the Carmel region (French Carmel, Western Carmel, Central Carmel, Ramat HaTshebi, Carmelia, Kabvir and Vardia), Ramat Carmel and Azoza (Ramat Eshkol, Almogi, Begin, Golda, Romema, Abba Khushi, Hod HaCarmel (Dania), the western area (Bat Galim, Ein Hayam, Sheprintak, Neve David, Kiryat Eliezer) and the Neve Shanan area (Ramat Sapir, Ramat Alon, Technion, Ramat Chen, Ramot Ramez).
Attorney Dror Ohana, representative of the "Otzma Yehudit" party in Haifa and Kiryat says to Lahi Pa: "The emergency classes improve security in the city"
Attorney Dror Ohana, representative of Otzma Yehudit in Haifa and Kiryat, took part in the establishment of the standby unit in Kiryat Shmuel:
"It is important that citizens know how to protect themselves. We trust the security forces and the establishment of the standby classes is done in full cooperation with the police. We do not live in an area that is adjacent to a fence, but the sense of security improves through the standby classes.
There is no doubt that those who have the option of obtaining a gun license should do so. It is very important to understand that no one is setting up something independent here, the standby classes are organized and with permits. We started to establish it in Kiryat Shmuel and it grew and grew. The groups can stand up only after the police conduct a training. We have an initial file, which the resident has to fill out, and then there is a filter from which we get those who can be in the emergency room."
Daniel Kushnir, the main initiator and acting director of the neighborhood watch in Kiryat Shmuel: "We are in the stage of establishing the standby classes"

Daniel Kushnir, the main initiator and acting director of the neighborhood watch in Kiryat Shmuel, told Lehi Pa today how the emergency classes are established:
"Because of the situation in the south and in general the whole situation in the country, it is important to have a force for quick response. The residents are most interested in protection. The resident also wants to be responsible for his own destiny. Residents saw what happened in the south and realized how important it is to establish a neighborhood watch, which will provide a quick response when needed.
To join an emergency class in your neighborhood - join Here for the WhatsApp group of the preparatory classes.
First, we thought about our neighborhood, Kiryat Shmuel. There are many industrial plants around us, hostile forces may arrive from the surrounding area, missiles from Lebanon and more. In such a case, you take most of the forces to the central place, and what happens to the secondary place?
Our goal is to take advantage of what is currently in the field on four levels: the first level is people with actual firearms licenses, the second level is people with medical training (doctors, paramedics, combat medics), the third level is emotional therapists (attorneys, psychologists and emotional therapists ). Many people were not injured in the battle physically but mentally. The fourth layer is residents with 4 x 4 vehicles."
"I set up a WhatsApp group called "Establishing an emergency room in Kiryat Shmuel". Over 250 residents joined the group. I conducted a survey in order to understand what forces we have in Kiryat. We see that there are many emergency rooms in the area, so I joined a group that already has 600 residents.
The group includes residents from Haifa and the Kiryat. Our goal is to create groups that will undergo training and adjustment with the Israel Police. We spoke with the head of the volunteer branch in the police and created another survey with the data, which the police requested in order to undergo an initial screening. After that, the residents, who will be chosen by the police, will go through a course in coordination with the Israel Police so that the project will be supervised, insured, with connections with all the parties we will need in the field, and the appropriate equipment. I want people to wear hats and if there are medics, so that they can be identified."
A force that will work together in an emergency
"We created a survey, which allows anyone who wants to be in an emergency room, to fill in their details. The Haifa Kiryut WhatsApp group includes emergency rooms in several neighborhoods in Haifa and Kiryut. We are trying to create an appropriate SDAK (order of forces) that can act in an emergency. This project must come out with all the appropriate approvals and agreement with all the relevant parties. Now we are in the construction process in all the neighborhoods. From the large group, the data of 450 residents have already been transferred to the police, who are interested in being in standby classes."
Fast response power
"The goal of the standby units is to act in times of emergency and to be a quick response force to save the lives of the residents until the security forces arrive. Many of the residents are interested in regular Civil Guard patrols. This is a very complex thing. We need the cooperation of the police and the Home Front Command.
Any resident who is screened by the police, who meets one of the 4 levels we need, will be able to join the neighborhood watch. The survey also checks what each person did in the army: was an officer, fighter, paramedic, and that's how we know how many people with command and medical training we have and how many people have weapons."
"I am the center of Kiryat Shmuel's group, and in every Kiryat and neighborhood there is another center. All the centers are in contact. I am thrilled and excited when I see the desire of residents, some of whom are veterans of special units, officers, soldiers and even residents with medical training in the MDA, to volunteer and protect the house
The responsible person will give us the instructions and we will work under an organized body and clear instructions. The Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir announced that he will strengthen the emergency rooms in Israel so that the residents have the opportunity to protect themselves in times of emergency. We realized that it was time to establish a standby class and protect and preserve ourselves as residents."
Inspector Anan Zidan, spokesman for the Menashe region and M.M. Dover Carmel: "The standby classes provide deterrence and a sense of security for the citizen"
Inspector Anan Zidan, spokesman for the Menashe area and Carmel spokesman said to Lahi Fa:
"You have to check that whoever participates in the emergency room is a healthy person. It is clear that recruiting unhealthy people will do them an injustice. You need to check physical and mental compatibility. The emergency rooms have civil authority, to see something and report.
The great importance of the standby squad is that it provides deterrence and a sense of security to citizens. It is important to remember that, regardless of the alert classes, a citizen has the authority, when he sees a hazard in front of him, to neutralize that hazard. You don't need a police permit for this. We, the Israel Police, will brief them on how to act in case of danger. It is important for us to have deterrence as well as prominence, presence and reporting in real time."
"One of the biggest risks when shooting is the subject of the dots, (two-sided shooting, a nickname for the fire of our forces on our forces), and therefore the standby classes need to be identified. The Israel Police has the means to deal with the identification of our forces. Today we are at the height of fighting, and the common citizen is afraid. If he sees someone on the street with security forces insignia, it helps him feel better. I hope it ends soon. I call on citizens in case of falls to obey the instructions of the police officers operating in the field. Civil discipline saves lives."
I can't believe the comments here. "Jewish power" like this and like that..the other side like that and like that. You are all a disgrace! You have learned nothing! Don't stop the division and separation and the embarrassing rule that some puppets are making for you.. Really, you probably have a negative Aikin. Reset yourself and realize that we are all one, no matter how many 120 corrupt people try to convince us otherwise.
How do you get in touch with this emergency room when needed, God forbid??
Is it possible to join the standby class without a firearms license? But yes after military service?
Why is there no emergency room in Neve Ganim? Carmeli Division? Neve Yosef? Golden bridge? Why?? This is the main and most exposed axis
Who do you register with?
and think about bringing back the Civil Guard.
It is very important to lose confidence in living here.
Kudos to Otzma Yehudit.
In short, the one clear thing that stands out above all is that the state has gone.
Jewish power is a danger to the security of the country.
Jewish power is a danger to the state.
An excellent initiative, which should be managed under the Israel Police and the Home Front Command
No group is allowed to take the law into their own hands. On the other hand, we will not remain as sheep to the slaughter in front of lynchings like 2021.
It must be answered. Those who did military service at a senior level in combat units - must be required to carry a personal weapon.
The situation is that there is a severe sense of insecurity in the streets even before the massacre due to assassinations and terrorist attacks.
Every citizen who has done 3 years of full military service in a combat or combat support unit should receive a weapon.
A civil guard should be established under the command of the home front with at least 4-5 armed men on every street in Israel.
We will be ready when the terrorists decide to try us again.
In addition, special squads need to be trained to deal with terrorist drones that will receive anti-drone weapons.
and eliminate the thousands of Hamas terrorists in prisons. What are you waiting for? Will they come back to slaughter us?
Maybe stop the division already.
We have seen where the division has brought us
And we haven't learned anything yet.
Enough of that
No volunteers. Good night
It does not give a sense of security. vice versa.
Allowing Otzma Yehudit to walk around with weapons on the streets of Haifa is like throwing a match into a gas tank. This is life threatening for all of us. You have to be as stupid as Ben Gavir to approve such a thing.
Those who threw the match were the enemy organizations in the May 2021 lynchings
Otzma Yehudit is the thousands of soldiers who are currently fighting for you in Gaza while you write this nonsense in the comments.
Shame on your rotten incitement
Anything that is promoted by Otzma Yiddish deserves to fail.
Take care of your neighborhood and the brat who leads you. We don't need people like you
If up to this moment, former IDF officers have not yet received an envelope with a personal weapons license inside,
It means that the top security is not functioning.
Another sign of a problem in the system... and this time in a part we did not expect: the army - the GA.
We noticed all the signs - indicate a fascist state - a banana republic.
On the other hand - maybe it's the mail's fault..
Is there an emergency room in Kiryat Haim?
We, as citizens of Israel, have no need for a representative of "Otzma Yehudit"
Because it is headed by a controversial figure named Itamar Ben Gabir!!!!!!
Our country is very strong for those who don't understand it and it's time flatterers
And every such action weakens her in a satanic malicious method
We have complete training in the police and the soldiers in all the different and diverse departments
Enough of the division in the people and the method of intimidation
It won't help, not Ben Gvir and Smotritz
Verin we are interested in silly suggestions like
Enough of the division
Otzma Yehudit got us into the whole crappy situation in the country and they still haven't learned and are stirring the beef...
We have no interest in them and that's enough
Marionette clowns of politicians stink
Let the army do its job, period, and don't interfere
Are Arabs who possess legal weapons also recruited in the standby classes? We would be happy to receive data
And under whom are they subordinate? Are they intended to protect all citizens, including Arabs?
Did the Arabs you refer to join the army or not?
You should not give a weapon to someone who is not sure what he will do with this weapon.
Baseless questions. Anyone who has a legal weapon will set up a neighborhood watch.
There is a civil guard and everyone should be subordinate to the Israel Police.
How do you volunteer in Kiryat Haim?
How do you volunteer?
Straighten out !!!