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All residents: Jews and Arabs, adults and teenagers, donate for the residents of Haifa during the war

(haipo) - The majority of the city movement took it upon itself to prepare the public shelters and try to lower the flames between Jews and Arabs throughout the war period.

Most of the city traffic

The majority of the city movement is running in the municipal elections at the end of the month. in the first place On the list is Sally Abed, a social activist in the fields of coexistence of Jews and Arabs and also of a municipal social organization around local struggles, a feminist and a resident of Haifa.

Number 2 On the list is Elad Harel, Haifai, grew up in the Kabvir neighborhood and today lives in the Shaprintak neighborhood, is a city planner and manages the Center for Cooperative Housing. Harel comes with a background of municipal action. Harel worked in the municipality of Acre and at the end of the time he worked there he managed the city planning department that deals with urban planning.

The shelters are being prepared (photo: Most of the city movement)
The shelters are being prepared (photo: Most of the city movement)

The movement is based on groups of residents

"As part of the campaign, we have 100 activists who work with us," explains Harel, "On Saturday morning, as the events unfolded, a question arose as to what we are doing now. We switched the headquarters from dealing with the campaign to dealing with the emergency.

We decided to make two major moves: the first is to say that we are organizing an organization of residents, which is led by the activists of the majority of the city movement and has expanded far beyond. They are engaged in mapping the condition of the shared neighborhood shelters. Some of them are in disadvantaged neighborhoods."

The shelters are being prepared (photo: Most of the city movement)
The shelters are being prepared (photo: Most of the city movement)

Cleaning, accessibility and use of shelters

"We took the list of shelters that the municipality published, and we started going from shelter to shelter and checking if the shelter is clean," adds Harel, "is it open, accessible and ready for use. 400 people joined our WhatsApp group. There is a professional action plan. Each time we send representatives to one of the shelters, And residents ask for help. Our volunteers come to the shelters and help set them up.

We have an excel file with all the receivers, and we mark whether the receiver is working or not. We put everything on a map and it is updated regularly. We work in cooperation with the municipality and with those who are responsible for the shelters on behalf of the municipality. After the second day we reached 100 shelters. On Saturday we finished checking 50 shelters, of which 10 needed cleaning.

People report to us and we do it in cooperation with the municipality or it is our initiative. This causes residents to test their shelter, and thus it creates resilience. People from the area are seeing their shelter for the first time since 2006. The community organization gives security to the residents."

The purpose of the project: avoiding friction between residents

This is how Harel says:

The second project is to create a coalition of civil society, that is, associations, social organizations, local leaders, parents' councils, and more. This coalition maintains a common Haifa in terms of Arabs and Jews. In May 2021, around the activity in Gaza, there were frictions in all the cities involved, as well as in Haifa.

Our goal this time is to strengthen the network of contact between the Arab and Jewish leaders in the city to ensure that preventive actions are taken so that violent conflicts do not develop. In addition, create a network of residents in the city, so that if there is violence in the city, we will have the ability to respond.

The faction of the majority of the city only initiated the organization, but the organizations that have been dealing with the city in Jewish-Arab partnership for years took the reins in their hands and began to lead it. Right now everything is quiet and there are no buds of such things. The sense of cooperation is greater than the sense of division.
The shared shelters (photo: Most of the city movement)
The shared shelters (photo: Most of the city movement)

The Lotem tribe in Scopus is busy with activities for the benefit of the residents, the soldiers and the residents of the south

The shelter before and after (photo: private album)
The shelter before and after (photo: private album)

The Lotem tribe help in a variety of fields

Roni Ofir, 16, from the tribe of Lotem (in the Dania neighborhood) in Scouts and her friends, have been busy since Saturday morning with activities for the benefit of the community, the residents of the south and the wounded soldiers. "In recent days, the Lotem tribe has been evacuating shelters and helping to clean public and private shelters. Shagib Gadot, Yotam Hamish and Ben Shohat were very involved in cleaning the shelters.

We receive messages in the WhatsApp group from people who need help with the receivers. Every day we come and arrange and clean several shelters. We also advertised that we want to babysit the children of security personnel. Yesterday we collected blessings from children from the tribe and delivered them to the soldiers. A brother of one of the children in the tribe is a warrior and he passed our blessings through him to other soldiers.

Today we collected cakes and drinks to bring to wounded soldiers at the Rambam Medical Center, Tal Dickstein was responsible for collecting the food and drinks for the wounded soldiers. 6 children from the tribe went to Rambam and distributed the things. Some of us gave money and some of us made cakes. Maccabi Haifa announced that they need food and things for the soldiers, and they will bring it to the south. We shared Maccabi Haifa's message on social media and collected food, drinks, toiletries and blankets ourselves and brought it to them.'

Through a donation we feel involved

"Omer Alran and Amit Sepan collected games, clothes, pillows and many things for the residents of the south in their house and drove all the things to Maccabi Haifa. In addition, we collected things for the residents of the south - dry food, blankets and toys for children. It is very important for us to help. We are instructors and some of us have brothers and parents, who are part of the fighting. We also have campers, who care about the situation and that's how they feel involved.

We teach the campers from a young age how important it is to help. This is a great opportunity to teach this lesson. It's something beyond what you learn in normal operations." Tal Dikstein was responsible for collecting food and drink for the wounded soldiers. Shagiv Gadot was very involved in cleaning the shelters."

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Michal Grover
Michal Grover
Michal Grover Education reporter • Real estate • Company Contact: 054-4423911 Mail to the container: [email protected]

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