(live here) – The Ministry of Health updates on the increase in the incidence of whooping cough in Israel in recent months, as well as the cases of hospitalization due to whooping cough. From the month of April this year and as of today (Tuesday 19/9/23) when the article was published, 671 cases were recorded in which a 10-week-old baby died.
The infection is especially high in densely populated areas
According to Ministry of Health data, last August 166 cases of whooping cough were reported, in July 190 cases, in June 122 cases, in May 99 cases and in April 94 cases, including a 10-week-old baby who died as a result of whooping cough. Most of the reported cases are from the Jerusalem district, but many cases have been reported throughout the country. The Ministry of Health reports that the pertussis infection is high mainly in densely populated areas with low rates of receiving routine vaccinations, where the most significant morbidity and most hospitalizations are among unvaccinated babies less than six months old.
A particularly dangerous disease for babies up to six months old
whooping cough ?
Whooping cough is a particularly dangerous disease for babies up to six months old that can cause complications and death, the vaccine given to babies starting at the age of six weeks, provides protection against several diseases, including whooping cough and polio, the Ministry of Health explains and recommends giving a vaccine to women in the third trimester of pregnancy, which allows the pregnant woman to develop antibodies for high-level pertussis and pass them through the placenta to the fetus in the womb, thus giving the newborn baby protection until he can receive the vaccine himself.
A vaccinated child is a protected child
The Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of providing routine vaccinations against infectious diseases, some of which may cause severe complications and death. Adherence to the routine vaccinations is important in order to prevent outbreaks of illness among the children and their environment. A vaccinated child is a protected child.
A bacterial disease that only affects humans
Whooping cough is an infectious bacterial disease that only attacks humans, and it is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. The bacterium secretes toxins that damage various cells in the body and cause the symptoms of the disease. The first sign that is characteristic of the first stage of whooping cough, which is divided into three stages, is a runny nose and a mild cough. in the first level This and the most contagious is difficult to diagnose because it is a cough since the body usually does not raise a fever and in most cases the doctors will say that it is a virus. But you can notice that during this phase that lasts between one and two weeks that the cough is getting stronger.
the sign that appears In the second level It is a cough that increases in intensity and frequency and becomes paroxysmal and appears in continuous series of coughs ending in a strong inhalation with a unique sound called "Whoop" in English. During the coughing attack, the face turns red, and sometimes even turns blue, the veins of the neck and eyes stand out, and sometimes you also vomit after such a coughing attack. Babies may also stop breathing. This phase lasts for several weeks.
The third stage of whooping cough is characterized by reducing the frequency of coughing attacks and reducing their intensity - until the patient fully recovers.
From Bnei Zion Hospital it was delivered to Lahi Pa:
"As of this moment, we do not have any patients with whooping cough. Neither children nor adults."
Rambam Hospital reported to Lahi Pa:
"One child is hospitalized with whooping cough at Rambam Hospital. We do not register adults being hospitalized."
Carmel Hospital reported:
"We don't have anyone hospitalized with whooping cough."
Well, it always boils down to pushing more vaccines to the public + intimidation.
After the article of intimidation - pay attention to the reactions of the hospitals