The Ministry of Transportation and the National Authority
For public transport updates:
During the holidays, schedule changes and adjustments will apply
on the public transport lines.
Below are the dates of the changes:
Rosh Hashana
Starting Friday 29 Elul
(15/9/23) until Sunday, Tishrei Monday (17/9/23)
Yom Kippur
Starting from Sunday the 9th of Tishri
(24/9/23) and until Monday the XNUMXth of Tishri
(25 / 9 / 23)
Matron works on the Rosh Hashanah holiday
Is there metro transportation on Saturday 16/9/23
The matron is not a train. Good night
Yom Kippur finders - 0 trains... it's neither Shabbat nor a holiday. The fast ends at 7 pm.
Why are there no trains until the next day??
So you mean the lack of suitability of public transport for the Tishrei holidays.
The matron is not a train