On Sunday, September 10.9.23, XNUMX, a ceremony was held for the Gaza Division honorees led by the commander of the Gaza Division, Brigadier General Avi Rosenfeld. Among all the honorees, Capt. Yarin Yadid, a resident of Haifa who serves as an operations officer of the liaison battalion in the Gaza Division, was chosen.
Yarin's service
Yarin enlisted as an ICT instructor, served for a year in the Rangers near Eilat, then went to the army and was recruited to be a military officer in the Gaza Division, transferred to give military training to cadets, opened 2 cycles of training and built a training for the reserve KKK and transferred it (like military training to the reserves and in Transfer the part of BHD 1). After that she was released. Today she continues to do reserves in the division.
Yarin's role
Yarin tells about her role: "As part of the role, they manage a combat room that includes all operational and informational events in the sector. Among his areas of responsibility, it is possible to mention maintaining IT continuity in the entire sector (and not only in the divisional headquarters), which includes many operational IT systems.'
Yarin tells about the honors:
I did not expect to receive honors and appreciate the decision, it is a great honor for me.

Yarin, you are our pride! Good luck and good luck in the future.
Irin Or repair.
Well done my friend Jordan. A beloved and outstanding soldier. Happy New Year to you.
A beautiful girl inside and out, pride for the city of Haifa that we have one like her