(haipo) - Homeless people who are thrown on the sidewalks or sleeping on benches, groups of beggars who walk between the cars at traffic lights, these have already become part of the landscape in Haifa and have recently also arrived in the Carmel area, where the phenomenon is encountered more and more. It is impossible not to ask why this is happening, where are the welfare and the municipality and what is the role of the police in the matter?
In past years, homeless people and alms collectors were hardly seen in Haifa, and meeting them in the Carmel center or Moriah district was a very rare thing. It was possible to come across individual homeless people in the city, mostly in the Hadar neighborhood or in the lower city, or those who took over yards and stairwells of communal residential buildings, about whom Chai Pa has also written several times.
Unfortunately, in the last two years we see that more and more homeless people and alms collectors are appearing at central intersections in the city, something that was almost non-existent before in Haifa, certainly not on this scale.
The phenomenon has become disturbing and worrisome, when people report that on their way to work or to run errands, they have to come across homeless people lying on sidewalks and benches, transparent and downtrodden people who surely need help, whose presence causes discomfort and even concerns.
When a person approaches the window of a car that stops at an intersection and sometimes even knocks on the window, it is not only unpleasant, but can actually startle. Here the question arises, where is welfare and the municipality, what is the role of the police in the matter and who is responsible for handling the phenomenon, for the benefit of all parties? After all, this is also a disruption to traffic and even a risk to the motoring public, since they often pass between the cars when the traffic lights change.
Recently, the phenomenon spread to the Carmel area and became a real nuisance. You can meet at least five-six homeless people in the center of Carmel on both sides. On the Lui Promenade, in Gan Ham, at the bus stops, next to shops, old and covered in the middle of the busy street. The alms collectors took corners for them at the corner of Hanasi-Derech Hayam, in front of the former Shaar Carmel area, in front of bank branches, at the intersection near Gan Ham, at the Moriah/Samshon intersection, further on at the Horev center intersection, and more.
Y. is a long-time resident of Haifa (her name is withheld in the system), says in a conversation with Lahi Fe: "The phenomenon worries me a lot, the beggars also seem to be in poor condition. Last time when I encountered someone whose health seemed poor and his face was stained, I reported it to the municipality hotline 106 but they refused to accept the request and turned me to the police. The truth is I didn't go to the police because I don't think the police is the right place to treat people in need."
H., a resident of the city in her thirties and a mother of two children, works at one of the branches of a food chain in the center of Carmel, tells Lahi Pa: "I come to work in the early hours of the morning. The area of the center of Carmel, which used to be a safe area, no longer feels like this. I see people abandoned On the sidewalks, you meet drunks and drug addicts and it's scary, there's no sense of security. Also seeing homeless people, sleeping on benches or on sidewalks, it breaks my heart. I wonder where is the Haifa municipality and where is the welfare department? Why aren't they doing anything about it?"
from the police Delivered here:
"Wherever there is a criminal offense that comes to the attention of the police, enforcement is carried out and in the process also when there is a danger to public peace. The Haifa police will continue to provide the best response to all the residents of the city."
David Etzioni, candidate for mayor of Haifa:
"The phenomenon of the homeless is related to welfare and psychological problems and requires a combined approach of enforcement and welfare. Amana is responsible for coordinating all the factors and will set clear goals for eradicating the phenomenon and providing therapeutic assistance to the homeless.
Part of the concept of eradicating crime in Haifa, I adopted the successful "Broken Windows" model for fighting crime that was successful in New York and in various places around the world. This model establishes zero tolerance for the phenomenon of neglecting the streets, including zero tolerance for street dwellings. That is why, as mayor, he worked to remove street urchins from the streets of Haifa, while taking personal care of the welfare services and finding hostels to rehabilitate them."
Avihu Han, chairman of the Greens of Haifa and candidate for mayor:
"We see more and more beggars and street vagrants in Haifa, some of them addicts, some of them homeless - whether it's at intersections or in the residential neighborhoods. These are phenomena that used to be rare in our city and now have become common. It's a symptom of a city that is weakening and becoming neglected, and of a welfare system that is collapsing.
A society is measured by its attitude to the weak in its vicinity, and in Haifa under my leadership I will do everything to, on the one hand, strengthen the residents' sense of personal security, that they deserve a pleasant and safe city, and on the other hand, to work together with the government ministries in pooling resources so that no one is left behind.
The State of Israel has a program for the treatment of the street homeless population, which includes budgeting for treatment frameworks for them.
We need a mayor with compassion, connected to the city and the residents, who also knows how to take care of the needy populations that live in our beautiful city."
Yaakov Borovsky is running for mayor of Haifa:
Beggars and handouts are a mirror image of the city's economic situation, my father Shlomo Borovsky said that if a person lends a hand, don't judge him and if you are able to donate, do so generously
A society is measured by its attitude to the weak links. Individual treatment for street criminals and systemic treatment for handcuffs
Indifference and indifference are not in our school
Sometimes I buy food for street vendors. It seems that they are hungry because they devour the food.
First of all you see that it suddenly bothers you because it's in Carmel and secondly it feels like an article to mention that there are elections here and you are busy promoting your candidates!!
By the way - not sure that they (at intersections) are legal..
really not sure.
The solution using a simple method as indicated: similar (not quite like) Marxism (I do not use the word communism because it is not Soviet rule).
Words have connotations (if the spelling is correct) ..
In this case it is historical.
This is a maximum and minimum salary (amount) of existence - you have already heard about it.
The solution already exists - the application failed.
Crime does not exist if there are no secrets - and there are quite a few dark secrets..
One of the secrets is that the rich always live at the expense of others.
The beggars are not necessarily wealthy or disabled.
Simple open secrets.
Try to change a system that works by force and you will get a system that works against you.
In the end, the system will function as it should - without encouragement or people, without outside help/revolutions/repairs or people.
Time to hand out blankets and hot food to beggars. Winter is coming.
To get to power you have to be a criminal, and hide it well.
Two types: those are the criminals who are caught, and those are the criminals who know how to get to power and then get caught or not.
One thing is certain in Israel, everyone has a fund that vermins on everyone. Threatening each other - apparently that's how you advance in positions.
It bothers you because it's in Carmel, come down to the walls of Haim Shmuel, stand up all of you and see the Gaza district that is a Western life, those who raise their heads in the ground thinking that they see them, stand up, all of you beautiful souls, and throw out the criminals who sit in the urban renewal department, all of you there are corrupt, one by one, this is disgusting Corrupt people have already been used by the State Comptroller
It is the duty of the welfare department in the municipality to take care of them and not to ignore them.
It's strange to hear "as sane as possible", read slowly to understand: this is one of the many methods of the government and perhaps also of the illuminati to weaken the citizens!!!! , the following are examples: when a person comes to file a complaint with the police about something, then they even turn him from an accuser to a defendant, shout at him and even threaten him with forced psychiatric hospitalization! And this is so that the 'chief defender' = the citizen's police will become a serious factor that the citizens must fear from being attacked. A lot of opacity in the municipality and in the national collection offices! , judges are corrupt and ignored! , a corrupt and promiscuous attorney's office! , heads of organizations and public institutions criminals and crooks! , deliberate violence and crime are not treated so that the citizen sinks into constant fear and depression! , likewise the phenomenon of the homeless and the beggars at the junctions are a direct or indirect extension of the Shin Bet (I was not confused: Shin Bet = the General Security Service!) "And handcuff him and he will be accused of "unlawful use of violent force, and doing justice to himself". All over the country they are building and bribing the people in more spacious and modern apartments through "construction evictions" when in fact the state itself is deliberately planning a "population explosion" that will end in hunger and death in prolonged agony due to a lack of food and in the meantime the citizens are actually imprisoning themselves in overcrowded towers in the style of China!
What is the solution?:
communism!!! Communism = kibbutz-urban/rural. Only a collective way of life gives the individual and the family real protection! ... most of you are wicked evil and you will respond to me that I am a kuku, you bring with your own hands both a civil war with firearms between Israeli Jews and a massive worldwide invasion of armies to destroy the State of Israel and its Jewish citizens! When the opening will be a nuclear war between Iran and Israel! … and note: this will only be the beginning!
Only when the phenomenon reaches the center of Carmel does it constitute a nuisance?
After all, for years the welfare services and the police have not cared about the beggars on the roads ("toll road") and those who exacerbate the problem are the ones who contribute to them and thus encourage more people to engage in it with the understanding that it is profitable. Let's see if anything changes after the elections... I claim not
A shameful and compassionate phenomenon. In many cities this problem has been well addressed. All you need is good will and determination...but in recent years there has been indifference and an escape from responsibility in the municipality. Precisely in this case the solution is not the responsibility of the police, except in rare cases. Most of the responsibility lies with the municipality!
Interestingly, you don't see Ethiopians collecting alms.
It is almost always marked and drunk from the Russian sector
I have never seen an Ethiopian collecting alms. this is not happening. It's not in the culture.
The global economy has changed, and today there is no longer any use for small cash, which used to fill the pockets. The beggars in public places would do a vital service to the public, when they would help the passers-by in central places to say goodbye to the unnecessary weight that the coins created, through a small donation at a strategic place and time. Today, everyone uses, even for very small payments, Barb-Ko, apps, credit cards, and the like. The heart melts at the sight of the beggars from the old generation, who stick to the old system, and are not aware of the great changes in the economy, which have emptied the citizens' pockets of cash. The beggars waste their time in vain, and exhaust their health, which is already poor, because they cannot, of course, possess a mobile money clearing terminal, and charge passers-by with it. The result is that the beggars today are much more sick, neglected and desperate than in the past. The ones who fill the void that has been created are the donation associations, which use sophisticated marketing means to collect digital donations, especially for the holidays.
You should get organized, the "alms groups" are an organized group that occasionally arrives by bus. This is part of a mafia that "imports" unhappy people from Eastern European countries to Israel in order to make money. This has nothing to do with the welfare of the municipality but with the general bankruptcy of the police when it comes to crime.
The phenomenon started precisely in Carmel, where "the big money" resides, for obvious reasons. The municipality's job is to remove the troublemakers from the intersections with inspectors (but since Kakalish has been in office there is no municipality anyway, and the police's job is to stop mob crime, but they are not functioning anyway.
You should get organized, the "alms groups" are an organized group that occasionally arrives by bus. This is part of a mafia that "imports" unhappy people from Eastern European countries to Israel in order to make money. This has nothing to do with the welfare of the municipality but with the general bankruptcy of the police when it comes to crime.
The phenomenon started precisely in Carmel, where "the big money" resides, for obvious reasons. The municipality's job is to remove the troublemakers from the intersections with inspectors (but since Kakalish has been in office there is no municipality anyway, and the police's job is to stop mob crime, but they are not functioning anyway.
Shame, shame, shame, shame on you instead of demonstrating, inciting to become dictators and poison to the country, take care of the helpless, b. In the pigs that walk on 4 and those who flock to the "barking" every Shabbat at the intersections. In the regular burning of cars, and in the landfill that accumulates in the city, Haifa, an underground city that has reached the bottom. You advertise, you advertise
Shame, shame, shame, shame on you instead of demonstrating, inciting to become dictators and poison to the country, take care of the helpless, b. In the pigs that walk on 4 and in those who flock to "Nabuch" every Shabbat at the intersections. In the regular burning of cars, and in the garbage that is stored in the city, Haifa is a bottom city that has reached the bottom
Only that Haifa will not slowly turn into South Tel Aviv. Elections are urgent, budgets are urgent. The city has deteriorated in recent years. Poor cleanliness, wild pigs everywhere, not enough organized events, everything is mass and unregulated, and worst of all - more and more housing units are being built, when immigration Negative at all, so in whose honor is the massive construction? The city is being made dense and congested, and everyone who stays here suffers from terrible traffic jams and a lack of jobs. There are still not enough jobs in Haifa. Everyone leaves the city to work. A city so big that there are no jobs, no Succeed in nothing else, because the young minds run away, need to survive.
The pioneers of the State of Israel understood this, they created employment for everyone.
Where are the pioneers of Haifa who will save the beautiful city in Israel?
The contestants promise all kinds of things for the well-being of the city's residents and miss the main point - without employment (and not just high-tech or sales) there is no city. So please start it.
The solution is simple: don't donate a single shekel to them.
I wonder why you bring up the words of some of the candidates for mayor.
Your articles are tainted with the unfairness of promoting candidates on behalf of or those who pay this local system to sell their wares!!!
What else did unworthy candidates ask because so far they have contributed nothing to our city and lack the skills to lead a city due to their lack of experience and/or skills in managing an organization the size of Haifa? Not every manager/owner of a law firm or someone who has managed a workers' committee can become mayor!
And it will only get worse Haifa is part of the State of Israel and this is the face of Israeli society and for the voters Shas and Bibi you are to blame Institute that these transparent people are of no interest to Shas or the government and certainly not Bibi only twenty years ago there was nothing like this in society Ours is every government that is not Bibiist and that they have taken care of the citizens of the country to live with dignity, but for two decades Bibi the great evil has decided that they need to live like this without housing, without work, without minimum conditions, and you all his supporters have a part in this pain
Why is it implied that the writers care to talk about the phenomenon just because it reached the "prestigious" Carmel and we are before municipal elections?
Beggars have always been and always will be and it is not clear why now it suddenly becomes urgent to deal with the phenomenon
Much worse.
There are beggars with amplifiers that make a terrible noise near residences throughout the day.
The solution is simple:
drive half of them to Eilat and the other half to Metula.
The majority are Russians who brought the custom of kibbutz almsgiving from Russia.
Also most of the money givers, Russians who probably know this profession, are from Russia.
The situation in the country is deteriorating! One doesn't have the cup of the other...very sad!
What about the welfare department of Haifa municipality?
Not enough employees?
Does the job description not include field trips?
Are the managers unable to motivate the employees to go out into the field?
A few years ago I reported to the municipality hotline about a man I saw lying on the sidewalk on Herzl Street. They told me that they were leaving the municipality to see what happened to him. It's over, this kind of treatment?
In my opinion... the poor must take a loan and leave the country
They have always been in the Carmel center as well. Gan Rashonim on Shaar HaLevanon Street was their favorite.
I especially remember Homeless, who was a well-known musician and conductor at the time, and was married to a well-known pianist, a graduate of the Raleigh (I don't remember their names). He spent his last years on a bench in a kindergarten, in the company of one suitcase.
I also remember a homeless man who would enter the stairwell in the building where I live, go upstairs and sleep in front of my door.
In her appeal to the municipality, she would make sure to evacuate them to a special apartment that was kept for this purpose.
Why do you bring David Etzioni's response to every article, and sometimes Avihu Han and not other contestants.
Because other homeless contestants are here...
Do you understand?????.
With the proper care of the welfare center, there would be no homeless people walking around
The face of the city as the face of the mayor...
I live near the Ziv neighborhood and there are two of these regularly.
One of them once settled under my building and even defecated there and I had to contact the police.
The man with the beard - every time he collects enough money for a can of beer, he goes and buys a beer with it (he likes 88).
Don't donate to them.
It's not even for a living. I don't donate to people who live on beer and cigarettes (at best - there are also drug addicts).
The solution is simple: don't donate a single shekel to them.
Today they make hundreds of shekels a day, but when they realize that they are standing at the intersection for a whole day without seeing a shekel they will understand.
By the way, all the junction juggling is also a nuisance. I have already seen someone who a second before the traffic light changed, a ball fell from her hand and started rolling down Pika Ave.
This is what we can do, but it still does not remove responsibility from the municipality.
Zvika Barbie (which this site ignores) promised to fight the phenomenon.