continues to argue
(haipo) - Today (Sunday, 20/08) in the afternoon, a hearing was held for the mayoral candidate and member of Haifa's Siat Chaim Nir Shuver. Shuver came to the hearing with his lawyer - Yoel Goldberg. The mayor of Haifa, Dr. Einat Kalish Rotem, sent Shufer an invitation to a hearing before determining his retirement from her faction "Haim in Haifa".
The official reasoning for Shuver's removal from the faction:
"Your choice not to vote for the approval of the regular municipal budget for 2023, as submitted by the municipal treasurer according to my instructions and in accordance with the provisions of Section 206 of the Municipal Ordinance and your choice to vote for the approval of the budget with the opposition changes, and this is contrary to the vote and position of all the members of the faction other than you."
The results of the hearing will be published today or tomorrow, the one who will make the decision is Kelish Rotem.
Declare Shuber as withdrawing from the "Haim Be Haifa" campaign
Klish sent a letter of request to declare Shuber as withdrawing from the "Haim Be Haifa" movement. In addition to the mayor, the letter is signed by the members of her faction - Nachshon Tzuk and Sigal Tzioni.
Quote from the letter:
"We, the majority of the members of the Haim faction in Haifa, wish to declare the faction member Mr. Nir Shuber as "retiring from the faction", for all that this implies, since at the council meeting to approve the 2023 budget, Mr. Shuber voted against the position and vote of the majority of the faction members."
The security guards prevented the entry of the director of Shuber's election headquarters
The director of Shuver's election headquarters, Idan Weinbach, tried to enter the discussion in order to broadcast it on Facebook Live, but the security guards prevented him from entering.
"This is the same one who talks about transparency," says Shuber, "I asked her to broadcast it, to be respectful, but she refused. Unfortunately, it went to a dictatorial place. The municipality's security director, Yair Zilberstein, arrived. Two guards were there to prevent me from broadcasting." .
Caught with a right hand
Shuver was the prominent operator of the mayor in the 2018 elections and was even appointed assistant mayor and then a member of the city council. Over time Shuver decided that he was "politically ripe" to run independently for a place on the city council and also for mayor. Many times he publicly criticized the actions of the mayor and the municipality.
Voucher following the hearing:
"Unfortunately, this is a desperate political exercise of a cliché designed entirely to deny my democratic right to run in the upcoming mayoral and city council elections in the Haifa Development faction.
Klish's claims, as published in the media, are devoid of any basis, factually and legally, and I intend to contradict them in the framework of the hearing, which I will require to be conducted publicly and broadcast to the general public that I was elected to serve."
Advocate Yoel Goldberg: The hearing is the contamination of the political system
Shuver's lawyer Yoel Goldberg sent a letter to Klish Rotem in which he claims that the hearing is devoid of any basis.
"It seems from what has been said that we are dealing with a hearing in violation of your duty to maintain "public hygiene" in political life and you allow yourself to "contaminate" the political system by inviting you without any basis for a hearing, in a manner that is contrary to the law, on the face of it constitutes a violation of the rules of natural justice due to a conflict The matters when my client actually repeats all the determinations of the Honorable in the District Court in the case of the Honorable Judge Oded Modrik, as I will explain in the argument today at 17:00. For the removal of doubt, it is hereby clarified that according to the law there is no basis for your request to declare my client as withdrawing from the Hayim faction in Haifa, assuming that such a faction does indeed still exist."

Attorney Goldberg also said, in relation to the hearing, that the main claim is a conflict of interests of the mayor who is holding a hearing and is supposed to decide on the matter that she is personally involved as a member of Shuver's faction and the rest is obligated to transfer the matter to an independent council member.
"Things are doubly beautiful where both are running in the upcoming mayoral elections and therefore this is a politicization of the matter while Shovar's vote has no meaning when there is a built-in majority for the National Council and therefore two months before elections we are dealing with the budget for appearance only and we are dealing with finalizing a political account in bad faith while violating the rules of justice The natural and biased".
I and tens of thousands of the residents of the city of Haifa decided to choose Yona Yahav for mayor of Haifa and why?
Our city Haifa owes it to itself and Yona owes it to our city, because in my opinion all the competitors behind them do not have any record or past that proves to me that they have the ability to manage a city like ours, especially after we all went through a difficult period together under the leadership of Einat Kalish. From our point of view, she has completely failed in the management of the city!
The advantage of Yona Yahav. that he ran our city for quite a few years in good and bad, and in the end I am sure that for us he is the best solution, and I and tens of thousands more are of the same opinion, that only Yona is suitable for Haifa! And I am like Uzi Avraham with all my friends and acquaintances (there are no shortage of such)
We will vote for the right person who will be in the right place and return our city Haifa to its glorious and great days!!!!!!!
Hello Oz. Yahav did not manage our city for good and bad but for bad and very bad.
A deficit of one billion shekels. The Municipality of Haifa as a job market for clans.
He wanted to approve a three-fold increase in the contamination of the refineries with cracker and the northern soils. Instead, the railway tunnel brought the terrible state of electricity poles and suffocation around Haifa. Approved the Gulf port without a requirement to associate the property tax with the Haifa municipality. He closed 5 state schools and gave them to the ultra-Orthodox. In addition, he was more abroad than Bhimaha, Dian, the mayors who travel for hundreds of thousands of NIS a year at the expense of the public, who received from him the most expensive Arnine in Israel, which fled tens of thousands of young people and businesses. He turned Hadar into a dangerous place in the Ruin Islands.
Yahav is a disaster in the world
You and tens of thousands of other residents need to wake up from your short memory and realize that the lack of Yahav is tantamount to a catastrophe after 20 years of catastrophe. masochism for his name
Einat in the pocket of the ultra-Orthodox, Yahav in the pocket of the polluters and a Zionist with donations from Nazareth and Jadeida Makar.. smells very bad.
Let's make the election surprise, we will vote for the candidate of the secular sector who is not in anyone's pockets - Avihu Han.
How much dirt and superficiality in one fell swoop. Go clean this unmaintained city. Nir Shuver - a guy who failed to maintain a cafe - is not suitable to run a city. Bigger than him by several numbers. but! - Who is? Can't find a single character for medicine that I can see as an answer to the incompetent outgoing mayor.
The next mayor
His father Han
A voucher is not appropriate to run a cafe or optician's shop
Who cares who this toy-of-the-story will support?
First of all, he uses the Facebook group that he was supposed to manage apolitically as an advertising platform for himself only
Second thing, as Lior Detz wrote, the one who said a few months ago that he was loyal to the cliché and did the opposite, will turn over like a steak a few more times and we will not forget his terrible slanders against council members and his entanglements also regarding taxes in his businesses.
It is clear to everyone that he does not deserve to be anything public. I was surprised that they even allow him to be a council member, he should have acted to remove him as soon as he took the place of Mrs. Naama Lazimi, who also informed us that she was opening a shelter in Haifa and came to the Knesset to promote Haifa's affairs and after two years ran away to Holon.
Einat knew how to choose her list "one by one" = each one worse than the other in her...
It is very good that he goes to sell vegetables in the market
Good luck Nir. Good and blessed week
How unsurprising is Kalish's behavior
I still don't know who I will vote for. But I know who I won't vote for. And he is... Yona Yahav. Soon an old man of eighty who proved that he knows how to spend public money. Oh and he's also a lawyer. So I won't choose "lawyers" either, so what's left.
Architectural cliché so never contact an architect,
Yahav is a lawyer, so if you go to court you will represent yourself,
the world is flat
everything is black and white,
"Then what's left."
Beautiful thought processes
80 years old but ……….takes them all in his small pocket and we hope he will come back
Yes, exercise, not exercise.
The result is still the same - there is a traitor here.
I don't understand politics, I understand betrayals.
who the hell And who cares? Klish has also passed its time
I wished the parties good luck.
The parties do not succeed
I know Nir Shuver very well and he is a champion simply a champion in making promises and not keeping them Nir thinks he is like Roy Levy a young mayor of Nesher who knows how to run a city and he is wrong.
This is a traitor who owes money and does not deserve to be a public figure
A few months ago, on September 25.9.23, XNUMX, Nir Shuver, who was Kalish's poodle, was asked, "Will you support Ainat's bid for mayor next year?"
The resident was:
"Just as I will not cheat on my wife, so I will not cheat on Klish"
It is clear that Nir Shuver, as he was the poodle of Kalish, is now the poodle of Yona Yahav, who is probably running him to hurt David Etzioni.
Jonah - a traitor remains a traitor in the end he will support...
See inserted
Asking Zionist or his friend Lior Detz to know who are the factors in Jadeida Makr and in Nazareth the Afifi family - who donated tens of thousands of shekels to Zionist and what do they want in return?
The witch continues her dirty tricks. A sabotage angel for Haifa. Satan himself. Already waiting for you to get on the golden broom and fly away from us with it.
Witch who made you, "gold".
One hundred percent correct nonsense
One hundred percent correct nonsense